Quitting smoking...again

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  • I've decided to quit smoking (again) tomorrow for many reasons

    - healther for the kids
    - healther for ME
    - my asthma
    - my GERD
    - my high blood pressure
    - Better life insurance plans
    - Hate getting the dirty looks when I smoke outside
    - hate being "tied down" to my nicotine addiction
    - don't want to be smoking when I go to Hawaii in 3 weeks
    - cigarettes are EXPENSIVE a heck in Calgary ($10/pack) A pack a day is just killing me... and it's to hard to just "cut back"
    - always out of breath etc

    I'm going on the nicotine patch like I always have (other meathods never worked... and I don't want to quit cold turkey working where I do... I'd probably kill someone... and I LIKE my job!)

    Any good hints on not gaining weight when I quit?

    Anyone here successfully quit and not gain weight? What did you do? How did you do it? What methods did you use?

    My biggest problem... ALL of my friends smoke (DH does not, thankfully). I always hear that you should avoid any friends that smoke... but how can I without losing them? All of my friends say "fine... you can quit smoking... but don't expect me to stop when you're around". I can see their point... it's THEIR decision to smoke or not.
  • i quit smoking two packs a day years ago. i switched to cigarettes i HATED (american spirit ultra lights, which don't even stay lit! bleh). it wasn't worth the bother smoking after awhile. then i chewed flavored toothpicks like a maniac to keep my mouth and hands busy. it might be good to avoid smokers for awhile, but later on it won't even bother you. as a matter of fact, you might find it offensive! IT STINKS!
    i didn't gain an ounce after quitting. i stayed active and didn't eat any more than normal. i think a lot of the weight gain myth has to do with occupying your mouth.
    good luck. you've made the right decision.
    if you have your health, you have hope. and when you have hope, you have everything.
  • I agree with fitness... the eating (while smoking does supress your appetite) has a lot to do with occupying your mouth likely. If you don't eat more, you shouldn't gain more.

    It is hard for me to answer too well because due to my grandparents untimely deaths on my moms side attributed to smoking (father at 57, mother at 60), I have never as much as touched one, however, I also have a rather compulsive personality and could easily get "hooked" on things if I did try them.

    I guess my suggestion would not be to drop your friends. I know it is hard to be around smokers because the impulse to smoke is so great when you have a nicotine addiction. Do all of your work friends smoke? Is there anywhere they hang out socially where they don't smoke (or can't)? Bars/restaurants in NY and md for instance don't allow it anymore so when people go for smoke breaks, you could just stay inside. I don't know how your state is though.

    Other than that, maybe you can find ONE friend that IS willing to try to quit with you. I found that I could not motivate myself to change eating habits until my husband was willing to buckle down with me. I need to feel responsible for someone else.

    The last thing is to find something with cigarettes like I did when I went out and was tempted to buy too many drinks (I don't have a problem with it, but it's a temptation). I left all of my credit/debit cards at home and only brought $15-20 with me. When my money was done, so was I. It beat not going out for fear I'd burn through some much needed $.

    Maybe only bring 2 cigarettes to work with you and when they are done, they are done! (cut back at first) It's rude to keep bumming off of your friends anyway, right?

    Don't know if any of that will help, but it's all I have to offer. Good luck, I know it is an uphill battle, but you can do ANYTHING you truly want to... and it appears you DO want to.
  • I would like to join you, Tamaralynn. I KNOW that we can do it!

    As far as the "not gaining any weight," well that's a tough one. I would use Commits. They worked for me before when I had quit for 3-1/2 yrs. They are expensive tho.

    PM me if you want and we'll try together...and maybe more will join us.

  • Congratulations on your decision to quit ladies! I quit for good in March of 2006 and feel like I have come back from the dead.

    It is possible to quit and lose at the same time. One of the (many) times I quit, I decided to go on a calorie controlled diet (approx 1200) at the same time. I used the patch for the first month or so and was able to lose weight. It actually seemed to make not smoking easier because I was so focused on what I was eating and weight loss. I also think that sometimes when people quit, they subconsiously give themselves permission to have a free for all when it comes to eating. Then, when they gain weight, they use that as a reason to go back to smoking.

    A great place to "hang out" when you quit is a website called Quitnet. There is even a forum there called Weighty Matters for people concerned about quitting smoking and their weight.

    Good luck! You can do it! The benefits of quitting are many!
  • Hi, I just want to say congratulations for taking the steps toward a smoke free life. My dad died 4 yrs ago from emphysema, so I am so glad when I hear of someone quitting. I smoked in college, for 5 yrs, and quit cold turkey. I also, went on a calorie counting diet and was able to keep my weight in check.
    I wish you the best of luck--you can do it!!!
  • Me! I did not gain weight when I quit. And I even did it like 4 times over the last 2 years

    I put it down for good last summer, though. You're right, the only reason i was able to just put it down was because I did not live with a smoker! And I have to tell you, quitting is contageous. ALL of my friends smoked when I did (for about 8 years). they have all quit or made attempts at quitting.

    I didn't go the patch route, but I did go through a lot of sugar free candy and gum. In fact, I'm a gum addict still
  • A long-termed smoke quitter is my father, who used to smoke 2 packs a day (and at the time when cigarettes in Cyprus were only 50 pence a packet). One night he woke up at 2 o' clock craving for cigarettes and he drove for half-an-hour trying to find a place to buy a packet. Realizing what he had done declared he was quitting. He stopped smoking and has not touched a single one for the last 15 years.

    My dad says he quit eating trigger food (food that made him want to smoke) as well such as coffee and he bought a komboloi (worry beads in English) for the stress relief.

    Oh and an extra-incentive. Women who quit smoking have their face collagen improve by 200% in the first six months, having an instant natural face-lift and women who do not smoke in generally look much younger than their smoking friends.
  • Yay thanks everyone for your support

    Smoking is so totally socially unacceptable here now in Calgary. No smoking in bars, casinos and bingo halls (many are going under because of this!!!). There is a 30 foot rule for many buildings downtown... stand at least 30 feet away from doors. Not many officials really do push this though.

    But I HATE the dirty sideway glances when I get into the elevator to go to work when I just finish a smoke break lol.

    malibu & fitness I've tried the cutting back route - then I end up either freaking out on ppl or bumming smokes - hated it. When I do have smokes around, I would just end up smoking more Even cigarettes I hated because it was nicotine. I'm addicted to the nicotine more than the habit. All of the girls my age where I work smoke... and some younger & older. Maybe I'll set an example I know my boss will be super thrilled when she finds out today that i quit - she's probably my only "friend" at work that doesnt

    Daybyday I actually signed up to Quitnet just before I read your post - now I know I did a good thing I have yet to post on the forums, I'm still reading all the great information they have posted

    Dina Awesome a quitting buddy Hey you should sign up on Quitnet too My username is tamaralynn28 They got great stuff on there!!!

    DDC Sorry to hear about your father - that is one of the reasons why I'm quitting - for my children I admire you for quitting cold turkey - I've tried it... it wasn't nice (Picture Airline stewardess on Nicoderm commercial - but worse).

    June Congrats! I hope next year this time I can say the same thing

    preetylady Oooo I want a younger face!! My DH also bought me a very special mask for my face. It's a magnetic mud mask from the Dead Sea created by Premier. We stopped by their shop yesterday to try samples. Their products are EXPENSIVE... but I love it. The mask is made from the mud from the Dead Sea. Mixed with vitamin E, C and minerals. When you put it on. You massage it onto your face. Wait 5 minutes then remove it with (....) A MAGNET!!! What's left behind is the natural oils and minerals - which you massage into your face and neck. My face is baby smooth this morning... WOW! The jar is originally $150 We paid $130 for that, a 8 oz jar of dead sea salt scrub (rub it on your hands/body with water and you have super soft skin). I also received some of their skin cream, a free facial coupon and a card to get 10% discount whenever I visit after.
  • Good luck and I know you can do it! I quit smoking a few months ago and I know its tough. My big thing was that I couldn't quit at the same time that my boyfriend did...it wouldn't have been good for our health! But if your DH doesn't smoke-that will be a bonus. I also recommend gum or mints for the occupying of the mouth-that is what I did and I didn't have any weight gain.

    GOOD LUCK...and keep us updated!
  • Day one was.... ****. lol

    I didn't know what to do with myself on breaks. I usually light up a smoke the second I step outside. So I just hid away and read some of my book.

    The day draaaagged. All I could think was - I can't wait until I get home.

    Once I get home, it's GAWD I can't wait until I can go back to work (not as bad of a craving at work).

    This is more of the habit of smoking - as I am getting my nicotine through my patch.

    Gonna grab a hot tea...
  • Oh I'm so happy that you've decided to quit! I have been smoke free for six months and the entire reason that I quit was because my adorable boyfriend is allergic to cigarette smoke!!

    I think I was mostly a habit smoker. I didn't know what to do on breaks during school or after a meal. That was the hardest part for me, because a cigarette signaled "I'm done" to my body and after I quit, I didn't have that signal, so I wanted to keep eating. I gained like, ten pounds and have yet to work it off.

    I can't give you any advice that anyone else hasn't already given. I did the patches for a week, then decided that the itching they caused was worse than the nic fits and took them off. My basic program from then on was just trying to make it through each day without freaking out and buying a pack. I also chewed lots and lots of sugar free gum. I think I might have single-handedly kept Orbit in business for two months.

    Good luck and I wish you all the best!!!!!
  • Lol I've chewed so much gum over the past day that my jaw already hurts! LOL

    Bringing some carrots to work. Hopefully today is easier than yesterday.

    Yeah the patch itches like ****, but it only itches for about 30 minutes when I first put it on... and at least the itch keeps my mind off of smoking.
  • Yeah for you! I quit 10 months ago, using Chantix. I used to smoke 1-1/2 packs daily for almost 25 years. That was longer than I did not smoke.

    It's tough, no lie, but you can do it.

    One thing that saved me was by chewing on short straws! Just cut them in half and put in your mouth to chew. Chew hard if you have to. I know it's stupid, but it does work!

    Take it hour by hour if you need to. No ideas about weight gain, I gained 20 pounds. Sorry! But it is coming off.
    Good Luck! Jody
  • Day two:

    Today was easier than yesterday. I had more of an idea on what I should do instead of sitting around having panic attacks because i couldn't smoke.

    Had an extremely x-rated dream last night... patch related I'm sure - but BOY did I feel sexy this morning... too bad DH leaves work at 4 am.

    Also woke up with 5 canker sores... and doozies to boot! What the heck? Should I be getting this checked by doctors??

    Also sneezing a LOT... hope I'm not getting a cold.

    Oh yeah... a few pimples decided to pop up overnight. ARGH!