5 lb Challenge #17

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  • SW: 118.4
    CW: 117.6 (1 down 4 to go!)
    GW: 113.4
  • Well, am starting to feel better, but, still taking it slow with exercise because I am still a bit weak. I am losing slowly, probably because I haven't been able to workout like I was. However, still no cookies or brownies ! Anyone who knows me would ask me if I'm sick LOL!!

    SW: 143
    CW: 139.5 (-3.5, 1.5 to go)
    GW: 138


    WOW! 8 mile run! I can't imagine! I am only 31, but, have troubles with my right hip, so running is a no no for me. Great job on your weight loss! How much cardio do you do a week to lose that quickly?

    Congrats to all of the losers and maintainers!
  • Sw: 212.4
    Cw: 210.2
    Gw: 207.4
  • Yay Miriam! I bet you were doing the happy dance!

    I'm still at 153 this morning...

    SW: 155
    CW: 153 (-2, 3 to go)
    GW: 150
  • Congrats all you losers and maintainers!

    I'm down another # today ....I'm down to 245....15 lbs down!!!!!

    SW: 248
    CW: 245 ( 3 down 2 to go....yayyy...halfway through the 240's)
    GW: 243
  • ok I am on my 6th day at 166...I go between 166.2-166.8..ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

    I only really did bad one day and I have been working out. What is going on?

  • Hi Losers!
    start 138
    current 135.5 (2.5 to go!)
    goal 133
  • I've actually been putting in some effort! My WW Weigh in is tomorrow, and that is the weight I put on my tracker, but for this challenge, I've been using my home scale, so here goes!
    SW 154
    CW 151
    GW 149 2 pounds left!!!
  • jessacaca - I stayed at 247 to 248 pretty much all week last week and I didn't cheat any on food and I worked out every single day!!! I was sooo frustrated Monday! But I got a nice little whoosh and today I weighed in at 245. Are you keeping a food/exercise journal? If you are not, I would suggest starting one....the free blogs offered here at 3FC are cool that is what I'm using.....I looked back on mine and seen that I kind of cut my workouts down a little last week. I took them back up Monday and I have already lost 2 lbs.

    Review what you have been doing...make sure your honest...and stick with it....a nice whoosh may be in your future!!

  • What's the deal!!

    I am up a pound this morning!
    I have been at 151 for a couple of days, I am working out everyday and....

    I moved my calories allowance to 1350 it had been at 1400 I was able to do that yesterday and actually went to bed with calories to spare. Plus something I never do....I drank seven of my eight glasses of water!!!!


  • I'm down .5, but only after getting on the scale half a dozen times, till it finally showed a loss.


    Mercermom-I can almost accept weight gain if I haven't been on plan, but it's AWFUL when you've done everything right and you still gain weight. Hang in there; it'll come off and take a friend or two.

    Have a great day, everyone!!
  • Quote: Jessica-I had a Y membership last year and I loved it! I had to give it up though, because even though there are 4 Y's in town, we live 15 miles from the nearest one. I'm not an especially social person but I do like taking group classes and just being around other people when I work out. I also like that there's such a wide age group going to the Y. It's not all 20 somethings making it a pickup joint instead of a gym!
    Well, I am a 20-something, but I'm not trying to make it a pickup joint, believe me. Unless the guys there are into the extremely red-faced look. Kidding. I haven't tried any of the group classes yet, but I might give some a try. I do like that there are people of every shape and size there just trying to get healthy... Isn't that the point of a gym, after all?

    Congrats on 15 down, Melissa!

    Miriam, I am right there with you on the scale FINALLY moving.

    SW: 154
    CW: 152.8
    GW: 149

    I want the 140's SO BAD. But right now I will settle for 152.0, as that will put me at 25 down and halfway to goal! Maybe within the next few days? You never know with TOM though... I'm just going to add my usual "UGHHHHH TOM" for emphasis.
  • JKS - Thanks

    Mercermom - Maybe you have gained some muscle? That muscle should start burning some fat soon if so? I think when we maintain for a while and then gain thats whats going on..muscle is building and before you know it we have a pound of muscle. Then we have a whoosh cause that muscle starts killin' fat LOL....maybe its sodium...or too many carbs....???? Could be so many things....I find when I take my multi-vitamin I lose weight better...not sure why. I take One a Day Women's Vitamin...there is also a One a Day Weight Loss Vitamin. Also.....consider this..... 8 oz of water weighs 8 oz ( I weighed it this morning cause I wasn't sure if 8 fl. oz. would weigh 8 oz but it does) If you drank 7 - 8 oz glasses of water that is 3 and 1/2 lbs.....maybe some of it is water weight....but if so...you should get a good whoosh soon...no matter what if you stick with it the scale has to go down at some point!
  • Don't be discouraged, Mercermom - it happens to everyone. Sometimes the body just feels like grabbing on to the extra water weight. When I first started weight training, I gained three pounds and was furious, but eventually it whooshed off.

    SW: 202.5
    CW: 188.6
    GW: 187.5
  • Quote: Well, I am a 20-something, but I'm not trying to make it a pickup joint, believe me. Unless the guys there are into the extremely red-faced look. Kidding. I haven't tried any of the group classes yet, but I might give some a try. I do like that there are people of every shape and size there just trying to get healthy... Isn't that the point of a gym, after all?

    I'm a 20 something too but definitely not into the pickup scene! My Y is great. All different colors, sexes and sizes.