Tuesday Today

View Poll Results: What is you favorite time of day to work out?
Ealry morning
before lunch
early evening
late evening
Other (please share)
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
  • Good morning! How is evryone? Please come out & play! I miss all of you who usually brighten my day. It seems like so many of us are MIA right now. Weird! I had another night of short bad sleep. Darn stress! I'm going to go eat breakfast & then I'm hitting the gym A little disappointed because WI shows I'm up 3 pounds but I was OP all week plus I started to exercise regularly! What's up? Anybody else everhave that happen to them? Hopefully my work will show up next week....

    Talk to you all later

  • Hey all. I had a crazy eating day yesterday. I was eating like I didn't care, yet not on purpose, I was just on the run after work. Oh well. I wish I could be like my daughter. When she is full, she stops.

    Hope everyone else comes out and plays with us.....
  • Morning!
    Just stopping in for a second, I'm so bogged under work I'm not sure I'll ever be able to dig myself out. And I can't get any freaking overtime--I have so much to do and my boss won't give me any overtime, even though she's been leaving me notes telling my to get my butt in gear. Explain that...

    WI is tonight, not looking forward to it. I haven't been much in the mood for WW lately. I've just been eating and not worrying about points. It is TOM and that's probably what's causing the unstoppable eating, I just hope I'm not up too much, especially cuz I'm almost to my 10%. Oh well, I've been feeling more motivated the past couple of days and had a really good time at the gym last night, so if not this week, next week will be better, I'm sure.

    Sorry I don't have much to say...

    Rina--I know how you feel, I've been sleeping the same way the past few nights...

    oK, back to the rat race...
  • I have been so busy at work, but I see we have been having a hard time getting people to post so I wanted to stop by and say hi!

    I had a great weekend. Friday was an all-day orientation at a law school, where I got a ton of information. I am really excited to start school in August, but for the first time, I am also pretty nervous! Saturday, my friend and I got makeovers and then met some friends at a bar at 1:00 for St. Patty's Day. Needless to say, that was a loooooooong day! I spent most of Sunday being lazy and watching basketball!

    Hope everyone is doing well and that more people stop by to say hi today!
  • Morning Girls, I posted yesterday and thought I finished and then when I got to work this morning I realized that I didn't and it was still on my computer screen. OOPS Anyways, I am doing ok with eating but not great and last wk I only worked out once and this wk I am not sure when I will squeeze it in. I should try and go tonight but we will see. I may have to work late. WE were informed last week that our funding for the future depends heavily upon whether or not we do welll on our audit in may so this means that we have to have all of our paperwork up to date and perfect. I am pretty stressed about it.

    I am not reallly doing the points thing. I have decided that it is just one more thinng to stress me out and besides everytime that I get on the scale I get discouraged. I was down 2 yesterday and up 2 today. Uhh I am just letting it get me down and then I eat. This is my destructive pattern. Sooo IN shape mag. this month they did a challenge where 4 chronic weighers didn't weigh themselves for a month. I am going to do this. I know that I sabotae myself when I am not down a pound or whatever and this has led to a whole lot of weight gain in the past few months. I am up to 184 and I was at 176. IF I go back to December I was down to 170. That is a lot of weight to gain in such a small amount of time, so needless to say I am depressed about it and about possibly not having a job. I am just needing to relax about the weight b/c the stricter I am with what I eat the more I binge etc. So I am trying the whole listen to your body and stop when your full method and seeing what the results are in a month. I am going to change my sig to 184 so that in a month I will hopefully be able to change it again. Uhh I feel like this battle is never ending. MY challenge to myself is to just get healthy and I am sure the weight will come off. I just have to stop obsessing about the numbers right now. Does anyone else weigh chronically.

    Well ladies other than those huge things B/f and I are doing well. I told him the other day that I am gaining weight and that I need to stop eating junk and he was like "what did you gain a pound?" More like 10. oh well I am glad that he doesn't notice the rolls that are trying to escape my now tight jeans My friend at work was saying that her husband is contantly on her case about losingweight and she is really not that overweight( a size 14). She is such a beautiful women and I cannot imagine anyone not appreciating that. I wish that b/f would push me a tad more to be more healthy but if I had to pick one or the other I would definitely prefer his outlook. I think if I were completely inactive and severely overweight that he would encourage weight loss. We are both somewhat inactive right now b/c I spend my free time with him and he is still unable to do anything b/c of his surgery. He is still wearing a brace and is not alowed to bend his knee. This means that wknds are spent on his couch watching movies and eating whatever we can get our hands on. This could definitely attribute to my weight gain but he may be like this for a few more months and I cannot continue to gain weight for a few more months So we will see waht happens this month. I am planning to have subway for lunch so that is one step in the right direction.

    Jen- I know gone are the days when I didn't want to clean my plate If we could only all go back to stopping when we are full.

    Rina- ARe you reataining water due to TOM? OR else maybe you at es omehigher sdium items the days before weigh in. Don't stress about the scale. Just stay op and exercise and you cannot go wrong.

    Alright that was a novel but I must work now.
  • Hi girls!

    I don't have much to say at the moment, but I wanted to at least say hi. Feeling a little icky today. I think a cold is trying to grab hold of me. Bleh.

    Well, I'll pop in later!
  • hello!!!
    i'm here!!
    sorry for the lack of posts. i was off sick (some kind of bug but better now), then it's been hectic at work, plus i've had a few days off. visited lolly in oxford (she's doing well but her internet access is broken) and got drunk at a posh dinner at my old college. then BF and i went to the south coast of england to visit a couple of guys we met on the cruise i won last year. very mad and drunken weekend. they own a gay bar which was great, but we were plied with free booze the whole time!! hangovers were pretty severe! BF was v popular among the men who kept asking me for a loan of "my husband". i think gay men assume that all straight couples get married. they were all v sweet though. i'm sure all the pub lunches have affected the scales but it was only 4 days off track and i'm back on it as of yesterday. feels so much better to be eating healthier. fatty foods and too much booze def upsets my stomach.
    sorry i haven't had much time to read the threads, just wanted to say i'm alive and will hopefully have more time to post to you all tomorrow. i must say that i lurked quickly yesterday and it gave me the willpower to get back on track there and then.
    hope everyone is good,