Ultimate Goal Challenge--June (Month 7)

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  • Trigger foods: Garlic bread . . . I'm talking dripping in butter garlic bread, chicken alfredo, mac & cheese, au gratin potatoes. Anything carbohydrate, wrapped in cheese . . . I'm toast. I can control myself with pizza though . . .

    Remember the belly button/smallest area of the waist discussion? Well, I read your post, Enygirl and I was stunned. Not only is my bellybutton unsightly (it's half innie / half outie due to a hernia), now I know it's in the wrong place!!! eeeeek!! No wonder I haven't worn a bikini since I was 10.
  • Hi girls!

    What the heck happened to our page? I'm out of town in Indiana at a conference, and I thought I'd just poke my head in and say hi- it looks like 2 weeks of posts are just gone? Makes me wish I'd written down my goals! Oh well.

    This conference has the most incredible food. I don't want to know what the scale is going to say when I get home- yikes! BUT, I do feel like I've done a decent job of not binging. Soda is another issue- it's like I can't get enough!

    Time to go learn- have a good rest of the week!
  • TTTA--The site crashed and they did lose 2 weeks worth of posts. The first thing I thought of was our goals. I should have copied and pasted them into a word document. Oh well nothing I can do now.
  • Good morning girls! I have good news - I did an *unoffical* weigh in this morning and I'm down #1.2 from last week! My goal is to be back in the lower 1/2 of the #190's by Monday!

    My GREAT news is that I got both my mom and my best friend to join in our challenge for Christmas! Its awesome! It helps me SO much to stay motivated to know that I'm motivating others. My BFF lives about 25 mins away from me, so i think that I'm going to go out there on the weekends or something to go and do the Wii Fit with her (that's what she's currently doing along w/ volleyball) She's not comfortable yet to tell me how much she weighs, so I just set up her ticker to a random weight and we're showing change instead of weight anyhow.

    GG - as far as the belly button issue goes - generally men's waist are at their belly buttons too... Not saying you're shaped like a man (sorry that was really funny to me! )

    Ok girls - I'm off for now.. have a great day! Oh and you know what else I learned about my food likes: I like the low-fat Strawberry perserves a TON better then the full sugar version! AMAZING!

    Here's today's quote: "When guilt rears its ugly head confront it, discuss it and let it go. The past is over. It is time to ask what can we do right, not what did we do wrong. Forgive yourself and move on."

    ***On a side note - i was just looking over the "Just Beachy" BL forums... There looks to be a TON of inspiration and support on there! I am DEFINATELY in for the next BL Challenge! - If you guys notice a sign up before me - PLEASE MAKE SURE I GET MY BUTT SIGNED UP!!!***
  • trigger foods: pizza, any nutbutter, cereal, pasta, twizzlers, cheese.....
  • Cheese . . . ahh, yes . . .

    Did ya'all see on the news that the NW got snow yesterday?? Very freaky. It's warmer today, THANK GOD!!

    I've been baking. Muffins & stuff for the boys yesterday. I'm making a bunch of whole wheat pizza crusts today to put in the freezer for easy dinners this summer. Got my hair cut, did a small Christmas quilt for my mother. Busy, busy day.

    Enygirl - Congratulations on getting more people into your challenge!!

    I was really getting into the Beach Hopping challenge and am completely bummed it's been trashed. It really kept me on track.

    Oh well . . . at least it isn't snowing again!!
  • gg-- i think that the people who live about 3 hours south of me would rather have had the snow instead of a lake draining completely and that will kill the tourism in that town for the summer there is a incredible ski show that takes place on that lake and they are not going to be able to preform it this summer.

    anyway it has been an interesting week and it is not over yet. mainly i hav been so bored at work this week. i am on team to try and stop our windows from leaking however every one that we have tested so far have not copperated with us yet and it is getting rather bore trying to solve a problem that is not showing itself to us. when i get bored is when i tend to want to eat.
  • Hey GG - I was thinking about you last night. I'm wondering what exercise/"diet" you're doing. It occured to me that about 9ish months ago I was beating you, and weighed less then you - and now you're #25ish less then me! I know that I feel off the wagon COMPLETELY for a while, and I did put #16 back on.. but I'm just wondering your secret.

    Also - did you take pictures of the quilt you just did? I'd LOVE to see it! I need to work on my Mom & Step-dad's quilt. Hopefully next weekend I'll be able to.. this weekend isn't looking good for free time.
  • since im taking a math class i think its funny that i finally put 2 and 2 together...i have a bike+nice weather= i can ride my bike to school lol so thats what i did today and i will do it till it starts snowing its a quick and easy 5 miles roundtrip lol but i start out with my daughter and i riding our bikes to her daycare which is .5 mile towards my school to get her used to being out and active...shes gonna be 5 in september and u gotta teach them young lol i didnt learn to be active as a youngster and now look at me im 257lbs lol
  • gg--I like that the Beach Hopping was dropped. I wasn't killing myself to try to reach those goals. It made you have to exercise everyday if not had to exercise for over an hour. The team is more doable. I just don't have that type of time. When school ends and summer trainings come to an end I will have more time but right now I couldn't ever really earn badges.

    haley--I give it to you for riding your bike. Great exercise. Not for me.

    Okay I am signing up to do the Marine Corps Marathon 10K with 3 of my co-workers. It will be in October. I just started a 10K training program this week prior to being asked to do this 10K. Perfect, huh? I am waiting for the girl that asked everyone to sign up to sign up because I don't want to be left holding the bag. I would never do something like this by myself. If she waits too long we will miss out. She wanted to do the marathon and I told her several times to get a number because they are hard to get and she missed out. I hope she doesn't do the same with this because I am looking forward to doing it but I need a group to do it for motivation.
  • I like having exercise challenges - but not ones that the rules are already determined. I'm in the June Boot Camp challenge - and the goal is to workout at a higher level then you were before (which isn't hard for me!) My goal is 45 mins a day - 7 days a week. I've completeld 12 days, and today is looking good too as I did a 10 min ab routine this morning

    Shay - a 10 k? That's AWESOME! I'm going to look around town and see what 5K's I can jump into this summer. It's great exercise, and I want to beat my personal best (49:51)
  • Hi everyone! I am a sort of Newbie, I have been a member here on and off trying to find a place to fit in!! I would love to join your challenges! I am working on a new plan/way of thinking. I have been completely obsessed with counting calories and not about what I'm eating. I am not going to count any more!! (I feel free lol) I am going to concentrate on healthy eating and working out like I used to love! Since having my daughter (3 years ago) I haven't made a true commitment to myself. YESTERDAY I did!

    I'd love to hang out here if that's cool??
  • Karyn We LOVE new people to join us in our Ultimate Challenge! This is the spot to come when you KNOW that this time it's it - You're going to work - follow through - of course slip up, falter - but always get back quickly!

    I too am a past calorie counter - and then Shay turned me onto Intuitive Eating - which is AWESOME! I'm still elarning - and growing with it - but I'm getting SO MUCH better! And I Feel a TON better!

    Ok I'm getting back to work now
  • Intuitive Eating .... what's that??? I don't want to highjack this tread so start a new one if you want. Thanks for the warm welcome!!

    Trigger food. Cookies, Cake... donuts...mmmm I just can't have one. SO NONE!
  • Welcome Karrebeaar! Intuitive Eating in the simplest terms is: Eat what you want, stop when satisfied. There are no bad foods. You don't count anything and weighing yourself is not even necessary. I've learned a lot about myself doing it. It definitely works for me. If you want to lose weight fast it may not work for you but if you want to build a healthier relationship with food its just right.