"Just Beachy" Blue chat # 7

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  • So, Jo, I now have leg envy! Your running sure is working! Congrats on the 40 pounds!

    Quote: As for promises, in some of the programming I've done with myself, I've learned that it is better to speak to yourself as if you are already doing the desired behavior. It really works. After affirming for awhile, the issue is just no problem, honestly!!! I haven't binged either for 55 days without even an urge. Making a promise is almost like bargaining with yourself, then if you should fail, there's guilt, urge to eat and the cycle starts over. No should have, got to or musts - just - I do (don't do) it. I don't eat fatty foods. I don't eat processed foods. I drink a cup of water every hour. I enjoy my workout. Make it in the present tense. Your subconscious will register it and [U]it will become fact
    Thanks for sharing this today. I needed to read it. I really need to start blogging again. I haven't done it for a couple months now and actually putting it in writing was so helpful

    Quote: I don't know why, but I like saying captain with a french accent more than the norm.

    Quote: I don't which was hotter -- all the sex for 101 days straight talk or the peanut butter and banana talk. It's a tie I think.
    Personally, I skipped the sex and went for the banana and PB last night.

    Quote: Hi all, going to a business lunch with owner of company and customer, sort of nervous, already sweating and not even done with my hair yet, damn hair... takes 20 minutes to make it look... eh...
    Do you have a bathroom in your pimped out ride also? I have this image of you doing your hair in the car while you watch the news.

    Quote: Yeah, it's making me a bit stressed. We moved here because of the housing prices, the friendly people and the beautiful landscape. ... Today's plan: I need to begin establishing a daily routine that is based upon eating healthy and exercising. I find that getting organized and planning are crucial to my success.
    Sorry about the job stress. I need to get better in the planning department as well. Life gets busy and if the plan is not in place then I usually struggle. I do think success is all about planning. Not chance.

    I watched Oprah last night and even though I know I've seen THIS ABC special about Randy Pausch (diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer) he was on last night on a rerun of her show. I don't normally watch her show, but when I saw he was on I decided to stay. It became more clear to me while listening to him that any obstacles that I am facing are not the end of the world. The brick walls are there for a reason...not to keep me out...just to give me a chance to show just how badly I want something. My goals are possible! I just need to work and be tenacious about it!
  • Quote: So a pirate walks into a bar with one of those giant steering wheels from a ship shoved down the front of his pants.
    The bartender looks over and says, "Hey, what's with the steering wheel down the front of your pants?"
    The pirate looks up and says, "YARRR! It's drivin' me' nuts!"
    Hey, that's my DH's joke! The first time he told me it I just about peed myself laughing.

    Josephine - You should totally make your highly-inspiring legs your avatar pic!

    Freem06 - That's some fantastic loss of inches! WTG!

    I am SORE this morning! At our attachment parenting meeting yesterday we had a yoga instructor come in and do some yoga with us. I worked around DD crawling on top of me and popping up under my face during downward dog and I must have gotten quite the workout because everything hurts now! I also did my 4K clinic run and then my friend and I did our weirdo ab exercises that she taught me. One person lies on their back and holds onto the ankles of the other person who stands at their head. The person on the ground lifts their legs straight up and the person standing shoves them back down. It makes those lower abdominals feel like they're burning!

    Today I'm supposed to do hill training. I need to find me a hill. I hear they're helpful.
  • Quote: So, what do you do if your Hubby's libido is running on empty lately? *big sigh*
    Since DH got his ulcer about a year ago, we are having this problem. He is tired all the time or does not feel well. Yay for the Eager Beaver.

    Quote: That's funny. I'm trying to picture you doing the sappy thing and all I keep seeing are the snappy comebacks.
    I am pretty much all about profit and marketing. Sappy sells.

    Quote: : Is it wrong of me to want her to see my accomplishments?
    Not as long as it does not diminish how YOU feel about your accomplishments.

    Quote: I am SORE this morning!
    Me too! I have Pilates pain.

    I did not want to get up to run this morning. 21 days into the getting up early to exercise, and I was ready to bag it this morning. I was trying to figure ANY other time to do it today. Meara was wrapped around my arm like one of those pencil-top monkeys, and it was so sweet that I did not want to leave. But I did.
  • Quote: Yay for the Eager Beaver.
    I'm partial to bunnies!

    I am so excited about something I just read.....a team of researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine have developed a blood test for ovarian cancer...that is 99% percent accurate and can detect the cancer even in the earliest stages! They are in phase III trials and expect their results to be approved soon. Ladies, this is awesome news! Ovarian cancer is usually detected in stage 4 when it's too late to do anything. As a Mom of two DD's, my heart is smiling today.
  • Quote: I did not want to get up to run this morning. 21 days into the getting up early to exercise, and I was ready to bag it this morning. I was trying to figure ANY other time to do it today. Meara was wrapped around my arm like one of those pencil-top monkeys, and it was so sweet that I did not want to leave. But I did.
    I find that I really enjoy the morning runs but it's such a massive pain in the butt to do them. When you move up to Canada to be my neighbor I'll totally run with you each morning though.

    So after I posted I remembered that I forgot to include my brag: I took an ice bath after my run last night and I didn't die! I've been getting some muscle pain in my left calf after my runs lately and at the urging of my running buddy, my clinic instructor, and my DH I finally braved sitting in an ice-filled tub. HOLY CRAP! I thought I was going to die for the first two minutes and then when I got used to it I was ok. When I went to get out though I sloshed around a bit and the water touched parts that hadn't been in the water so it was rather shocking all over again! It really helped with the muscle pain so I may just try this craziness again.
  • Quote: I just have to share my favorite pirate joke.
    Suite - You and I have the same favorite pirate joke... We're favorite joke buddies!

    Quote: So does anyone have any tips on asking for a promotion/raise? I'm getting to the point where I need to approach my boss about this. I was hired with the promise of promotion at 6 months. I talked to him at 6 months, he gave me reasons why they couldn't promote (company in upheaval, governance change), told me they were looking at "next time." It's been 13 months now since I've been in this job and still no word. My boss is kind of an avoider, so I don't think he'll approach me, I have to be proactive. I'm getting slightly frustrated, especially since I now have a graduate degree and am still sitting at the bottom of the food chain here (and the criteria for the next higher up position I'm gunning for is a graduate degree and/or one year of relevant work experience - I have a graduate degree AND one year of work experience IN the company, tell me what would be stopping them from considering me for that position?). We're also terribly understaffed and so we're all taking on more work... so I'm already doing the exact same job I'd be doing if I were given the next higher position... I don't want to come off sounding cocky or entitled to a promotion or something, because entitlement doesn't have anything to do with it... but I do feel I truly deserve the promotion. So how the heck do you say all this to your boss without coming off as sounding like you expect to be rewarded, that you're entitled to a reward? Any tips/experiences out there?
    Well it's definitely time to say something. Catch the boss when he's not obviously busy or stressed. "Hi Mr. Such&such! I've been meaning to sit and talk with you for a few. A year ago when I was hired, I was told I would receive a promotion at 6 months. I realize that wasn't possible at the time, but now that it's been another 6 months I want to bring it up again." At least... it's one way to start the conversation.

    Quote: Someone remind me, how long does it take to build a new habit?
    I've heard something like 12 weeks. However, really, I have to go with the cheezy but true "One moment at a time."

    Quote: I found out this morning my grandma isn't coming to my graduation.
    Sorry she won't be showing up!

    Quote: I'm partial to bunnies!
    They are in phase III trials and expect their results to be approved soon. Ladies, this is awesome news! Ovarian cancer is usually detected in stage 4 when it's too late to do anything. As a Mom of two DD's, my heart is smiling today.
    I get very excited by medical advances like these! May it save many, many lives!
  • Rhonda - that's great news! For some reason I woke up thinking of my GYN today (probably since I ran into her a couple days ago and know I'm a year behind on my yearly exam) and was thinking about asking her to run that rather obscure panel they can run to try to detect ovarian CA. It just shows some markers, and then you have to return in a year and they run it again to see if those markers have changed. Not very accurate. But the best they can do right now. I wonder when it will be available.

    Wow, Kim! I think I'd rather suffer through muscle pain than take an ice bath. Even though I'm part Norwegian, I didn't get those arctic genes!
  • Quote: Rhonda - that's great news! For some reason I woke up thinking of my GYN today (probably since I ran into her a couple days ago and know I'm a year behind on my yearly exam) and was thinking about asking her to run that rather obscure panel they can run to try to detect ovarian CA.
    The CA125? Yeah, not the best tool...the false positive rate is high. I've been depending on that and on the transvaginal ultrasounds because it's all I've had to use.

    A year behind? As in, "two years since your last exam?" Girlfriend, pick up the phone and schedule your next one today!
  • Quote: I am so excited about something I just read.....a team of researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine have developed a blood test for ovarian cancer...that is 99% percent accurate and can detect the cancer even in the earliest stages!
    My mom is an ovarian cancer survivor, this is great news!
  • Yeah, 2 years this month. I will call and schedule. I've always been on top of it. One of my sisters (27 years old) is in treatment for Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ) cervical CA, so I know early detection is the way to go on all these things.
  • OK, got in on the 24th on a cancellation. Otherwise it would be October before her next opening!
  • I've heard you can you can spread your exams to once every 2-3 years if you have a history of clear exams, are monogomous, and haven't had issues. Now that they know that most cerv cancers are caused by a virus which is transmitted, the paps don't have to be an annual event if you don't have other reasons to have one. They still do want you to get a breast exam yearly tho, but I'm bad, I go straight to the radiology clinic for a mammogram w/o getting the clinical exam first.

    Chelle, your grandma's not wanting to travel has a ton more to do with her and her mindset than you, just keep that in mind. As I'm getting older, I understand not wanting to put up with hassles and inconveniences, and really enjoy just staying in my nice little home. Maybe she'll change her mind, but just give her some slack and note that it's a normal part of her aging process.

    I use the wishbone Romano basil vinaigrette - it's very light colored. I also like Kraft ranch 'lite done right', but even that is not so great for you.

    What do you all think about the tomato scare? We went to Olive Garden for lunch Monday and were told by our server that there woudl be no tomatoes. First I had heard of it at the time. At least it's just salmonella and not e-coli.

    Anna, did tom start yet to relieve your pms crankiness/dh strangling tendencies? Mine finally did and pms is a killer with the already remaining swollen kidney. THought I was in a ton of pain last nite, but knew why this morning. I guess residual swelling impacts all the innards.
  • Quote: Yeah, 2 years this month.
    Guess that makes me crazy... I haven't been in almost 4
  • Quote: You keep us posted, Vix. The real challenge would be to try a new position each time! At least try.
    that sounds like work

    Quote: Okay....I better not say what I was gonna say.

    I'll only say this....if I knew then what I know now, I'd be enjoying everything a whole lot more and taking nothing for granted! I'd give anything to feel sexy again.
    Why don't you find something that makes you feel sexy. New nightgown, red bra...even if he does not respond, you feel better!

    Quote: Everything was going great. Down 5.8 pounds in two days and I was feeling really good. Then I called my mom. She started getting in my face about how I should listen to my doctor (the one who wanted me to only eat two meals a day) because he knows best.
    Yeah, "Doc knows best" has killed a lot of people.

    Quote: I am so excited about something I just read.....a team of researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine have developed a blood test for ovarian cancer...that is 99% percent accurate and can detect the cancer even in the earliest stages! They are in phase III trials and expect their results to be approved soon. Ladies, this is awesome news! Ovarian cancer is usually detected in stage 4 when it's too late to do anything. As a Mom of two DD's, my heart is smiling today.
    That is great news. I hope it is widely available soon. I am amazed in the disparity on research for women's cancers and men's.

    Quote: I've heard something like 12 weeks. However, really, I have to go with the cheezy but true "One moment at a time."
    28 days is the norm

    Quote: I've heard you can you can spread your exams to once every 2-3 years if you have a history of clear exams, are monogomous, and haven't had issues.

    What do you all think about the tomato scare? We went to Olive Garden for lunch Monday and were told by our server that there woudl be no tomatoes. First I had heard of it at the time. At least it's just salmonella and not e-coli.

    Anna, did tom start yet to relieve your pms crankiness/dh strangling tendencies? Mine finally did and pms is a killer with the already remaining swollen kidney.

    yes, on the pap. there is a test with the pap that detects the most horrible strains of HPV.

    I probably would not eat restaurant tomatoes, but from the store? Just wash them well, and I would be fine with it.

    I did start, thank you. TMI * today is my every hour, on the hour change the super plus. it is the price I pay for my birth control choice*

    DH drove to work on grease today in the new car. his chances of survival greatly increased with the completion of the project.
  • i understand, anna. and then when i had this stone, i wore the other type for a while cuz weren't nothin else competing for space with the stone, if you know what i mean, and i wondered why i have been putting up with the mighty T's and their leaks, fails, and discomfort for 20+ years. I will use up my pantry supply worth (love the 30% more free boxes at target) and then reassess. They are making the other kind so much better now than when i was a teen that it seemed far easier that way.

    Question for moms of teen girls or those of you who were swimmers as teens. I know some girls can wear a tampon before losing virginity, some can't. How do you handle it with a 12 or 13 yo girl who swims year round? I never seem to notice girls on our team sitting out practice, but maybe they just skip practices and meets and I don't realize it. Can a dr do something about the hymen, would you even want to go there? She turns 9 next month, so I have a few years to figure this out, but I'm just wondering.