"Just Beachy" Blue Team Chat # 5

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  • Jill - Sorry. I cried when DH was diagnosed as well. You have a good plan though. I would recommend going to a diabetes "class" - they are usually free at hospitals. It helped us tremendously when DH was diagnosed. Just to understand what was happening. And the GOOD news is that it is a controllable disease! Unlike many others. Also, be prepared to experience possible side effects from the meds and even low blood sugar - especially after working out. Once DH passed out at the gym because he had worked out so hard and his bs had gotten so low. From then on he kept a Mountain dew in his bag in case he needed his sugar to go up quickly.
    Quote: Mine has always been between 4.4-4.9 and my doc freaks about that.
    Why? Are you diabetic? For a diabetic a HbA1C of that would be impressive, but for a non-diabetic that's as normal as you can be. 4-6 is normal.
  • Quote: Jill - The good news is you know where you are at and can take steps to getting those numbers down. Weren't they also trying to rule out PCOS or was that someone else I'm thinking about?

    What is your A1C supposed to be at? Mine has always been between 4.4-4.9 and my doc freaks about that. I though less than 7 was good. Doc also tried to convince me to only eat twice a day so lately I am not sure I trust his judgment.
    They did rule out PCOS because my insulin levels were normal. According to the printout of my results, normal A1C is less than 6.0. I don't think I would trust someone telling you to only eat twice a day, either My doctor suggested I try to keep my carbs at 150 grams or less per day, which I already do naturally most days since I aim for at least 10g protein.
  • Quote: Also, be prepared to experience possible side effects from the meds and even low blood sugar - especially after working out.
    Yeah, my doc warned me that the Metformin could make me gassy My sister also said when she worked on a diabetes study, a lot of patients complained about bad diarrhea. They were taking double the dose I'll be taking, though, so hopefully gas is as bad as it will get for me
  • Jill - Like already mentioned, you're taking steps to improve this. (I'm sure your doctor is happy to hear that!) I don't think it's unusual to deal with this sort of news by crying to let out your frustration. I'll be routing for you to get off those meds as soon as possible!
  • Jill -- what a bummer that you need to go on meds! But you can get off them, you are so determined and strong! I have no doubt you'll be off them very soon, so keep up the good work!
  • Quote: That is strange. Curious,, what was his justification for doing that?
    He looked at my food diary and decided if I was eating 3 meals a day at 1000 calories each then I should only eat twice a day and consume 1/3 less calories. He didn't take into account that I would be totally starving and probably eat twice as much in those two meals. Then he had the nerve to brag that he lost 10 pounds that month by doing that. Duh, he's a man. I have no problems that he is a vegetarian and what not but he cannot convince me that nutritional yeast flakes are a good substitute for Parmesan cheese. What the heck are nutritional yeast flakes anyways?

    Quote: Why? Are you diabetic? For a diabetic a HbA1C of that would be impressive, but for a non-diabetic that's as normal as you can be. 4-6 is normal.
    Nope, no diabetes here. But for some reason he seems worried about it. I'm fat, not diabetic.

    Quote: Yeah, my doc warned me that the Metformin could make me gassy My sister also said when she worked on a diabetes study, a lot of patients complained about bad diarrhea. They were taking double the dose I'll be taking, though, so hopefully gas is as bad as it will get for me
    Are they weaning you onto them? I personally would start the first few days with only 250 twice a day. Then up to 500 in the evening, then 500 in the morning. As long as they aren't the extended release you can cut them in half. It also helps sometimes to take them before bed the first few nights.

    I am supposed to take 500 twice a day but usually just take all 1000 at one time nowadays or I forget to take the second one.
  • Quote: Just stopping by to say HI. I picked up weight again and don't understand it. I'm not eating unhealthily and I am working out. I don't drink soda, only water. I just don't get it.

    i don't eat unhealthy food either. i just eat too much of it.
  • Quote: What the heck are nutritional yeast flakes anyways?
    Never mind, I googled. I would think cheese would be less of a product and not as processed. And yes, before anyone asks, I have tried them at some dinner talk thing doc did. I would rather go without thank you.
  • Afternoon all!

    Jill, I'm so sorry your numbers were not what you'd hoped they be. It sounds like you have a plan backed up by a great attitude though - and we'll all be pulling for you to get off the meds asap! You can do it!

    I'm in a better place now than I was this morning - and I successfully stayed away from any temptations. Thanks all for the OP vibes! I'm still frustrated, but posts like Jill's help to put life into perspective...I will deal with it professionally and as well as I am able to and then let whatever will be be.

    So I was looking at the nutritional info on my 100 calorie snack cakes. They are a 1pt treat, which I started to question, so I put the info into the WW site. It confirms they are 1 pt. But my question is how on earth are there 5 grams of fiber in those tiny things?! Just seems a high number for what they are. Anyone know?
  • Quote: MORNING!
    I'm enjoying my cinnamon coffee this morning. It's good. How much do you put in , Anna? In that article it said 1 tsp for a whole pot, so I did .5 tsp for 6 cups.
    Good heavens! My life is too short for me to measure anything. And cinnamon is expensive, so I would say I use about 1/4 tsp for a 6-cup pot.

    Quote: Tawnya - are you counting calories? I've heard that most people under-average their caloric intake unless they are actually journaling it. By as much as 40%!!
    Everyone should read Mindless Eating. People who are journaling their food underestimate by 20%.

    Quote: Anna--I agree with the early morning exercise. I am up as early as 5 or 6am which gives me plenty of time to exercise, shower, etc. Lately I've just been lying there. This morning was a perfect example.
    I build in some lying there time. I love snuggling under the covers in the morning, so I give myself 10 minutes for nestling. But not too close to DH who would confuse it with an invitation for a different kind of work out.

    Quote: What is your A1C supposed to be at? Mine has always been between 4.4-4.9 and my doc freaks about that. I though less than 7 was good. Doc also tried to convince me to only eat twice a day so lately I am not sure I trust his judgment.
    First point, and not to be sexist, but you might want to find a chick doc. Second, my doc freaks out over my 5.2, which it has been FOR 10 YEARS. If it is not moving up, then who cares?

    Quote: My doctor suggested I try to keep my carbs at 150 grams or less per day, which I already do naturally most days since I aim for at least 10g protein.
    Rough day, friend. I am so sorry. Just keep up what you are doing, and you will turn this around. You have a young body, which always is a plus.

    Did you mean 100? g

    Quote: What the heck are nutritional yeast flakes anyways?
    Actually, on popcorn, they are not too bad.

    Keep moving, friends! Your body is the home of your soul. What would god/the universe/your high being feed it?? (and in my case, how much?)
  • Quote: But my question is how on earth are there 5 grams of fiber in those tiny things?! Just seems a high number for what they are. Anyone know?
    I'd have to see the ingredient list.
  • Quote: Did you mean 100? g
    ha, yes, I meant 100g. Amazing how one little 0 can make such a difference
  • Quote: ha, yes, I meant 100g. Amazing how one little 0 can make such a difference
    I thought we had found an answer to the issues...
  • Hi Blues. Rainy season has offically started. It rained all day yesterday. This is usually when everyone gets pudgy, I am going to have to be careful that doesn't happen to me. I had a bad day yesterday and I went to bed so late that I didn't get up and exercise this morning. I will exercise after work no matter what happens!

    So it seems a dog has adopted me. She was a street dog who started hanging around some people I know. They are leaving and the dog is pregnant I am pretty sure they have no intention of taking the dog and there is no way I could leave her in the street. She has been coming to our house everyday, and for the last few days she has been coming to the office. I don't know how I am going to find homes for the pups, no one wants street dog pups. Wish me luck. I am off to research caring for a pregnant dog. She is a miniture version of my dog who died a couple months ago.
  • Quote: So it seems a dog has adopted me. She was a street dog who started hanging around some people I know. They are leaving and the dog is pregnant I am pretty sure they have no intention of taking the dog and there is no way I could leave her in the street. She has been coming to our house everyday, and for the last few days she has been coming to the office. I don't know how I am going to find homes for the pups, no one wants street dog pups. Wish me luck. I am off to research caring for a pregnant dog. She is a miniture version of my dog who died a couple months ago.
    aww, you are so nice for helping that poor dog out! Plenty of people will take mutt pups, as long as they are healthy. Maybe you can find a clinic or shelter that will check the pups out for cheap? They should be willing to help out if it means you will try to find home for them instead of dropping them off at an overcrowded pound/shelter. You could give the pups away for free, which would make it easier. Just try to screen (thoroughly interview) the people who want them to make sure they will provide a good home. We got our puppies from an ad in a local newspaper. You can list puppy adoption/rehoming ads for free on CraigsList.