TBL "WMB" - Black Team Chat

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  • Okay, we have 2 weeks left. Does anyone else want to know how much each person in each team has lost and what their percentage is as an individual and as a team? I sure do!!! I think it would be a great motivator to get us PUMPED UP to finish with a BANG!!!

  • I've got a yoga question.... I have a yoga dvd and it says that you should wait two hours after eating a meal or an hour after eating a snack has anyone else heard of this rule, and do you follow it.

    Soul-what type of yoga do you do.

    Manda- Congrats on the size 18... It always feels good to see your hardwork pay off.
  • I don't eat before yoga, for at least 1 hour but usually 2, period. You may have a different experience, but it just feels best that way for me.

    I like Hatha, Gentle/Relaxation, Restorative, Yoga for Back Health and Kundalini Yoga. I do some Vinyasa but it's honestly too "athletic" for my liking still. Some day!
  • Ahill!

    Yea Soul, I would like to know percentages. Maybe that's too much work for our captains though or whoever would do it?
  • Quote: Happy Easter, everyone! I hope that everyone had a great day.

    Just wanted to check in and tell you all my NSV for the day. I was able to wear a size 18 pair of jeans today. I haven't been a size 18 in about 11 years. When I started losing weight I was a size 28!

    Off to bed. I have to get up really early tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!
  • Good morning!

    I would like to know all of the %'s to but it does seem like a ton of work.

    I have tried to do a Yoga dvd once. I felt like an idiot doing it and never did it again. I just don't seem to bend that way. Maybe I need to get the dvd out and try again.

    I have to give my ds an assessment test today for placement in the Georgia Virtual Academy. I am not sure how long it will take so we are about to get started on it. Gotta make sure we finish it today. I will be back later on.

    I hope that everyone has a great OP day.
  • Ahill that is awesomewhat great news on a busy Monday morning.

    I do think knowing percentages would be awesome as well but it would probably take some time as well. I have not lost a ton of weight through this challenge but I will take the 5 or so pounds hopefully this next couple of weeks will be better for me

    Well everyone have a Great Monday!!!
  • Hi Team!

    I have not abandoned you! I have just had very sick babies who got me sick as well.

    Each person could do their own percentage and post it with their weigh in thread:
    (pounds lost /starting weight) *100=percentage lost
    Catch up soon!

  • good morning team.
    I think it has been a whole week since my last post...in the "old" thread!!
    I have had a house full of sick children...flu, colds, asthma..all week. I think everyone is on the mend, and I am ready to get back to 'normal' life! I took a quick read thru all of the posts I missed..there are a tonne!
    No weight loss this week...I am just happy to be alive! I have been doing my TBL workouts...as a pure stress reliever, and I also started the C25K on Saturday. I needed to get out of the house for some fresh air, the weather was awesome, and I have been wanting to start that program. It kicked my butt, but it was worth it.
    Hope everyone had a great long weekend!! I had a little too much chocolate, and a couple of cheats on Friday, but other than that, it was a pretty good week...food wise.
    Thanks for the chili recipe....we love chili...an exellent way for the kids to get the 'good stuff' without knowing it!
    Have a great day ladies!! I am off to workout, scrapbook, and then get ready for my dad and his wife to visit....more chocolate for the kids!!
    Nearly forgot...I am feeling a little older today....my second child turned 13 yesterday...talk about an emotional day!!!
  • ceegee- greatminds think alike, I was just going to post that! I think we should figure out own percentages out so we can all see!

    ahill- YOU GO GIRL!! awesome!!!! You must be ontop of the world right now!

    I have only every done Kundalini Yoga- I do the Ana Brett and Ravi (I forget his last name) DVDs- they are on amazon. I am going to try a Hatha yoga clas this week sometime! I can't wait.
  • OMG! There's different types of Yoga? Dang... I have a lot to learn.

    I didn't lose any lbs this week, but I didn't gain neither so that in itself is a bloody miracle, because I so totally partook in chocolate, and pasta (regular pasta) salad (lots of calories), and besides staying active, I was a bad bad girl. Just imagine if I had actually tried to lose, lol! Anywho.... I'm in shock. Thinking about skipping the GYM today, I have a sty on my eye and it's all swollen and ugly, and I don't want to go out in public looking like this. But I'll do one of my DVD's I have here @ home.

    Anywho, Ceegee & Dee, I hope everyone get's better in your house. It sucks when everybody gets sick all at once.

    ahill, What's story behind this name? lol... I hope things go well with your son's school thingy. The Georgia Virtual Academy sounds interesting. tell me mopre about that pleeeeeezeeeeee.

    Hope, Soul, Julz, caitbeans, reda, dream, and everyone! Have a Great OP day and:

    Don't Forget to Weigh In tonight!
    11:59 EST!!!!
  • Good morning ladies. Still no TOM and still a negative on the pregnancy test. I'll wait a couple more days and try it again (if TOM hasn't come). I don't know how to feel about it, I'm more bummed than anything. I was literally skipping around the house this morning because i just knew that the pregnancy test would come back positive - and then when the big fat negative came up - I actually cried. I think I've just convinced myself that I MUST be pregnant. Today is day 32 of what should have been a 26-30 day cycle. So, who knows what's going on.

    I'm still at 193.... I just can't seem to catch a break!!!! I promise you all that I exercise 5 days a week and am eating as I should... I think my body just refuses to let anything go until it knows that I'm not going to gain it back....

    After today's weigh-in I'll make a post here of our teams numbers up to date to give us a push for the last two weeks (thanks for the idea, Soulbliss!).

    And, as Diva mentioned before, don't forget that today is weigh-in day!!!
  • Manda - Awesome job on the smaller clothes!! Whoo-Hoooo!!

    Julz - I'm biting my nails for you!!

    Here's my scoop: I've been frustrated having only lost 2 pounds this past month. One problem was the WW system. I thought when I logged my weight each week they would automatically subtract daily points as I lost weight. WRONG. You have to PROMPT the site to adjust your points. I finally figured it out and they subtracted 2 points. I'd been over-eating for MONTHS without knowing it.

    Then . . . I kind of felt like WW was giving me too many Activity Points for the exercise I was doing. That's why I bought the Polar F4 HRM to tell me how many calories I'm burning.

    WW says if you break a sweat within 3 - 5 minutes of starting a workout it is considered high intensity. I always do that on the TreadClimber. BUT . . . they also say you should receive 1 Activity Point for every 100 calories you burn.

    For example . . . today I did 41 minutes on the TreadClimber. The TC says I burned 551 calories. WW gives me 6 points for 41 minutes of high intensity exercise. Meaning I should have burned approx. 600 calories. WRONG. In actuality, I burned 359 calories. I should have received only 3 points.

    It's even worse with an exercise DVD. The Firm Max Cardio is 55 minutes. I would have counted 48 minutes in high intensity for 7 points . . . 700 calories burned. WRONG . . . 348 calories.

    NO WONDER I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT. If I had eaten all my 13 activity points for the day at approximately 50 calories per point that's 650 calories. I'd have worked out 96 minutes and have really only burned an extra 59 calories.

    I believe WW could do a LOT more to try to help people get to their goal weight. These two issues I've had really make me think they are wanting people to take a long time to lose weight so they can keep charging monthly fees.

    I'm taking a deep breath now and am going to brew some herbal tea.

    BIG HUG everybody!!
  • ggmugsy- I didn't know that the WW site doesn't prompt you to change your points total- I need to check that out. I never eat my AP's, I eat all my flexes but don't touch my AP's becuase I just don't know how accurate it is- like you said. Do you like your heart rate monitor? I really want to get one- I think I might buy one for myself for my birthday.

    Hope everyone is having a great OP day!
  • Well Good Afternoon or should I say Evening everyone.
    Well I did NOT loose anything thing this week either but unlike LondonJulz I have not exercise daily actually I have only exercised once this week just have not been in the mood and TOM is just about here for me and I can tell my TOM will show up. LondonJulz hopefully you get the results that you want. I am with DIVA I had to a few pieces of candy along with tons of carbs yesterday SHAME SHAME ON ME!!!!!!
    ggmusgy I did not realize that about WW either but then again I am not on that plan but I do have a very good friend on the plan and she has never mentioned that either.
    Well I hope everyone is feeling better health and mood wise.....
    We are only 1 post ahead of the Red Team!!!!! So lets keep on posting everyone.