Golden Girls - March

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  • WOW Bobbi!! Your yard looks like ours!!! And we are getting more snow as we speak!!!!! GRRR!
  • Oh wow . . . I remember past years when things looked like that around here. This isn't one of them. Although the Winter, overall, has been awful -- we keep interspersing our blizzards with total meltdowns.
  • hi y'all.....I wrote a long page and chicked it into the ether! Gone somewhere???? Have chills just looking at those drifts.

    Bobbie....I make SF pistachio pudding with a slced banana and store in 6 tubs. South Beach isn't happy with bananas but divided into 6th it's not much. You should see the expression on bagger when he picks up one banana.

    Karen...we're coming back out to Colorado this Spring/Summer. Visiting friends in Craig and then katty-corner across state to Trinida. Did a stop in Glenwood last year, but probably not this trip. Came across 70 inbetween tornados...gesh and the flash flooding too. Made our hurricane season look tame!

    Wonder what is in our genes that every year at this time the urgh to get dirt under our nails is so strong? Must go back to cave age.

    I am going down to St Pete for the viewing Wed. Figure be easier to see the family than at the church service Thursday. DH isn't up to the trip.....know I will hit rush hour traffic all the way home. A 2 hr trip will be like 4 hrs long. Gosh, what ever can I say to his teenage kids? They are 18 and 19.....just hugs I guess.

    Made a fish taco for luch. Tasted wonderful but ended up with more on the outside of me than inside. Gotta find the duct tape for the hole in my lip!!!!

    Stay warm and take care of yourself, eat heathy and hugs..karen3
  • Hi Karen, Gosh! if we haven't moved yet you should stop in and see us! We only live about 5 miles from Cripple Creek. Maybe we could go up and see if we coudl win any money!!! Yeah, last year we were traveling on 50/400 to go to MO. and we couldn't even get through Parsons, Kansas. They had the highway closed on both sides. We ended up going about a 35 miles detour! That was pretty scary!!
  • Quicky note....I know that by the time we leave for Colorado you will have the house sold and moved back East with your family! I knew for sure......I'd make a sacrifice to the realestate gods but Dh won't stand still......karen3
  • Thanks!! I'll keep those words in my thoughts!! LOL!!! I wonder if I could get my DH to stand still????
  • Okay....Please rest of GG's that was a JOKE!.....karen3
  • Karen...just pulled up the Colorado map....we were close to u last May. Came down to Breckenridge(had to stop awhile for snow) and at Fairplay picked up Rt9 down to Rt50 and over to Pueblo. Pretty pretty country.....Had dreamed for years retiring to Montana, but bones get cold and sure am happy in Fl. hugs karen3
  • Hello Ladies,
    Karen, I knew you were joking. But if it would help get the house sold......just kidding!!!

    I found out something today that is kind of funny, only because no one was hurt. But my younger brother is over at the United Arab Emirates right now. He is a college professor at MSSU in Joplin. And I guess there is a school over there that wanted to get their accreditiation (SP) so they asked if he would want to go. There are 5 others that went too. But anyway, in Frankfort, Germany yesterday his plane was hit by a bus!! Now my first thought was, "What was a bus doing up that high?" Only someone in our family could be on a plane and get hit by a bus!! I guess they were on the tarmac when it happend and like I said no one was hurt. But I'll bet there were some pretty tense moments! He should be home on the 7th and I imagine he will have some very interesting stories.

    Ok, got to go and fix some grilled chicken for supper!! Catch you later.
  • Cat - I'm looking at all my containers covered in snow Your picture makes me wish for spring even more than ever! Freezing rain predicted for tonight - YUCK!

    Bobbi - my backyard looks like yours! The neighbors are having a hard time keeping their dogs in the yard. The snow is higher than the fence so the dogs just walk over it I'm thinking positively - we will have grass by JUNE!

    To everyone else - hope you had a great weekend!

    I'm celebrating there being 30% less of me this weekend than there was 8 months ago. This has been a long, slow journey - but it has been a pleasant one. I'm so thankful to having met each of you You are an inspirational and FUN bunch of chickies
  • Good Morning Golden Girls, We're still getting snow here, my back yard looks like a white blanket too. It doesn't seem quite as cold though. Spring is on it's way. Right? RIGHT!!!

    Zoe. What fun, taking you GD to the museum for the day. I hope all of you had fun.

    Lyn, I know you must have been so excited to see DD's first play.

    Em, Isn't it fun to need to buy smaller clothes, and bras too. Means you've really lost a lot of weight. YEAH!

    Phillygirl, So sorry to hear about your father. Prayers for the family going out..

    Phyllis, Going back on WW now. I like WW too, because there are no food restrictions. Are you going to drop all the things from Flat Belly Diet? I never got the book but I did start eating the fats they talked about. I added more olives and the oils and chocolate. Those were easy, i loved them all anyway, I haven got the pesto yet.

    Karen3, Sorry about the bad news. I know that just being there will help.

    Karen31, Yeah!! you lost a lb. That's great.Every lb. lost is a lb gone!

    Bobbi. Are you still following the flat belly diet? I think it might be interesting. I love olives, especially the green ones, so i'm going to look for the tampenade and the pesto too. How are you doing with the diet? LIke it? Why?

    Cat, I'm sitting here with green eyes right now. We can't even think garden yet. I'm getting the urge (maybe Karen is right, goes back to the caveman) to get outside and play in the dirt. I don't have a lot of room to garden like you do, but I enjoy planting and watching everything bloom and turn into lovely food that is just so much better than anything you can buy in the store. You said you were getting exotic plants. What?

    Everyone have a good day. Freda

  • Hi hi GGs. Just a really quick hi. Doing physical inventory at work the last 3 days so busy, busy, busy. Missing my regular workouts but hustling pallet jacks and lifting boxes all day combined with running up and down a 120 thousand sq ft warehouse is picking up the slack (I hope). Been terrible with the eating though - just don't seem to have the time to get in all my calories doing my usual "grazing" all day so I'm padding my calories with little snacks of raw nuts as I get a chance to grab a few. Hope I'm not overdoing the fats. Scale will tell next weigh day I guess.

    I have fruit trees in my yard but am jealous of all of your garden plans. I haven't figured out how to plant some berries and veggies and keep my fur kids from eating them all My front yard is all cactus and rock but I've got a little oasis in the back. Next weekend gotta get out and clean up some stuff that didn't make it through the short watering days (we only get to water 1 day a week during the winter) and prune my roses.

    Gotta get back to counting. TTFN
  • Morning y'all....Am sending you all a big jar of warm sunshine. Been top down weather here. Of course I remembered to put it back up last night so it isn't raining today. Apparently it is mating season for mocking birds down here. Had one singing all night long. Over and over and over again. Wonder if mocking bird tastes like chicken!

    30%.........double WOW!

    They had our strawberry fest this past weekend here. We didn't go. After serving strawberries twice to company figured I pushed my luck. The local stands get to sell the berries too ripe for shipping. Actually these festivals are arts and crafts shows with tons of booths. It's funny but the art we brought here with us from the Eastern Shore of Md looks like local stuff. Same marshes...just no palms or gators.

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...forgot they were turning off water from 9-12 today. Haven't had my shower! Dh says pool...that's only 68 degrees! Gotta go heat a pan of water to sponge me off.

    Take care of yourself, eat heathy and hugs....karen3
  • Quote:
    Bobbi. Are you still following the flat belly diet? I think it might be interesting. I love olives, especially the green ones, so i'm going to look for the tampenade and the pesto too. How are you doing with the diet? LIke it? Why?
    Yes, I'm still on it. I canceled my online membership because I know everything I need to know about it. Plus the Prevention magazine has a forum much like the 3FC's where anything and everything is discussed, including the FBD plan. I was consuming too much time on too many forum and decided to cut back to two. My favorite is the 3FC's, in the past I've just been scanning the messages and not participating. You all are like "old friends" , but young at heart. I'm a calorie counter, always have been and I plan my own menu but include all the healthy oils and fats (MUFA's) I've lost a total of 14 pounds on it, the scale just moved again this morning after a long stall. I joined the March Challenge which should instigate me to keep on keeping on.
    I just spent 1.5 hours backtracking over February's thread, I'd like to see your pictures Phyllis. I can't find them, do not know how far to go back.
  • Freda,

    I will go back on the FBD once we get moved. We are cleaning out the frig and pantry so having some strange meals! But the eating out all the time and take home is what is doing me in. I loved the FBD, Bobbi is still on it and doing well I believe. The week before we move will be a killer..weight I will have to pack up the kitchen things but we can grill out I guess.

    Karen, you sure have a LOT of goodness. I remember when I lived in PA one winter we got a lot, probably 5 ft. I am actually looking forward to seeing the snow, since we are retired we can sit in front of the fireplace and don't have to go out in it unless we want too and the condo does all the snow removal.

    Joanne, if you pop in hope all is well or the best it can be with your Mother and that you are hanging in there for her and taking care of yourself.

    Running errands today, picking up Dr. records, mattress pads, grocery, hitting the mall for a quick stop (like they don't have clothes in Ohio!). Then tomorrow back to packing up.

    We were so bad yesterday, went out and got an ice cream!!! I guess we all need a treat once in a while, it was a beautiful sunny day and we needed to get out of the condo.

    Cat, do you plant all your garden in the containers,not in the ground? I am assuming the Marigolds are to keep away rabbits? I am going to plant some garlic and see if it will grow when we get to Ohio....might be interesting.

    Need to get moving, Hi to Zoe, Linda, Bobbi, Gayle, Marylynn, Lynn, Lyn, Karen 3, Em. I know I missed some of you....catch ya next time.
