Ultimate Goal Challenge--December (Month 1)

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  • Here it is. The challenge has started. Everyone is welcome. There are no specific rules. Post early and post often. The main purposes for this thread are support and to report progress. The goal of the challenge is for you as an individual to meet your "ultimate goal". I wish you the best on this journey and I will be here to support you along the way.

    The "HALL OF FAME" will include the names of those individuals that have met a mini goal, a monthly goal, or an ultimate goal. This will be a dynamic list. The mini goals will remain until you meet your next one. The monthly goal will also stay until you meet the next one. When you meet your ultimate goal your name will remain on the Hall of Fame list.

    Periodically there will be updates regarding pounds lost and non scale victories. When I need that information I will post to ask for the information.
  • I was waiting paitently for you to start this months

    As for me.. I'm happily starting this month in the #180's
    My goal for the end of the month is to kiss them good bye before the ball drops! I CAN do it!!! It's #9.2 to go!

    My exercise goal for this month is to train for the 5K that I have in Jan. I found a training program that is 8 weeks long going from a casual walk to pushing yourself to a good 5K time. I'm excited - except for the fact that it's FREEZING here! and the training starts tomorrow, and we're supposed to get a snow storm tonight. Ugh :P I know I CAN do it.. but I have push myself to get outside in the freezing cold everyday and do it! Grrrrr. Brrrrrr
  • Hi Enygirl!
    I know I was wondering if people were getting tired of posting in that other thread. I also had to work today so I was out on the road at 7am.

    I will weigh in on Monday morning. I know I am up. I am struggling a bit right now so starting this challenge will really help me. Now that you are here I can post about the Hall of Fame. Once I start it please provide input. It will truly be appreciated.

    Weight Loss Goal--Get out of the 220's. I know that seems simple but not really since I am struggling

    Exercise Goal--Continue with Couch to 5K program 3 days a week, add 1 day of Pilates

    Water Goal--72 oz a day
  • I'm here!! Well, my first weigh in since I started this journey will be on Friday. Not really sure what I am expecting, I guess hopefully to have dropped at least 5lbs. We will see. Anyways...My goals for this month are to start drinking more water and to get more exercise in. Good luck everyone!!
  • Hi Sarah! Happy to see you here. You will have a great weigh in.
  • Count me in. I really don't have a set number of lbs set as a goal, I just want to lose what I can this month. My main goals are to eat right, have 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies a day, drink 12 glasses of water, have fish about 3 times a week and exercise 5-6 days a week.
  • Hi girls! My Dec. 1 weight was 169.4. I'd like to lose 5 pounds this month, but I am really looking beyond that to reaching 160, which was the final goal I picked out months ago when I was 238. Now that I am getting closer to that goal, I realize 160 is certainly not my ideal weigh so that will be revised, but it is still exciting because thats the number I pulled out of thin air when I had no idea what I should weigh, so thats an exciting goal for me. My secret "ultimate goal" is 138 as that would be 100 pounds lost, but I'm truly unsure if that will be possible. We'll see. I'm happy to be here and excited about meeting these goals and watching all of you meet yours!
  • Good morning everyone! Welcome ButterflyDiva and Jordan! I hope everyone had a good day yesterday. I did. I walked for a little bit yesterday which was not planned. I did Week 4, Day 3 of Couch to 5K which means I have completed Week 4. It was a challenging week so I am so proud of myself for not quitting. I drank all of my water and stayed OP. Today I plan to do 20 minutes of Pilates and plan my menus for the week.
  • everyone! I'm heading out in an hour or so to go walk 5K - or 60 mins - which ever comes first. i'm waiting until DD goes to her friends house for the afternoon. It's not too bad today, about 34 degrees. Much colder then I'd like, but that's what I get for deciding to have the guts to do a 5K for the first time in January!!!

    I just keep thinking of how awesome this training is for me body - because of weight loss. Mind - because I'm chaellenging myself. and Soul - because it gives me a great deal of time to myself to reflect on areas that I'm revamping!

    Good luck to everyone this month - and check back OFTEN!!!
  • I give it to you Enygirl--to go out walking a 5K in 34 degress. You are dedicated.

    I did Pilates today. I really have some work to do. I thought I might alternate the Pilates dvds but I think I will stick with this one for awhile. It is the original Winsor Pilates 20 minutes dvd. I am unable to lift my head up. I used to be able to do rolling like a ball and the roll up and I can't do either right now. I need to work on my "powerhouse". It's 5:10 pm and I am drinking my first bottle of water. I better get on it!!! Right now I'm OP for food.
  • Okay I weighed in this morning. I was 225. Not a good start to the Challenge. A combination of bad choices and TOM should be here anyday now. I'm back on track and doing good now. I met all of my goals yesterday. I was OP for food, drank 72 oz of water, and did Pilates. I will weigh in again next Monday. Have a great day!
  • Hey everybody!

    I've been checking out your thread for the last few days and would like to join.

    I'm on WW. I have a weekly goal of 35 Activity Points per week. I set that goal for last week and met it last night. Whoo hooo!! I begin at zero this morning.

    I also have a Christmas goal going on. Both tickers are below. I started my Christmas goal on October 1st and have not done as well as I could have. Too much wine, not enough exercise . . . so I'm behind, but determined to catch up and get as close to my goal of 182.6 as possible.
  • Welcome ggmugsy! We are more than happy to have you join us. Great job on the activity points. I'm doing WW also.
  • Just checking in and so far so good. Today I got in all my water, ate 6 servings of fruits and veggies and did 40 minutes of slim in 6 burn it up.
  • Quote: Hi girls! My Dec. 1 weight was 169.4. I'd like to lose 5 pounds this month, but I am really looking beyond that to reaching 160, which was the final goal I picked out months ago when I was 238. Now that I am getting closer to that goal, I realize 160 is certainly not my ideal weigh so that will be revised, but it is still exciting because thats the number I pulled out of thin air when I had no idea what I should weigh, so thats an exciting goal for me. My secret "ultimate goal" is 138 as that would be 100 pounds lost, but I'm truly unsure if that will be possible. We'll see. I'm happy to be here and excited about meeting these goals and watching all of you meet yours!
    Hi Jordan! Congratulations on loosing so much weight! I was just wondering how long it took you and what you did that made it so successful.

    Hi Everyone! Hope yall are doing good. I am kinda disappointed in myself; I ate something for dinner I know I should not have eaten. But I know it could have been a lot worse. As long as I don’t let it throw me off track. Good news is I am noticing a little more room in a pair of my 18W jeans.