Ultimate Goal Challenge--December (Month 1)

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  • I agree with you ggmugsy--I will still continue to pee all day and night. That's how my body works. I LOVE red velvet cake too! I actually had 3 events this week. I forgot about one. I hdecided not to go to Richmond for my meeting/holiday party. Less decisions to make. Tonight's party I am good to go because what I'm taking is a WW recipe and the host is making stuff from Cooking Light. Besides I haven't used any of my extra flex pts and I haven't used all of my AP either. I feel good about it. There is a holiday party for one of my programs tomorrow and I think I only plan to make a snack plate if anything. I will see.

    Enygirl--Great job on the weigh in!

    I got all of my water in last night. I did WK5D2 of the C25K last night. I stayed OP for food and oh yeah the scale said 221 this morning. So I'm back to what I weighed before Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to squeeze out another pound or two before my official weigh in on Monday.
  • Thanks for the well wishing! So I'm feeling better today.. more energy - not so blah. TOM came today - so I'm sure that has something to do with last weeks feelings. I'm still having killer munchies though. I'm still sticking to plan.

    I feel you on the water thing. I go back and forth though - somedays it feels like I'm running to the bathroom every 10 mins, and others I'm fine. I always drink at least 64 oz a day - but generally more - so who knows.

    How's everyone's weekend going?
  • Hi Enygirl, it was great to see you on the Short Chicks thread. I started it because I noticed there are alot of short women on 3FC.

    I got all of my water in yesterday and I'm trying to get it all in today. I did D3of the C25K today. I did really well at that holiday party last night and tonight I only had punch at a party for one of my programs. I am really hoping to be 220 or 219 by Monday. I will be able to reward myself with a purse if I'm 220. I already know which one I'm getting too.
  • Shay - I wish I had the money to reward myself in purses and shoes! That'd be AWESOME! Right now I'm rewarding myself with cute hand-me-down cloths from friends and "skinny" relatives. My little sister has a pair of Jeans that are a size 10 that we're competing for. Whoever gets back down to that first wins them! I know it's ridiculous. I'm obviously going to have to buy new clothes though. I'm hoping to be in a 12/14 by my birthday in mid-February - then I can ask for all gift cards

    today is the "easy" 5K walk today. i'm hoping to beat Thursday's time -even if it's by a minute. only 47 more days until race day!
  • Hopefully everyones having a great weekend. Yesterday I ate well, and turned down late night taco bell which is insanely hard for me. Then I got my fiance, brother and dad to do pilates with me which was hilarious and turned into us doing wall sits and push ups and "the captain morgan pose" for hours....they are all way too competitive. Luckily I beat them all at the wall sit and I feel very accomplished! hehe.

    Sadly I just purchased a nice full length mirror which was a terrible idea because I stare at my body way too much and find more flaws every time. My new thing is stretch marks, I'm obsessed with how awful they look and haunted by my mom telling me that they never ever go away. So if this is true and I get down to the weight I want will I have ugly stretch marks still? That makes things seem hopeless. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them or if they still look this bad when you lose lbs?
  • Enygirl--Nothing really expensive. Just a purse from Chadwick's that has been marked down a few times.

    Chelle-Sorry to tell you but the stretch marks stay. I'm not sure there is some way to get rid of them. I haven't investigated it. Fortunate for me only my bf gets to see mine and he doesn't care about them.

    Well I got all of my water in except for 1 bottle yesterday. I'm trying to work on drinking all of my water by 8pm. We'll see how that works. I did Pilates this morning. That felt good "pulling my belly button to my spine" and working on my "powerhouse".
  • Chelle - yeah, stretch marks stink. Mine aren't bad but I am so focused on them that they are all I see. While they don't go away I have heard that self tanner covers them up fairly nicely (and they do fade). Eny and Shay, good job on your 5k training, especially in the cold.
  • yeah, stretch marks are so yucky. I probably should just stop focusing on them, and be concerned with losing weight instead.

    Shay- Pilates is awesome, i love the feeling after I've done it. Its hard work but the benefits are great.
  • Hi Girls!

    I weighed in yesterday- not as bad as I expected! After not feeling like moving for 3 weeks, I somehow managed to lose 1 lb. have a date with my mom and the eliptical tomorrow morning, I'm not sure if I can even remember how to get to the gym!

    Chelle- my mom is a labor nurse. I'll ask her if there are any tricks of the trade to at least make stretch marks less noticeable!

    Does anyone drink Vitamin Water? This is my new obsession, and I know it has calories, but does it count towards water intake for the day? Because I am falling in love, and it would be great if there was a benefit to it...

    Have a GREAT week all!
  • WOW! I've missed a lot. I've been working like crazy this last few days . . .

    You are all doing better than I am!!!

    I didn't make my exercise goal this week because I didn't work out yesterday.

    We had a party Friday night and I did pretty well but ended up exceeding my weekly point total by 6. (I had about 17 unused activity points though so I didn't stress over it.) I guess that's what started my feeling of deprivation . . .

    I made very healthy choices from the buffet table at the party and I STILL exceeded my point total. Arrrrggghhhh!!! I HATE that when I go out to eat it is so difficult to stay OP. Full fat dressings, full fat mayonnaise, more fat in preparation . . . it's just not worth it.

    I did very well Saturday even though it was my sister's birthday. I had ONE glass of wine (which is unheard of for me) and a teeny, tiny piece of red velvet cake. (MY FAVORITE!!!) I was within my points that day and did not use the 5 exercise points I earned.

    Then Sunday . . . my husband wanted a sandwich from the deli while we were grocery shopping. BIG MISTAKE!! I should have just gone to sit in the car, but it was snowing and cold. I walked up and down the deli counter looking at all that wonderful food. All the stuff I haven't eaten for MONTHS. He ordered a Reuben paninni and 1/4 pound of chicken & gorgonzola pasta salad. It was good, but just the few bites I ate totalled more points than a real, healthy lunch.

    I was bloated and puffy and feeling deprived . . . grrrrr. I didn't exercise. I ate 2 more SMALL pieces of red velvet cake and then licked the spoon when my husband made two batches of fudge. I don't even LIKE fudge. My TOM started Friday and I've been ravenously hungry all weekend.

    Just when I think I've got this weight loss gig under control, I completely lose it.

    I'm going to keep my 35 activity points per week goal but I'm going to try to earn 6 points per day so I can have Sunday off.

    I'm picking myself up and getting back on the horse. Drinking water and beginning a new week . . . with ANOTHER party on Friday. Arrrgghhh!!!

    Hope everybody has a great day!
  • Girls - I'm tired... this weekend was ROUGH! I thought that TOM came on Saturday - but apparently just spotting - (sorry if TMI) I'm half hoping that I'm not pregnant - although DBF and I have been talking about it - I just wanted to lose the weight first.

    My best friend who is very ill was back in the hospital yesterday - and every day I worry more and more that this might be the last phone call. grrr...

    I'm still working at staying on plan - last night was a complete binge night - and I went about 300 cals over - which sucks. THis morning I weighed myself and I'm back up top #189.6 - still not the #190's - THANK GOD - but I know I didn't get 1/2 my water either day this weekend. I'm hoping that's all it is.

    I'm still going to pick up a pg test tonight on my way home from work - just to make sure.... If I am then I guess I'll just join back in with you all in a year - although I'[ve fallen in love with this site and probably won't be able to keep away! I'll let you all know in the morning.
  • jordan--I'm actually doing my training on the treadmill. Thank goodness. I will run outside in the spring.

    chelle--I love pilates. If I feel really lazy I will always do pilates. If you are doing it right, you definitely feel it.

    mindy--I think of this weight loss thing as a journey full of ups and downs. Everyday is a new day.

    enygirl--Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she is okay.
    Why do we feel the need to weigh after a binge? More torture. I do it all the time.

    I'm still peeing the entire day and night. I keep falling asleep before finishing all of my water. Being OP--not the past two days. Today is a new day. Here I go again.
  • Enygirl - How did the pg test go?? I'd be freaking out if I were in your shoes. I'm also sorry about your friend. Has she been ill for a long time?

    You guys are right. This is no big deal. I drank tons of water yesterday, got up 5 times during the night to use the restroom and am STILL up a pound. grrrr. Logically, I know I didn't eat (or drink) enough calories to cause a pound in FAT. I need to get over this freaky thing with the scale and just keep on keepin' on.

    I have stretch marks, too. Most of them are on my lower abdomen, underneath my belly button, but I have one that snakes up my stomach, almost all the way to my bra. I HATE IT. I can tell when I have gained weight because it gets red. Lovely. I'm going to have a little tummy tuck when I hit my goal weight. I'm hoping to combine it with having a hernia in my belly button fixed to save money. I'm also hoping it's just a skin removal thing and not a full, cutting and tightening the muscle, kind of tummy tuck. Again, hoping to save some $$.

    I'm taking flax seed oil every day to help try to keep my skin moist so the tummy tuck is the only skin removal I need. Also moisturizing like crazy, working out, and doing exfoliating massages to increase bloodflow to the surface of my skin regularly. I have no medical proof it will work, but I'm going to try.

    I have one child home sick and a ton of work to do. Have a great day!
  • The test was negative - the binging continues. I don't know what's going on! I'm still exercising - and staying "around" my calories - but yet again today the dreaded scale read #191.3!! That's #4 UP from FRIDAY - AND Puts me back in the #190's!!!

    I'm hoping that it's just the inevitable late TOM - and that it'll all be gone and then some on my official weigh in date of Friday. i only have 2 more weigh ins for my contest at work... THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO MESS UP!!!!


    I'll keep you all posted. i'm tired - and over worked... I know that I feel like crap because I'm not getting nearly enough sleep this week - which for some reason always causes my weight loss to slow too. I'm going to bed early tonight and tomorrow so that I can get back on track! I HATE STRESS!!
  • I hope it is not too late for me to join in.

    Any way my goals are to be 135-140 range. Currently i am stuck at 180 and i do mean stuck since about June. my goal for the end of the year is 170 but i will be extremely happy with 175 just to get me a safe distance away from the 180 mark. I am trying to eat until i am no longer hungry not full this way i feel like i have more freedom i what i eat. Exercising i have a Gazzelle that i like to use and am doing pilates for the toning.
