That 70's Show - on our way to losing 70ish lbs

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  • Okay I just logged in and saw only 4 posts from last week! Where is everyone?

    What is your weight this week, if you care to share?

    Did you meet last weeks goal?

    What is your least favorite food on your diet? And what is your most favorite food on your diet plan?

    What inspires you during the day and keeps you motivated to stay on track?

  • My weight is so YO-YO. Up down, up down. I got on the scale not too happy on Sunday AM. Spent the day on my feet playing with kids, riding bikes, even spent 3 hrs at the park! We have an awesome play area with a circle sidewalk going around the play equipment so while other moms sit on benches, I just walked and walked and walked around around & around watching the kids play.
    Wake up this morning and the scale reads FOUR pounds less than yesterday AM.
    My husband said not to get on so much, and I know he is right. He said either yesterdays reading or todays was not correct. And here I thought I lost 4 pounds because I was literally on my feet moving the ENTIRE day.

    Did I meet last weeks goal? Nope. I am always tired & still making excuses
    I do not have a favorite food on a diet, but my least favorite thing is skim milk.
    What inspires me is the thought of my husband seeing me in a different way.
  • Hi 2B! Thanks for starting the thread! I can relate on how frustrating it is with the scale. Last week, I ate really well, but the scale wasn't moving. I had a rough day at work one day and drowned myself with pizza. but the next day, I had lost a pound! I don't get it!

    Not currently weighing myself, it's TOM and plus my aunt and uncle visited last weekend and it wasn't a pretty sight. They insisted on taking my DH and I out for dinner at all of the best (read: unhealthy) restaurants in town. However, I did notice something interesting...when I eat poorly, I just feel bad period. Emotionally I feel kind of down; physically I feel sluggish, in pain, bloated, etc. That alone should be motivation enough for me to eat better, wouldn't you think?

    I think my least favorite food is usually whatever I bring for breakfast. I'm not a big breakfast eater but I know it's important to eat. If I could have it my way, I'd probably eat pizza or sandwiches for breakfast, haha. But I try to stick to oatmeal and fruit.

    My MOST favorite food is probably fills me up without a lot of calories.

    Inspiration? I would kill to be the weight I was when my DH and I first met. That, and since we have been discussing starting a family, I really want to actually be thin and people can tell I'm pregnant...instead of being fat and people thinking I'm pregnant, like it is now!
  • 2Fat - going out to eat is the worst. I never eat low calorie when I'm out, I always always always consider it an excuse to indulge!
    I know exactly what you mean, I feel sluggish when I eat bad as well, it's a viscious cycle though for me. I eat well, feel great, give myself a treat, feel sluggish and rotten about well, feel great, treat myself, over and over, horrible cycle!
    Good for you on eating oatmeal, I haven't tried it yet, but if you like sandwiches have you thought of a breakfast BLT, or a breakfast borrito? Scrambled eggs rolled up with some shredded chese?
    I have not eaten much soup when dieting, is there one in particular that you would suggest?

    As for being pregnant, I weighed 135 when I got pregnant the first time (6 yrs ago)...then was around 180 when I got pg the 2nd time (4 yrs ago). Now I'm over 200, so I weigh more now than ever...and about the same as when I was 7 mos pregnant, maybe even more!
    But I always LOOKED pregnant when I was pregnant. So that was good.
    And the bigger girls I knew --- they always LOST weight, I swear I knew one girl that lost 70 pounds during her pregnancy! She was so skinny when she gave birth. My sister in law is the same way, she has LOTS of kids, and you can never tell when she is pregnant, she never shows until her 9th month, but each time she has a kid she is skinnier and skinnier !!! Wild huh?
  • Hi 2Bthin! Ooooh I like your idea of a breakfast burrito. That would be easy to make the night before and just heat it up the next day, topped with a little salsa. Mmm! I have to run to the store tonight, so maybe I'll pick up some tortillas and give it a shot.

    Trust me, I'm not a fan of oatmeal..yuck! But Quaker does make a few oatmeal packets that are bearable and not halfway bad. I really like their Simple Harvest Multigrain oatmeal in the apples and cinnamon flavor. It's got chunks of apple actually in it, so it's nice and sweet without the extra sugar.

    Soup...well, I really like the health choice soups, especially chicken and wild rice, and it's convenient. But I also like to make soups, because it makes a lot and usually I can squeeze out some leftovers for the next day. I had to find some recipes online, but these are my favorite soups to make...

    Vegetarian Minestrone

    Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

    Taco Soup

    There's also a White Chicken Chili that I like to make, but can't seem to find the recipe for it online... it's basically a couple of chicken breasts, chicken broth, a can of white kidney beans, can of diced green chilies, cumin, garlic, salt & pepper, etc. Very yummy!

    Oh man, if I happen to get pregnant in the near future, I just hope and pray I actually LOOK pregnant...right now I think my flab would hide up until I was probably 6 months or so... Maybe it will be reverse for me, and I can lose weight, too! LOL! Somehow, I don't think getting pregnant is the ideal weight loss plan...hahaha
  • 2Fat - are we the only ones here this week? Hope the others check back soon.
    Thanks for the soup recipes & ideas. Question: when you eat soup, is that your entire meal? And how much do you measure out? 1 cup? I so need to drink more water to feel full.
    Having a yo yo week already, and it's just Wednesday!
    Went to the Dr today for my annual female checkup...and she says "you know you need to burn more calories than you consume in one day in order to lose weight". I looked at her like "are you kidding me? as if I didn't know that?" Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Anyway - thanks for the soup recipes I will put the stuff on my shopping list for this weekend. How was your breakfast burrito?
  • Hey Girls, I'm here. =)

    What is your weight this week, if you care to share? 208, same

    Did you meet last weeks goal? lol, I can barely remember yesterday.

    What is your least favorite food on your diet? And what is your most favorite food on your diet plan? Least favorite, lately has been salad and fruit. Most favorite, the instant weight control oatmeal.

    What inspires you during the day and keeps you motivated to stay on track? Probably wanting to fit into my smaller clothes. I especially want to look good in Jeans again.

    I hear you girls on the yoyoing, on anygiven day I can easily fluctuate 3 pounds from the day before, it can be very off putting. I try not to get to upset over gains and tell myself to try and stay on track and things will settle in the right direction.
  • Hey everyone! Well I don't know what happened, but I (reluctantly) stepped on the scale this week and hit 199.8!!! I'm shocked! Now I'm determined not to blow it....

    2Bthin, I hope you like the soup recipes. Sometimes I eat a piece of crusty wheat bread from the grocery store bakery, or I have a salad with light dressing as well. But the minestrone and the taco soup are both really hearty soups and will fill you up nicely. I usually eat about a cup and a half to two cups of soup, depending on how hungry I am.

    Ooooh I could have slapped your doctor! DUH! Thanks for the brilliant advice, doc...

    Hotmama, glad you chimed in! How is your week going? I know what you mean about the yo-yo'ing and trying not to get upset. Once I saw 199 flash on the scale this morning, I thought "great, I'll probably be back up over 200 tomorrow!"
  • Great news Anna!!! Maybe it'll give you that extra bit of momentum. I love it when I see a new lower number; for me, I take it as a peak of things to come and I want to keep going. Along the same lines, if i've had a good workout and things are a little more taut looking, I tell myself that if I stick to it those changes will become permanent, if that makes any sense. =)
  • Hey ladies! Hope we aren't losing steam. Maybe we should just continue on posting in this thread until things pick back up again?

    Well, I didn't exercise self-restraint and pretty much blew it over the weekend. DH's sister was in town so we had a huge family bbq for her birthday. Too much good food. I did get back on track yesterday and ate well and went to the gym for 40 minutes. I won't be weighing myself until the end of the me some time to get off that weekend weight!

    How is everyone else doing?

    What's an exercise you love doing?
  • Hey Anna,
    I'm here. Lots of good food -- I would have let myself enjoy it too. I don't think there is anything wrong with that as long as we do get back on track and don't mind the possible weight loss slow up. Personally, I like to enjoy myself and yes that includes tasty food. But, I do put myself back on track regularly by remembering what I really want.

    I had a terrific weigh-in this monday, but I'm up some today. Sometimes I'm just more hungry and when I'm hungry, I've gotta eat. It seems to work itself out though because I'm not always 'so hungry'.

    In general I would say I love the elliptical, but lately I've been loving squats and the weight machines. The last two really give me the results I'm wanting to see. Sometimes my knees creak while I'm doing my squats, but honestly I think my knees' stability and strength have improved because of them. My trainer told me it's ok to take a wider stance when doing squats -- when I first started them I thought I was going to fall over. My pt told me to step out wider and give myself a bigger/more supportive stance. It may not have looked as pretty, but it didn't reduce the benefit.

  • Hey hotmama!

    I hear you about the food...except I think my problem is it cycles weekly... one week I'll be hungry and eating everything in sight, then next week, I won't be hungry and lose the weight I gained the previous week. Probably why I keep losing and gaining the same few pounds.

    I like the elliptical, too! In general I feel like it gives me a better work out, but I try to switch things up because if I get too bored, it's torture.... I am currently doing something like 15 minutes on the elliptical, 10-15 minutes on the stationary bike and 10 minutes on the treadmill.

    Someone posted a poll on another message board I frequent, asking how often the women worked out. I was really interested to read the responses because these are 95% women who seem naturally thin and don't struggle with their weight. I was surprised to see that most of them worked out 5-6 times a week for AT LEAST an hour. I started thinking maybe that's what I really need to be aiming for to see results. I'm planning on giving it a try next week when my DH is out of town and I have more free time and less distraction.

    Well I don't understand it, but I was 201 yesterday but down to 199.4 this morning. Very odd.
  • Happy Monday, everyone! Yeah, yeah.... I know.... I hate Mondays, too.

    How was everyone's weekend? DH left for Detroit for a week, so I am using the opportunity to exercise my tail off and eat well. Hopefully I can drop another 2 lbs. by the time he gets back on Friday night...we'll see.

    I weighed in at 198.8 this morning...woohoo! That just motivates me to do well this week and not give in to eating out every night!
  • Hello!!
    It was a crazy weekend for me and my eating was a bit haywire. Anyway, it's a new week and I'm hoping to right myself.

    Anna, I'm so happy to hear you are feeling motivated, YAY! That's what I need right now, some good ol fashioned motivation, lol. I think maybe if I can fit in some exercise today that will get the ball rolling again for me.

    Good wishes to you and to anyone else reading our little thread!!
  • Quote: Hello!!
    It was a crazy weekend for me and my eating was a bit haywire. Anyway, it's a new week and I'm hoping to right myself.

    Anna, I'm so happy to hear you are feeling motivated, YAY! That's what I need right now, some good ol fashioned motivation, lol. I think maybe if I can fit in some exercise today that will get the ball rolling again for me.

    Good wishes to you and to anyone else reading our little thread!!
    Did you get to exercise yesterday? I got in about 30 minutes at the gym. Haven't been sleeping well lately so I am just pooped physically.

    As far as eating...went just a tiny bit overboard last night but I did resist my temptation to make chocolate chip cookies (I really wanted the cookie dough!) I got some really good sugar free ice cream bars (Sweet Freedom Black Raspberry) and it's hard to eat just one! One bar is only 90 calories, so it makes a great after-dinner treat. I am trying to keep myself busy tonight so I don't fall into the boredom eating like I did last night!