Weight bench...

  • I seem to be progressing with my dumbells and am thinking I should get a bench for my home - one that can be inclined I suppose. After two months I'm lifting 12 lbs upper body and 15-20+ lower body, I am just thrilled about my weight loss and increased tone. But I want to go for ultra fit now. I dont' have a lot of room in my home, was looking on craigslist and some of the home weight training systems take up too much room but there's some deals on heavier weights and benches.

    Just wondering if others have benches in their homes, what type/size, etc? I bought a dumbell rack from Reebox that I like - so I think in the spot in back of my living room that was meant for a home office I could fit a small bench and more dumbells, perhaps a bar too.

  • I don't have a weight bench in my home but I've used a bunch of different weight benches both at my gym and at hotels and other gyms when traveling. I'd definitely look for one that inclines and I'd also get one with the knee/foot thingy (not sure what to call it--it has one part that your knees slide over and an a round padded part that your feet slide under) that allows you to use the bench to do situps (and a handle for doing leg lifts). If they make benches like this, but probably one where you can lower the knee/foot thing out of the way when you aren't using it would be ideal. Some of the benches I've used have a hinge in the middle so you can raise one end. I've found that to be annoying, I'd rather just have one solid bench. But if you did exercises where you needed to raise one end (no idea what those exercises are), then I guess you want that feature.

    I'd also recommend trying a bench out before buying it; I've found that some are definitely more comfortable than others. I couldn't tell you what the difference is, but I know the incline bench at my Ballys is far more comfortable to use than the incline bench at the Ballys by my parents house.

    Another thought might be to get a step system. I'm not sure how it compares to weight benches in terms of price, but my trainer has me use a step as a weight bench all the time. You can set more steps under one end to make it incline somewhat. I don't think you'd be able to do situp and leg lifts on an incline on it, but you could probably use it for most other exercises that you use a weight bench for. It might be cheaper than a bench and you could also use it for step-ups, jump squats, push-ups, and other great cardio exercises (whereas a regular weight bench might be too high for some of these).
  • I have an incline bench at my house. Much more adaptable than a flat bench (e.g., for incline bench, preacher curls, reverse flies, military press, etc.). It doesn't have the foot thingie, and I don't miss it; there are many, many other ways to add difficulty to sit-ups than to do them on an incline.

    IMO, splurge for the incline bench, but save money by skipping the foot attachment.

  • For the first couple of months I used my Ikea coffee table, and I found a bench at a local school garage sale for 5.00. You can also use a stability ball to lift on- which I have for inside the house. DS13 has taken over the bench on the back porch.
    Just a thought-if you have a local Craig's list you might be able to find something affordable. I see bunches of nice sets that include weights at what I think are reasonable prices. I seem to get sticker shock when looking at fitness equipment in the stores.
  • I do have a step and I did just figure out how to make it incline. maybe that's all I need for now, especially if a trainer is having you do it at a gym this way. I don't have a lot of space at home to begin with. And the step I can fold up and store in the closet. However I might keep my eye on craigslist as I do see some there. Target has a Reebox one that didn't seem to expensive, I don't remember if it's inclined or not.

    I'm also looking for more dumbells on craigslist. Going up to 20 and 25 lb is expensive isn't it? What types of weights doy ou use at home, the hex ones?
  • A setp and a stability ball (based on your height, you ned a 65cm one) should be plenty. I'm another one who used my cheap coffee table for years
    I have a Reebok step, tho I like the ones that you can put individual rings under to vary the height more. We now have a bench at home with one of the "leg deveoper" attachments which I find useless and annoying. It may be that I'm just too short for it because hy dh uses it without any problem. I think the compound exercises that you are doing are a lot more useful than anything you could do with the leg attachment.

    Congratulations on your progress!

  • My Reebok step has detachable sections that I can arrange independantly, thanks for the incline bench idea. (not the ring type that is purple or blue) Between that and the stability ball, I am inspired to do a more thorough workout.
  • I think I'll stick with my mini home gym then rather then go to the club. I just moved and I can tell just driving by this new one - it's big buff men going there and I'd feel stupid. There's a curves and another women's club that's about the same but I would advance beyond that. I like dumbells and my routines at home. I think my stair step will be fine for now, I bought a ball months ago and haven't even blown it up, I read articles that it can be used too - plus it makes you balance and work your core as well. I have the Gari dvds and others with weight routines if I get bored with my own. But for now I like the book I'm going off of too, Sculpting... and I'm making progress. If something is working don't change right? Funny I've been using the sides of my couch as a bench... it works.
  • Quote: I think I'll stick with my mini home gym then rather then go to the club. I just moved and I can tell just driving by this new one - it's big buff men going there and I'd feel stupid.
    You never know, Horsey, you might be able to give them a run for their money

    I love my Y. It's such a diverse crowd--I'll be doing my lifting alongside beefy young men and much older women. It's great.

    Quote: There's a curves and another women's club that's about the same but I would advance beyond that.
    I just think its crappy that 'women's gym' is synonymous with 'place you can't get a real workout'. What's up with that? Why can't there be women's gyms where all women, the fit as well as the unfit, are able to go?
  • I miss my YMCA. Maybe I'll have to call and not cancil my membership, it's due to expire at the end of the month. It's a 15-20 minute drive, but it would be an excuse to get to town. I like the diversity and they have daycare too, the GYM - with the big buff dudes wouldn't need daycare since it's all dudes you know.

    Oh, I found this Ladies Workout Express on the internet and it says the machines are SET differently every day. But you can't change settings. They have some hand weights around for those who want a more unique workout - I think it's pathetic that they want to fit all women into the same 30 min routine, Curves is like that too. I have no problem with working out with women only but WHY can't someone come up with a gym for women that's not some cookie cutter workout routine? Maybe they have them in larger cities but not here. So the choice is the gym for big buff dudes or the women at this silly place. I just can't do THAT.

    Maybe you are right, one day I'll give the BIG BUFF DUDES A RUN FOR THEIR MONEY... I seem to be getting in shape quick and I'm lifting more then someone should having not done this in quite awhile. I'm toning up and am feeling better, maybe they wouldn't intimidate me...

    But the YMCA... and having daycare, and classes, and stuff for my boy too. Really I might call them and say don't cancil, there was an intro fee I paid that I'd have to pay again if I joined. Maybe even if we go just once a week it'll be enough for me to do super leg workouts on machines - and my boy likes to hang out there. We had a new "routine" where we both ran around the gym, I ran back and forth pretendiing my old volleyball coach from high school was screaming at me - I remembered a lot of the workouts as she killed us, but we were good, I was one of the top players in the state. Can you imagine if she saw me fat and flabby like this?

    The Y is only $40 a month, and going back and forth can be my time to shop and do other things in town - my bank is still over there, I like the big library, the mall, etc. We moved more in the country to a town near our old small city....