The Chat-Check In Thread February 1-15, 2007

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  • It's right there under the ironing board.
  • Hey I'm closer to fran than you, I claim her restless energy first!
  • ironing board? is that that flowered thing hanging in the basement?
  • Sure guys, I'm starting a list. But chances are just as good that I will show up late at nite as well as on a friday or weekend. Nelie, you nailed it. It's this restless energy. The other day I found my mind running faster and I was like on speed or something going from kitchen, to powder room, to the stack of mail on the counter, to the couch, then remembering something else.......

    I swear I"m NOT on speed.......... but not quite sure how to deal with myself either. You guys, this is the most weight I have ever been able to lose. Normally I do some kind of gung-ho but unmaintainable plan until I drop 20 and then go back to my old habits and slowly the fat creeps back on. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself and this new lifestyle.
  • Come find my ironing board.
  • Fran! It's exciting that you have so much energy. Now about those roof spikes! We do have some sort of barrier up there to deal with ice, but we had so much snow last month that it was over the top of it. Usually the snow blows off our roof (which is metal and dark brown). If my PW guy ever finds the architect who designed the sloping part of the roof to be over the front entry, he'll throttle him!

    This is it - summer and winter views:

    Someone the other day mentioned the New Rules of Lifting so I checked the book out. Has some good ball exercises which could be incorporated into any routine, not just his. I think I'll add in a few new things from the book - my routine is ready for shaking up.
  • Hi LWL,

    Thanks for the hilarious thread about Fran's new found energy! SusanB..I know exactly where my ironing board is...I packed it off with all XHs other stuff, so I guess his new love is now using it to iron his shirts! Definitely one of the positive changes in my life, I do not iron anything anymore. As Mel said...been there, done that, got the marks, the bills & the insanity to prove it!.

    Fran...I have another possible cause for restless energy. SPRING is in the air! The sun is shining, and literally flooding into my house & re-done garden. Bird are checking out the nest boxes I put up, and the crocusses are in bloom. And, drumroll please, this is the definitive give away..I had the sudden urge to clean my kitchen cabinets! ( and I actually did clean them out too! that is to say, the 50% that really needed that).

    Scales were up today, but I guess that's because I have sore muscles, must be retaining water from the power class yesterday. For some reason i figured i could load the barbell with an extra 2 kg, and that sure was a lot more difficult than I thought.

    Frus ...I hope you are having a great time on the continent ! Enjoy!

    Have a great weekend,
  • Spring ... sigh ... the wind chill warnings for today are -30C ... ladies ... that cold!
  • RABBIT: I think many of us are going to live vicariously through you as you enjoy your spring garden. Fortunately, I have a cloudless blue day today too but there are no birds looking to make nests here!

    Ahhh, the ironing board. Do people still use those things?

    PAT: Welcome Home! I'm so glad to see you! Sounds like you had a fantastic trip. DH and I are looking forward to the time in which we can travel once again too. Just like Mr. Fru, Mr. Lydia has wanderlust. It was satiated when he was employed by a company based in Zurich five years ago. Every other month he was able to travel to Switzerland and stayed for two to three weeks at a time. After almost two years of this it got a little weary for us both. He has some great tales of some of the places he traveled to outside of Switzerland. When the boys are older we will pack them up for some of the hiking vacations as well. Right now it's just good to have him home for dinner every night. I do miss the champagne truffles though.

    FRAN: That extra energy is a real force. Just so you know. I had it too this summer. OMG. While it is an awesome thing just pace yourself. Eventually you will even out again. I think for me I was just so darn giddy that someone should have slapped me.

    SUSANB: How are those abs today?! I did a little extra ab work on Wednesday and just now feel better. It's been a while since I've done decline situps on the bench. Thing is, it didn't bother me while I was doing them. Could have kept going all morning on that bench, but man the next day. Yow! Oh and by the way, thanks for the compliment. Although DH would argue that I'm not exactly as cute as a button all the time. But, ya know, he lives with me.

    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • I think I have wanderlust. I always want to go places and be places but I need my job to provide me with unlimited vacation time and a hefty travel budget Actually I used to think the ideal job would be travelling but now with DH, I wouldn't want to leave him for more than a few days. Maybe a newlywed thing but when I'm overnight somewhere without DH, I miss him terribly. Kind of sad
  • Hi Everyone!

    You know I'm often lurking here and finding my inspiration and knowledge.

    Since it's the beginning of February, I'm thinking it's time for some new goals. I've been really enjoying my working out and new found muscles but the scale refuses to budge. I think my goal for February will be just a little drop in the scale...that's not too much to ask for is it?!

    And I know I can always come here for inspiration, if I need it. I'm going to try to change up the workout a little bit too. I won't give up my once a week step class or power class but that still leaves plenty of time for some new strength training.

    Spring is definitely not in the air here but it's still my goal to feel good this summer in shorts and a tank top. Not a crazy goal really.

    One arm pushups are soooo impressive. I'm still trying to be able to do some "regular" pushups. I'm going to add that to my goals. I'm not sure what's a realistic goal by the end of the month...10? We'll see, I guess.

    My husband absolutely has wanderlust too. I knew it when I met him but I have to keep him in check or he would spend every penny we had (and more) on travelling. I love it too but I think I'm just more practical than he is.

    Here's a question that I think I can ask here without looking like a crazy person. I've only been working out and training regularly for a few months but I'm still loving it and actually find I want to do it more rather than far. I wish there were more hours in the day!

    The question though is do you find yourself wanting to talk about working out or what you accomplished in the gym today all the time but then worry that your friends, family and coworkers will think you're obsessive and a bit insane?

    I guess that's why I need to come here more right?

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Hi Elisa

    To answer your question, YES
    Everyone has a topic they are passionate about. If yours happens to be working out then I think you can only do more good than harm.

    My family is okay about listening to my gym stories. They know I just don't get out enough. My friends, I'm a little more cautious with how much or how often I share.

    But it is hard not to want to yell out all that you accomplished that day. Especially when you finally meet that goal of one handed pushups!

    Have a nice weekend.
  • Hi all,

    Yeah Elisa, I run into that too. But luckily right now my friends are working out as well so we are all talking the same talk.

    I had good workouts both yesterday and today. Last night at the end of each of my last sets, I worked my way down the weight stacks and my muscles felt like they were on fire!! Today was back and bis (did I ever mention how much I HATE bicep work?) Worked down the stack on the back exercises but wimped out on the bicep work - in fact I almost hurt my back because I lifted the bar up wrong and the beginning of the last set and its now tender. I came home, got in bed on a heat pad and watched Tarzan (yep the Disney version), Chicago and napped during both. Yawn!! I think its time for yet another nap. I read on a thread somewhere that you lose weight while sleeping so my goal today has been to lose 10 lbs!!!

    Nighty night chickies!!

  • Yes, Elisa, very true, and I don't really have anyone to talk about it too since I'm doing this all on the QT. Only my family members who live with me know. I know dh is supportive, but not into it, as his mind is in a very different place right now, focused more on consumption than outcomes. But my dd's, little as they are, are great. They "work out" with me and my 5 yo just started "teaching" us yoga in the afternoon. We go in her room and she takes us thru a routine - she gets into a leo and everything. She's actually quite good and very cute at it. But yes, I am obsessive and that's probably why I post here so much. I have thought more than once or twice, that I should be DOING more and POSTING less!! Sitting and surfing does not do much good for the body. Wonder who will create the first treadmill or ellip web browser with the mouse clickers in the handrails, like where they put the pulse monitor or the increase/decrease buttons now.

  • I think you're on to something there Fran!

    It is holy freaky cold here today. Windchill of -32C or -26F and it is windy. The cat won't even go out!
    I'm going to church but I'll have to figure out how to wrap up my head Then I'll be a football widow for the day so ... I could do more legs raises and tabata squats ... not jump squats