bye bye xmas weight challenge!

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  • I'm in! This is my day 1 for Phase I. I am unsure what is realistic yet. I made my goal by the end of January to be 12 lbs. Considering I am in Phase I, I am hoping this is do-able. I will be able to post my weight on the 24th! Good luck everyone!
  • Thanks Brandy!
  • fatBgone - phase 1 of what? Sometimes at the beginning of a new diet you lose more, so its very possible that those 12 pounds will come off somewhat easily.

    I hit an all time low at work today, I had a crazy headache and covered half a shift for a girl who's sister was sick.. I overdid it. The girl left at 8pm (she did a partial shift), and by 8:38 I had a fever and ran to the bathroom and threw up It was horrible!! Luckily the closing manager is friend-like of mine, she caught one look of me after the "incident" and sent me home. They found someone from another section to cover mine. I love people sometimes. When the bf came to pick me up, I just started sobbing... he drove directly to Safeway with a Starbucks and got me a strong coffee and advil liquidgels. I am starting to feel much better... 2 or so hours later. Phew, not a fun day for me! I am hoping it's NOT the flu going around at work, instead I think because I woke up with a headache and then that combined with a lunch that just wasn't right.. it just went bad from there. I am slightly babbling now, only because I think all the drugs in my body are giving me some psycho high.

    Anyways, thats the long explanation of my day! Tomorrow I am convinced I'll be all good

  • Aimee-hope you're feeling better and do NOT have the flu. I'm glad you at least were surrounded by good people to help you through.

    fatBgone-Good luck with the 12 pound goal. It is a bit lofty, but if youre just starting a program it could very well work out for you.

    I got a 4 mile walk in this morning and I'm feeling much better than yesterdays headache induced haze.

    Have a great day.
  • Sorry- Phase I of Fat Smashers!

    Swimgirl- hope you are feeling better. There is a lot going around this time of year.

    Day 2 - so far so good- I have not cheated one bit. I excercised for 55 minutes yesterday and 30 minutes so far today. I found a friend to go walking at the mall too, so we can start that in a few days.
  • fatBgone - Whats that like? Fatsmashers that is.. I had heard about it and was considering it, however I didn't want to buy a book, heh. How long does phase 1 last? What kinds of foods are you eating?

    Brandy - you had a killer headache yesterday too? They are horrible aren't they? Glad you are feeling better and go a walk in!

    Today was a pretty good day - I was still feeling a little crappy, but the bf forced me to get up and we went to a HUGE mall. We walked around a LOT, I even bought a cute little jacket! I was a little feverish but it seems to have mostly passed, so maybe he was on to something.

    This "friend" of mine said to me "you are always sick", it really annoyed the crap out of me!! I had a cold over christmas - which she also had for 2 weeks longer than me - but thats ALL! Last time I was sick was last christmas.. I do feel like I am sick all the time, but I do have quite a few food allergies.. anyways, it was just SO fricking annoying!!

    Alrighty - thats all for me for now...

  • Phase I lasts 9 days. You can only eat fruit/veggies (all yo want basically) some oatmeal, brown rice and yogurt. They call it a detox - eating food without any preservatives. In addition to losing weight, I am really getting into being healthy and my eyes are really opening to the effect food has biochemically in your body. As a rule I don't eat fruits or veggies (hench my 200lb weight). However, I am so committed to becoming healthy that I am totally OK with this plan (of course it is only the end of day 2). Phase II - you add some lean meats (chicken,fish). This last 3 weeks. Then you add more food groups. The plan calls for 30 min of excercise a day and then phase 2 they want you to ramp the exercise up 20%. You also eat 4-6 times a day (smaller meals) to keep you metabolism going and keep you feeling full. They say you should not weigh yourself until day 10, so I can't post until a weekfrom tomorrow.
  • fatBgone - that sounds like a pretty decent plan! Also sounds like it's not only working for you, but teaching you great things. Thats the key... learning about your body as you go thru this process. I have different issues than you do (obviously every body is different), and my biggest issue is sugar and wheat, both do SO badly in my body. Which is how I got to my highest weight - 251!! I am on my way down, I'm got down to 228, and then christmas hit and I gained 4 pounds. Those *will* be gone this week! I am also doing a detox type stage, my detox is from sugar, focusing on eating lean meats and lots of veggies. I am staying away from fruit for now, but look forward to slowly adding it back in!

    Phew, that was my life story there! I guess on those same lines.. why don't you tell me a little about yourself.. like your age, where you are from, what finally clicked to make you lose the weight. Anything you want to really.

    I better get to bed, I work a full day tomorrow and still feeling a little under the weather. Darn headache!

  • Aimee-Have you ever heard of/tried NAET treatments for your food allergies? I suffered with some bad allergies and intolerances and these treatments have gotten rid of/reduced many of them so I can now eat a fairly normal diet after years of allergy diets. It involved energy medicine and accupressure. VERY alternative, but it worked for me.

    fatbgone-good job getting through day 2.

    I got another 4 miles in this morning. Its a bit cold here, but better than a typical winter. At least it wasn't slippery today. I'm going to the bookstore today to find something to keep me busy tomorrow when I go for all my medical tests.

    Have a great day!
  • I am sick break from exercise and work at least

    I weight in this morning, 163.4 - .2 away!!!
  • I made it through day 3 without a hitch! Whoopeee!! Way to go Courtney- you are almost there!

    Aimee- I am 43 and live in St. Louis. I used to be around 150-160lb, but over the last few years have shot up to 200-210lb. I am a single mom of 2 active kids (lots of sports) so we were eating ont he run quite a bit. What made me really get serious about losing weight and getting healthy is my family. I have a brother and a sister with colon cancer and 2 sisters with stomach cancer. We do not have good genes here. The most recent sister with stomach cancer had 75% of her stomach removed on Dec 26th. My other sister has lost 75% of her stomach as well. The surgeon did not have very good news and gave my sister a prognosis of best case scenario 5 years - median 3 years. We were devistated. Chemo and radiation are not very effective for stomach cancer. I decided that there had to be other ways to fight cancer. I have read some amazing stories regarding nutrition and what is needed for your own immune system to help the fight. One a brighter note, 6 days after the surgery her doctor told her that it was not in her lymph nodes like he anticipated so she is a stage 2 whereas he told us she would probably be a stage 4. However, stomach cancer is still a very nasty cancer to have. Her surgeon is very certain this is hereditary since the likihood of her getting stomach cancer was < 1% and also having a sibling who has it. I have been checked out and am clean as whistle though - yeah! I fell like I must get healthy - my life depends on it! Iam already predisposed for colon and stomach cancer.

    There you have it! Sorry so long, but that's my story!
  • Brandy - I have not heard of that treatment before. Although I do really hate my allergies and food sensitivities, I think in the long run they save me. I don't know if that makes sense, but when I eat crappy foods and such I get sick and have to stop having them. My entire family has had their gallbladders out, and because of how I've had to eat I still have mine. What kind of medical tests are you getting done? Is something going on with your health? I hope not! Keep us posted on all of that! We want you safe and healthy!

    fatBgone - sounds like you have some scary motivation! I think sometimes thats just how it has to happen. I fully fully believe that you can heal your body with nutrition and certain vitamins, a lot of people believe thats really hokey. I also own "Prescription for Nutritional Healing", and pull that out every once in a while.

    Courtnie - Woohoo! Congrats on THAT! I weigh in tomorrow and hope for great results as well! Why the weigh in this morning? Don't you normally weigh on Saturdays?

    I am feeling better today, no major headaches. Yay! I am semi excited about my weigh in tomorrow.. hopefully its pretty good... cuz I sure feel like I've worked HARD for it. I am off to bed.. talk to you all tomorrow!

  • Well my christmas weight is GONE! Plus 1 pound, so this week I recorded a 5 pound loss! Yay Not bad with TOM just starting yesterday!

  • Way to go Aimee!!!
  • Thanks you! I feel like i've worked really hard for it, so I'm feeling pretty good right now
