Thursday's Think Tank

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  • Good Morning,

    Well, let me start by saying that my legs and butt were so sore yesterday. I added some new exercises in that area and WOW did I feel it. I guess that is good but I think I'll wait another day before throwing them in again.

    My lemon chicken dish was good last night. I still overdue it on that snacking before bed snack. I need to cut down on this or it will stall any weight loss. It's the hardest time for me.

    It was a long day in court yesterday and I was glad that the day was over. I feel like I could really use a day off soon. I am in fact dreading going into work today. Two more days til the weekend!!!

    Well, I gotta run becuase my coffee calls and so does that buff chick from the Reebok Step Vid

  • Freaky you're AMAZING! I've been up since 4:40 thanks to DH's snoring/allergies and I can't manage to even get to the shower yet. in the words of Shatzi CAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFEEEEEEEE
    but i don't have a coffee maker!
    however I do have luscious whole bean coffee taunting me
    I feel like that guy in the twilight zone where all he ever wanted to do is read. . .some kind of armageddon happens hes surrounded by books and his glasses break
    anyway day 1 of ph1 was done successfully I think I'm going to get a flavored coffee from D&D today with S&S sKim and splenda
    to protect me from the birthday breakfast carb/sugar/crapfest anyone?
    I'm walking in saying generic happy birthday and gettign the heck out of dodge!
  • Both of you Chicks win the early bird worm today! Freaky, you're pretty amazing, the way you get up so early just so you can get your exercise in! You are such an inspiration to the rest of us!

    I woke up with a headache this morning. I'm sipping on a cup of tea and hoping it will go away before I go to Curves. I have the morning off, so I plan to clean the house and do some laundry. I won't be home til around 7 tonight, and I know I won't feel like do anything by then. Maggie was still running a fever yesterday, after a bad night, and she was pretty demanding all morning. Cindy came home after lunch and took over with her so Audrey and I could go play in the snow. We had a blast sledding and making a snowman. The snow isn't going to last much longer, it was in the low 50's yesterday, and is supposed to be even warmer today.

    What's going on in your part of the world today?
  • My crazy Life
    Good Morning Ladies.
    Ok so another sleepless night. It was alittle better. I got 6 hours altogether although Keegan, QUinn and my dear husband woke em up 3 times!!! Then I got up at 5:45, giving up on sleep went to work out with my DVD and the machine would not work. So I went downstairs int he basement tore the dust off my air glider and did it for 17 minutes. Wish it was longer but I am out of shape. Then I had to get baby he was screaming went I came upsairs then did some handweights and sit ups. It was a peiced together workout but hopefully wills till see results. I want this weight off now!!!!!!!!!
    Well guess what ladies. I am 33 almsot 34 and never did anything crazy- really never adn tonight I hired a sitter and my husband and I are getting tatoos. Is that crazy, me the little christian girl. Well I will let you know how that goes- Have a great day everyone.
  • You chicks get up early to EXERCISE! Oy! I sit in awe of y'all. I get up early for coffee! (Does playing darts count as exercise? I am short so give a little blip when I throw and my calf muscles are aleways sore on Thursday mornings. )

    I am trying very hard to sleep until six these days so I can wean myself off my afternoon nap. It's only 20 minutes but isn't always needed. Power napping is one of my lifeskills that I learned from my pal, Dr. Bob.

    Friend Art is at my door! Back in a bit. Farmers get up early and make early visits. He probably wants coffee. His wife is NOT a morning person!
  • KO, Cottage and Ruth - Shucks, you all certainly do make me feel good, and thanks for that!!! I wish I did as well with my food choices and calories as many of the other chicks around here.

    Mamahulk - I still can't believe your getting a tattoo!!! You Rock!!! As far as the exercise with no sleep thing goes, I think your doing awesome. I always figure that for every morning that I don't turn off the alarm and roll over back to sleep I should be proud of myself for the commitment (or should I call that obsession ).
  • I am in awe of all of you. I am horrible. I am having a really hard time mustering the energy to exercise. Back in the day, I used to get up every morning to go running. All of that went right out the window when I was pregnant with my youngest. Since then, I can't seem to get on a roll and it's so frustrating. I have to drop Reilly off at school at 8:30; I am determined to come home and hop on the treadmill.
    Do you eat breakfast before or after you exercise?
  • Hey chicks! I haven't posted lately because I've just been in a blah sort of mood. And busy as always. I have an exam this afternoon that I should be studying for right now. I'll get to it in a minute. The last few days, except yesterday, have been eating more than normal. All legal stuff just lots of it. I've been around 1800 cal for 4 days or so. Yesterday I was at 1240. I'll stick to 12-1300 today too. I've learned that by being strict on myslef and counting calories I can keep bread and cereal in the house. I bought a loaf of bread on sunday and have only had 3 peices so far. THat's a huge thing for me since bread is a trigger for me. I also bought some healthy cereals. Kashi has this new whole grain flake cereal that is really good. I also got the standard FiberOne flakes and a box of shredded wheat.

    Well, I'm off to do some last minute cramming. Have a great day chicks!
  • Back. Art had his coffee and a bit of a talk. Melinda should get off her butt in the mornings because he's a really nice guy and should be able to have coffee at home with his wife! She goes to gamble at the Casino almost every night and "needs" her sleep in the mornings. None of my business but....grrrr! Art's sister is dying of cancer - the second sister in two years - and he needs to talk. Didja ever see a 6'4" tough former cop turned farmer cry? Poor guy!

    Usmchoney, I exercise after breakfast. I've been having dizzy spells lately and think it's from low blood sugar. I do short sessions of treadmill because of my knee - yes, still sore, dammit! I am planning to check out the gym in the next village to see what other types of machines might be better - maybe elliptical or a bike?

    After treadmill this morning, I am going to whip my downstairs into shape. If I set the timer for one hour and do cleaning, I'll reward myself with coffee and the Olympics for a bit. I am tired in living in the post cellar construction chaos!

    Whoosh! Watch me do my Flylady act!
  • Hi everyone mia lately I have been so dang busy . We had to funerals to go to back in our home town. To say the least I did not stay op. I told my dh we are eating so healthy this week. I gained 3 pds. He does not know this but we will be going back to phase 1. He does not need to but I refuse to cook 2 meals. He is supportive so all should go well. Does anyone else gain weight that fast when you go off? I wonder if it is cuz my thyroid. Oh well. I am off to have a killer work out to make up for the last 2 days. I have a wedding next week and I would like the silly dress to fit me comfy..Ruth sorry to hear about your sister n law. My heart goes out to you and your dh. I know it is tough. I will keepo you in my prayers.Thanks also for the will power dust. Man I needed that.
  • Morning girls!! The circus was a blast!!!! The kids were so surprised. They did not even know what we were doing when we were standing in line at the coleseum waiting to get in. It was great!! I made some bad food choices, but I am not going to beat myself up about it. I ate my SBD friendly Breakfast again today, so I am starting off right. I am decluttering my house (and yard). I am freecylcing the swingset and all of the outside crap that the kids don't use anymore. I am going through the toy closet this weekend..Look out She is on a rampage. Today is DH birthday. I stopped by Starbucks this morning for a cup of CAAwwwfeeee, and I bout cupcakes for after dinner. That way there will not be any leftover cake calling my name!!! I have to go out at lunch and buy him a gift. Not spending too much, cause it will cut into my screened in porch budget..LOL. Have a great OP day...\
    Freaky- will u work out for me too? I can't seem to make time for that lately!
  • go mamahulk!! you rock!!

    nice job to all you early risers, esp for exercise!

    I'm still trying to get back healthy and I hate having to miss all my exercise. Hopefully maybe later today I'll have some energy. Just wanted to wish all a good morning!

    Our earliest of birds! You get awarded the EXERCISE MAVEN badge!!!!
    Ruth: Way to gooooooo gittin on that Dreadmill every morn!!!
    Pearsy: good luck on yer exam!!!!

    Welcome new chickie!

    How Fun!! What kind of tattoo??? I've never had the urge fer one.. I "try" them on watchin Miami Ink... A reality show on TLC.. (I'm a reality show addict! )

    Cottage: sounds like you got a full day planned! I just finished tackling organizing our office... When you live with a networking guy disks, wires, cable and electronic gizmos just take over!

    KO! GASP!!!! NO CAWFEEE MAKER!!!!!! Pure torture!!! Our Cuisinart grind and brew thingie went in the lightning blast, so I had to bring out my twusty old Mr. cawffeee... and I like him better... The cuisinart was a big pain in the arse to clean.!

    Neighbor galpal and I are going to have a late lunch today at a fish place. And I plan on being outside all day as it is going to be 67 degrees here.

    will check back in later gaters!!!!!!!!
  • Just a quickie to djmommy. Just to clarify - Art is a friend and neighbour not my brother. Melinda is his third wife - the other two died - and he is seriously thinking of trading her in! He's not related to me or my DH at all unless it's way back when the Irish first settled here in 1790!

    Now, I'm off my butt and onto the treadmill.
  • Schatzi, did I ever tell you that I sometimes hate you? It's 9F here and a blizzard has just started. I can't even see the house across the road!