Hump day ;)

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View Poll Results: If you had only 2 choices would you
Have your hair really long ie Crystal gale long
REallllly short like Sinead O'Connor
Voters: 15. You may not vote on this poll
  • Morning Chicklets Ok so its before midnight BUT for Kirsty and Lolly its Wednesday So Nyah
    I voted Fake on the tanning poll but really its just whatever i happen to get when im running around aka my neon white skin freckles and burns
    Today was mad crazy busy Mom and I stayed up late last night to watch 2 old episodes of Jonathan Creek On BBC america mind you i still have issues with Giles from Buffy being a smug magician
    so i have had maybe 4 hours of sleep
    got up ran around made everyone Breakfast and lunch to take with them I'm a nice pseudo mommie arent i ? lol
    ran out to my pt appointment
    the pain lol i'm still sore with my cp all my muscles are spastic and my left arm i have erbs palsy and my right arms just tight is this TMI? anyway so My pt straightens my right arm alllll the way which has never been done and Hurt like a . . .well it hurt but it was good and im making progress buttt the silly thing im most proud of is this: I have never cycled before this year i just was unable to do the movement nd in the month i have been goign to pt I was cycling backwards Today for the first tiem ever I cycled forwards now mind you in the grand scheme its a baby step BUT i am so proud of me!!!!!!!!! and im starting to feel buff
    even tho im on and off eating like a trouper TOM came early again UGH I think the nutrasweet in the crystal light sent me into binge mode
    sooo i have to find another water alternative AGAIN
    anyway My arse is gettin to bed and so is the rest of me HAve a fantastic day girls
    ps i chose really short b/c ihad superlong hair at one point and it was expensive and a pain in the arse ; )
  • Hey all.
    I'm like Kierie and still up. I posted a long one on the Tuesday thread but it was at the end of the day. Remember the leather jacket? Go back to yesterday to get the details. I need to go to bed, but I need a pick me up to start my day off so I'm posting just before midnight as well. I went to WI and the news was almost as bad as I expected. 4.2 pounds gained since the last time I weighed in (3 weeks ago - bad me). I deserve every little bit of that gain. I haven't journaled in 3 weeks *sigh* I fessed up though and changed my sig back. Hubby and I got into an argument and other things are stressing me out. I'm tired b/c I was up late last night, now tonight and will be tomorrow too. Allright, enough whining. I know just reading your posts will help my month end close morning at work. There is a bright spot in all of this, a co-worker and I were talking today and we are going to start walking 2-3 times a week during lunch. Yeah! OK, just venting to you has helped, maybe I'll be able to go to bed now. *hugs*

  • Oh yeah, hair.
    I chose Crystal Gayle. I idolized her when I was little and always wanted her hair. I knew every song! I knew all the words to every song.

    Hmmm....there was something else I was going to say and now I can't figure it out for the life of me.

    Hasta pasta.
  • Busy Morning
    Ok I am happy today why I have no clue! ok i have a few clues but the good thing is im happy even tho im telecommuting today
    I have been fighting depression/anxiety for a few weeks Big time The only times I was happy was when i wasnt here So this is a welcome change
    I had another good/bad day yesterday bad because I ended my day with not one but two cupcakes I think thats what put me over the edge to realize i had to stop sabotaging myself ( whenever I have a big event or Weighin or both in this case) I can't stop myself from eating crap) this morning before I showered or anything I went downstairs made coffee for mom
    and pulled out the watermelon and canteloupe and made a nummy breakfast/dessert fruit salad
    with a lil lemon juice to cut the sweetness and already have dinner marinating in the fridge
    we are having caesar chicken salad so im marinating some chicken breast fillets in 1 tablespoon of full fat salad dressing and after work I'm going to chop some tomatoes and peppers and onions wrap them and the chicken in some foil and plunk it in the oven When its done I just toss it with some salad and i dont add extra dressing to mine this way i get full fat flavor and 1/3 of the less yummy aspects of it anywho i should go start my day or at least get some other online stuff done before i clock in
    PS Brenda the coat sounds awesome!
    and dont sweat the gain or rather do sweat but not in the anxiety way thats going to melt off you woman ;D
  • Good morning!!

    KO ~ Way to go on the cycling!!! That is fabulous!!! Keep up the good work, and forget about the cupcakes, you are already getting back on the wagon with your fruit this morning.

    Brenda ~ Sorry to hear about the DH disagreement, I hope things are better today! I think your leather coat sounds wonderful, make sure you post a pic in it! You have accepted your gain, now, work to get it off, get back to journalling!!!!!!

    I voted for Crystal Gayle hair, just because I couldn't handle not having any hair like Sinead. In this 90+ degree heat we are having, I cannot imagine having that much hair, it would be so hot!!

    Well, you all will be proud of me! I took our two kids (90 pounds together) in our biker stroller and walked 4 miles last night with them. We went to swimming lessons, walked to Grandma's house, and then back home. It was also 90 degrees out. I felt like I shed about 5 pounds just from sweating!! But, it was a great workout, lots of hills, and my legs felt like jello when I got home. I am getting a lot better with the exercise lately. I either take the kids for a bike ride (we have a trailer on the back of the mountain bike) or I stroller them. They have a great time, and I get an awesome workout!

    The downside of today is that I am at work, I love my job, but lately, I just don't feel like being here. It must be because it is beautiful out, and there are always lots of fun things to do in the summer (rather than work!). So, it will be another posting day for me, as I know I will not get my butt in gear again today! Good thing I don't have any important projects due soon!!

    Hello and happy Wednesday to those lurkers out there, and those about to post!!

    Check in later!
  • Hello all.

    Well, I did so so so bad yesterday food wise. I was just SO hungry. I ate way too much. Today, I am really going to watch it. I have journaled my breakfast (13 points but I think that is high as I gave 6 pts to my cereal since I did not look at teh nutrition lable. It is high fiber however and I bet more like 3. I will chack at lunch). It is hard to get in everything that you need and still stay down in points. I am shooting for 35...we will see.

    Oh, if anyone gets PG soon, old navy has maternity clothes on-line. They are so cute. I really don't need them yet..butin August I am going to south carolina to the beach and think I will need a few summer things then. I really hope I don't have to buy too many summer maternity stuff. I think I really only need fall. But the old navy stuff is cheep and I don't want a tight bathing suit at the beach. Also, think I will get some shorts. We will see. Oh, the Gap has stuff on-line too. Ok, I know you are all thrilled...but I thought this would be good to keep in the back of your mind just in case.

    Brenda: I am so proud of you for going to weigh in. It is so tempting to not go. GREAT JOB! Now get back to journaling. I really need to do this as well. Maybe we can remind each other to write it down! Oh, your jacket sounds great! Like tonya says, post a picture!

    Tonya: Your biking/walking with the kids sounds like so much fun! I think it is so wonderful to build in natural exercise. You don't even feel like you are working out. Great job!

    Kierie: that is so wonderful about the cycling! I am sorry that your PT is so painful, but it sounds like it is really working. I am so happy for you! also, I ate some vanila cupcakes yesterday too. Bad for us...but we both can put that behind us and eat well today!

    Ok, must get to work. Happy day everyone and I will talk with you later.

  • HI everyone. I walked again this morning, yah me, but am having a "feeling fat" couple of days. I have this huge tummy bulge that WILL NOT go away. I know it is from being PG, but I still want it to decrease a little. It is driving me nuts! Oh and thanks for the water praise..... I estimated my water intake yesterday at about 100 ounces. I just really like water. Plus I get very thirsty while I work, so I keep a huge 32 ounce glass with straw on my desk. People at work give me strange looks and comments about my water intake. But even before WW I drank my water! Guess it was the one good habit I brought into WW!

    Update on hubby's g-ma. They took her off the respirator and there is nothing more they can do for her. They don't know how long she will live, I guess it is up to her will and strength. hubby's mom has been sleeping at the hospital with her.

    Brenda... yah on the jacket. And don't worry about the hubby arguement, my hub and I have spats a lot lately, but the best thing we do to get over it, is to just come together as one and put the past behind us. We also force each other to talk about what is going on. It will be ok!!

    Tonya... I can't believe how hot it got suddenly. Last week I was whining about all the rain, this week I have to water my garden because everything is wilting. And the humidity... blahhhhhhh

    KO... how come you are Suzy Homemaker now?? Can we rent you??

    Well, gotta get back to work.. YUCK! More later!
  • Trish, thanks for the Old Navy update. I remember them announcing their maternity line AFTER I had Emma. Bummer for me, but good for the next one!!! Glad you are hanging in there. Being PG can be so thilling at times... I enjoyed shopping for my little one, even tho I didn't know if it would be a boy or girl! Are you going to find out the sex???

    Back to work!
  • trish its not painful perse usually it just feels good I have a high pain threshold and its all a step into getting me where i want to be
    Jen if i dont cook No one eats lol I enjoy the cooking and 90% of the time i make it healthier and yes You can rent me if you happen to know cute single elegible me no they cant rent me
    but for a large diamond lol
    I saw definition in my shoulders today aND collarbones woowooooo
  • Hi Guys!

    Just a quickie as I am in full creative flow - rewriting a paper on studying Spanish women writers! - but I wanted to pop in and say hi I'm actually working at home this afternoon, so I can have Wimbledon on in the other room (how sad is that?!) but I still seem to be getting lots done - YIPPEE!!!

    Jen - how's Emma's mouth? I guess daycare is like school - my parents are both teachers and they pick up every bug going. Blokey too! I hope she's feeling better today

    Kierie - forget the cupcakes! Love the fruit! I have a Galia melon sitting in my fruit bowl waiting to be eaten and I CAN'T WAIT!!! Never thought I would hear myself say that.

    Tonya - way to go on the exercise! That's cool that you can make it a family thing, maybe that way your kids will learn to love it too.

    Brenda - 5lbs in 3 weeks? It's nothing! Remember you are talking to the Queen of gains - my record is 7.5lbs in a week Seriously, just take it easy, and get back into it slowly. And yay! post a piccie of the coat (pref with you in it )

    Trish - fibre good. Cereal good. Yum yum Speaking of maternity clothes, I once accidentally bought a pair of maternity jeans and even wore them a few times before I realised. How scary is that??!

    So much for brief!!! I'm going to shut up now and go check on the tennis ...

  • LOLLY... I once bought a pair of cute stretchy pants that were maternity and loved them... It took me months to read the tag and realize they were maternity. I cut the tag out so no one knew. We are both sad huh!!! Oh and Emma is doing better. The sores are pretty much healing. She is still cranky, but I really think the heat and humidity here and also teething is to blame for that. Daycare called that she had a fever yesterday afternoon, but she was fine with us. I think they panic sometimes. But they had her outside and it is way too warm for a little girl like her. So we'll see what happens today!

    Work is getting back to normal.... kind of. I am sure it will be a little better next week when our lead support person is back from vacation.

    Back to the grind!
  • Hi girlies!
    I have WI in half an hour. Wish me luck. I'm going to be mega depressed if I gain. I hope I don't ... I've been good the past few days. Last night I even went — gasp — running. Well, running/walking, but running all the same. I took my dogs to a ball park so I could fence them in. I let them run while I ran and walked around the perimeter. I want to get more weight off so I can run more easily. It still hurts my knee.

    Kierie: Glad to hear your PT is going well. You sound like a very strong person who faces whatever life gives her head on.

    Lolly: Guess what? I'm starting a Spanish class next week! I convinced my editor that it would be a good idea to bring an instructor in to teach people. Spanish has become almost a necessity for some journalists ... I'm hoping to continue to with it so I can use it on the job. I know almost nothing (margarita?) — I took German in high school and college. Can't remember much of that, though.

    Brenda: Sorry to hear about your argument with hubby. My b/f and I have been bickering a lot too, mostly over not seeing each other. Yesterday I made him get out of bed and go to lunch with me. He's been getting home later and later (last night was 3 a.m.) so he sleeps later. I'm really starting to hate the place he works but I'm trying to keep my mouth shut. They take advantage of him and he seems to let them. The newest contention point is that they want him to work Sunday through Thursday and have Fridays and Saturdays off. He told his boss he couldn't, but she's making him anyway. That means one less day a week for us to spend together. So I basically have one evening and one day with him a week now. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this. How do you make a relationship grow if you never see each other?

    Sorry ... suddenly everything just spilled out.

    Well, I'm going to get going to WW. I'll check back in later ...
  • what a fabulous day!
    Ok, the scale sucked this am and said that I have had a major gain since WI last week. I am very nervous for WI tomorrow. If I go over 162, I have to add another week to maintenance!I am scared! I have to be very good tonight and tomorrow!!!! (and not repeat my bad eating from last weekend!)

    Anyway, it's also a great day. I had a wonderful day yesterday. I finished my work early and called boss at 2:30 to say I was done and call if there was anything else. He never called! I went to the gym, read on the deck, weeded, walked with DH and we made veggie fajitas for dinner! I had 21 points + 8 exercise points!!

    And the biggest news - I just turned in my last assignment for grad school! I am now just going to sit back and wait for my grades and diploma to arrive in the mail. I can't believe I am finally done. It took me 2 years and 1 month but I finished!!!

    Jen - glad to hear that Emma is feeling better. sorry you are so busy.

    tonya - Great family exercise. I don't know how you did it!!

    Lolly - Way to go on being productive. some days it just happens. Enjoy the melon.

    Kierie - I'm glad PT is going well. I know it's hard but you are doing great. I am also very impressed at your cooking!

    Brenda - Yay! I missed your long posts! The jacket sounds great, can't wait for a pic. Nice to get a good deal too. don't worry about the gain. Maybe it will snap you back into obsessive WW mode.

    Trish - don't worry about the big breakfast. I am sure you can work the points in. Nutrition is most important.

    Kim - Sorry you are seeing much of BF. I know that is hard. Great job on the run last night!!!

    Well, I am so excited now and I have nothing to do to celebrate! Oh well. I will be posting often this afternoon, I am sure. See you all later!

  • Ok, I’m laughing at myself b/c things have not gotten any better this morning! I got up late b/c of being so tired. The bus driver at the park and ride basically closed the door in my face! B*tch!! So I had to wait for the next bus which made me late. I dropped stuff out of my purse this morning as well. Oh, and the really funny part? I did all the laundry last weekend and one of the underwires in an old bra came out and was in the washing machine. I never took the time to figure out which bra it was. So it took me until I had already left the house to realize I’m lopsided today! I think I’m going to go in the bathroom and see if I can get the other wire out b/c I feel like a freak Thanks for the water conversation yesterday. It really made me realize I need to drink more. I’ve almost downed over 32 ounces so far and I’m really concentrating on it today.

    Tanya: I’m so impressed by your walk with the kids! Hopefully this little co-worker walking thing will really work out for me! I know about this summer fever thing. It’s so hard sit inside when you know you could be out relaxing and soaking up the world.

    Trish: Thanks for the encouraging words! I think a 35 point mark sounds right for you. I’ll bet it’s hard. Any really strange cravings yet?

    Lolly: Thanks for the encouragement. It’s amazing how much a difference 5 pounds can make in the way you feel and in your clothing though!

    Kim: My hubby and I are actually going through the same thing with not seeing each other. The only difference I see is that ours is getting us closer to a goal we are trying to reach, kind of like paying your dues, but the payoff is well worth it. Maybe you need to make it a point to set aside plenty of time on that one day to spend just the two of you. We’re not always good about doing this to be honest. I just told him last week that we needed some ‘us’ time. Make an agreement that you won’t make any other plans that day. It takes some creativity. Maybe set your alarm to get up when he gets home so you can spend just a little ‘quality’ time? I know it would make you more tired but wouldn’t he appreciate it? It’s not an easy situation, but you will get through it! *big hugs*

    Sarah: Great job on finishing grad school! What a great accomplishment I know you will do OK at WI!!

    "True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." ~~ Dave Tyson Gentry
  • Howdy All!

    Yeah I am so tanned this year. I went to my friend's cottage yesterday as well and had a pretty good relaxing time. My gym is not air-conditioned, this ticks me off. Anyhoo, my weight hopefully will stabilize soon, I finally got all my lifetime stuff, I should inquire about becoming a leader soon.

    I work tonight so I am just killing time right now, I hope all is well and congrats to Sarah for becoming scholastically free.

    Jen: I am so sorry about your husbands grandmother.

    Take Care
