300+ And Ready To Try Again...#782

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  • WELCOME !!!

    We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

    Motivational Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

    We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
    we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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  • Ammi -- Hang in there. I've been there, really. You will be OK, and I'll be praying for you. Please post when you can.
  • WOOOOHOOOO 3lb off in a week!

    Yeah back on track and raring to go!

    Counting down 21 days till my holiday to Sweden!

    Siggy updated!
  • Ammi, you know how I feel, I hope things get better and that this dark cloud hanging over you will lift . You know where I am if you need a moan or cry.
    I lost 3lbs this week, at last, a loss, its really spurred me on, I will continue with the exercise and walking, I feel better in myself for it, its just such a drag to get up and MAKE myself do the exercises or to get aiden in his pushchair and get dressed (like lots of mums at home I wear sweatpants and baggy tshirts around the house) in decent clothes to get out of the door. It is working and I have to tell anyone who's low or depressed to FORCE themselves to do some form of exercise, it really does help to lift your mood. At my confidence building classes we have been encouraged to smile at people, even if we don't know them, it works, the number of people who have smiled back at me or stopped to chat is amazing, AND I feel happier for just smiling!! Even if I did feel like a total loony doing it!!
    A big hug (and a SMILE!!) to those who need it and well done to those who've lost, resisted temptation or got through a bad patch and come out the other side, stronger and wiser.

  • Well, that Pasta (and garlic bread & mini cheesecake) @ MIL's put me into all out where'z-the-cookies, sharks-on-a-whale-carcass, chicken-to-a-crocodile, parahna style feeding frenzy. I went to bed early in tears last night. I have been SOOOO on plan for weeks, feeling - like temptation would never get me again. I KNEW better, but I FELT invincible.

    Then the pasta attacked. I ate more leftover pasta late that night as SOON as I got home, then had it for breakfast yesterday, then had more breakfast. Then I was busy at the barn all day, but as soon as I got home I had dinner... and kept raiding the kitchen, including pudding & GS cookies. I went to bed at 8:30 in tears. I lived craving food like that for 45 years, and the sudden rush of it coming back on me so uncontrollably was HORRible!! I think I'm back in control again today. But I'm being very careful, and still feel a little shaken by the power of the grip of starch & high carbs. To go so abruptly from of my destiny to at the pit of a volcano was shattering. I'm O.K. now. I had chicken for breakfast again. Things are back to normal. I think. I guess a little humble pie is good for me, but I don't want too big a slice.

    Alison - A big WHOOP! WHOOP!! on that most recent 3 pounds! I didn't know you were going to Sweden. How totally cool! What a great reward for all your efforts - even tho that's probably not WHY you're going. What will you be doing/seeing there? Have you been before?? All you guys talking about all these wonderful places in the world have me really wanting to travel... and I mean somewhere I can't get to in a truck!

    Sharon - A big WHOOP! WHOOP!! on your three pounds, too!! Keep smiling! My dad used to tell me that guys would be attracted to my smile, and he was right. I've never been a model, but I've never had a problem getting guys to smile back... Happiness attracts people, and makes the smiler happy too. Doesn't the physical act release some kind of 'happy juice' in the brain? Who cares. It works. See... even Mr. Carrot guy is smiling!

    Everybody have a ... Smiley day!
  • Valerie--it happens to the best of us! Nobody's perfect, but as long as you're aware of what happened and are back on track, there's no harm done (or at least minimal harm done) I've been known to do the same thing when Chinese food is involved--start with the chicken oozing in sauce, eat the greasy noodles, have the fortune cookie, oh, and then have ANY OTHER FOOD WITHIN A 5-MILE RADIUS! evil, evil evil!
  • Thanks so much for the support, Jilly & everyone.

    New Holiday Trackers!!! OOOOOooo Me too, Me too!!
  • Hi Everyone!

    Hope all is going well with everyone....

    Ammi ~ Hang in there girl! We are all praying for you! Life is tough sometimes, we all can relate to that!! Remember that no matter what, you aren't alone <hugz>

    Valerie ~ The only thing that I am NOT looking forward to with christmas coming, is those sweet cookies! My sister has me involved in a cookie swap with 11 other women! That means there will be 12 dozen cookies coming into my house! Heaven help me!

    Congratulations on those who had losses this week. I really hope that is me next week! I didn't see a loss this week but I did have a NSV!! Last night while I was getting ready to go to bed, I spotted my jeans. Well, the story goes, that I bought these jeans 4 yrs ago, wore them once and when I went to put them on again, they were too small. I dug them out of my "stash" when I started dieting and tried to put them on. Well, not a chance. They wouldn't even go up over my hips, let alone tuck this big ole belly in!!! So last night I not only got them over my hips, but ZIPPERED them!! WHOOOOHOOO!!!

    Well, time to head to the big craft fair that goes on here once a year. That should kill about 2 hrs and then off to go to the pool for another 2hrs. I feel so empowered and motivated after my NSV last night that I WANT to exercise I never thought that I would ever feel like this. Even losing what I have has made so much difference in my life that I can't even imagine how fulfilling it will be WHEN I reach my goal!

    Thinking of you all!
  • Ammi, maybe you needed to blow up. I hope that things are going better for you today. My prayers are with you and {big hug} Hang in there.

    Yea to you Mazarin and Voodoo on getting rid of those 3 pounds

    Valerie: Ok, here is a hand back up on the wagon! You can do it. Don't look back just keep on truckin (lol) you know what I mean. Just keep on going. You are ok. We all fall down. That is what we are here for to support and pick each other up.

    Brenda: Yea to you on zipping up those pants! Way to go.

    Everyone else: be safe and blessed.

  • Hello Chickies!

    Had weigh in today and I was UP a pound! Tuesday's weigh in was the same as the last one - so what's going on? My counselor at LAWL said it's too early for a plateau so she changed some starches - ????? - don't know what that's about but if it helps - good - with so much to lose, I can't slow down after 20 pounds!! It feels like my body is doing weird stuff though - holding water - not getting rid of waste normally, etc. who knows - sigh - with my bad knee, I'm scared to exercise, but I suppose I'll have to at least start walking 20 minutes or so a day - that should help -

    A BIG THANKS to all of you who are sending Abbi postcards! She is really excited and can't wait till they start arriving at her school!!

    AMMI: Remember what I told you in the PM - I'm here for you girl - I'm so glad you are doing better though -

    BRENDA: CONGRATS on the zippered jeans! What a great feeling! I haven't worn jeans in 20 years but will again one day!

    VALERIE: One day at a time - it's all we can do! What did I do when I was disappointed after weigh-in today? My oldest son and I went to a Chinese buffet! Isn't that stupid? I figured if I'm not losing being perfect, why be perfect? SIGH - Anyway, it could have been worse - I got meat, veggies and only 2 crab rangoon - so......we shall see on Tues. what it did to me.

    JILLY: Ahhhhhhhhhh, Chinese Food - well, see my post to Valerie!

    MAZARIN: CONGRATS on the 3 pounds! That's AWESOME!!

    AMANDA: You will LOVE this group - these ladies are the BEST!!

    DOGPAL: Hey girl! How's everything going out there? Hope things are settling in!

    HI to everyone else and hope you all have a GREAT LONG Weekend!
  • Thank you everyone for the warm welcome, I am really looking forward to becoming an active part of this group. Lord knows I'm going to need the support with the Holidays right around the bend.... Pumpkin Pie is my ULTIMATE weakness.

    For all of you who are low-carbing -

    What are the carbs you allow yourself to have and what carbs do you think are the ultimate weight loss ammo? Since I do LAWL, they call them starches and they said the lite bread, Wasa crackers, Melba toast, etc. were better than peas and corn and potatoes - it seems it would be just the opposite! I mean unprocessed is usually better, isn't it?

    I'm confused!!

    Thanks for any help!
  • Ladies, as we enter this hardest time of the year for dieters, I want everyone to take a deep breath, minimize the damage wherever possible, be gentle with yourselves, and most importantly, remember that the only way to fail is to give up. As long as you can pick yourself up off bloody knees and start again you are winning. Make new traditions for holidays. For the last couple of years I have done healthy recipes for big dinners. Last Christmas I made vegetarian pizza. It was great, everyone was so much more relaxed, and it was like being in college again with a late night pizza run. Making new traditions helps me keep from falling into old patterns. Most importantly, I have given myself permission to tell my inner child NO! You can't have the pecan pie. It is my Christmas present to myself. I am worth it. So are you all.
  • I seem to come and go quite a bit here.

    I was on that dreaded plateau for about a month, but I've been trying extra hard and have totally ignored the scale. Well, I finally faced the music this morning, and I was blown away.

    For the first time in at least 3 years, I'm under 300 pounds! So I've officially lost 43 pounds (including the 5 since I weighed myself last), but it's been more than that because I had noticably lost some weight before I could bring myself to get on the scale. I'm guessing I've lost about 50.

    Things are looking up. Er, maybe I mean down. Either way, it's something good.

    Hope everyone's been doing great! I'll try to stop by more often, life has just been crazy!
  • Brenda - You have my permission to dis-own your sister... well, until Christmas Eve or so. I won't even let Christmas cookies in the house. I don't know how I'll ever bake my dad his favorite ginger snaps. It's the only thing he ever asks for, and he already HAS everything else he wants. WAAAAAAAAAY COOL about the NSV - fitting those jeans had to cause for a major happy dance! I'm looking forward to craft fairs this year, too. I haven't been to many in years cuz I've been on the truck. But we have a HUGE one -takes all day to go thru - and this year I can go!! Have fun at yours!..... (what does NSV stand for? something something Victory... Never Settle4lessthan Victory?)

    Dogpal, for the hand back up on the wagon! I hope you didn't pull a muscle doing that tho.

    (Nice Sweet Victory?)

    Mom2fiveSweeties, So sorry the scale was unkind, and your body isn't acting quite right! Any chance there's something hormonal going on? ...I'm surprised they lump peas in with potatoes and corn. Potatoes are a definate for me, right up there with rice, refined sugars & flour, and that hateful pasta! All those breads you mentioned are, well, BREADS. Flour is flour. Starch is starch, as far as I know, although I've been told that whole grains are still good for you, and if your system can handle them, cool. Mine can't. I'll stick to my Fiber One & such for fiber, but any bread is a rare treat.

    Add me to the reservations at the Chinese restaurants! Love the stuff. I have learned to be better about what I choose off the buffet and if I order it I ask them to hold the msg, but isn't it wonderful?!? even without chocolate!

    (Neighborhood Screams for Victory?)

    Oooooohhhhh, Colleen! Did I mention I LOOOOOVE Pumpkin pie? I think the only food I don't like is Lima beans. Can't stand lima beans.

    (Nothing Sings like Victory? Nobody's Smelly Victory?)

    Catherine, I'll have to go back and read your last post several times. It was excellent! "NO!" (sorry, just practicing on my inner spoiled brat) But looking at things not as denials of something good, but as gifts to ourselves... and our loved ones. What a lovely way to put it.

    (Naked Sunday Victory? Ninth Slippery Victory? National Security Victory? Naturally Slim Victory? New Size Victory? )
    OK - I GIVE UP!!!