Rockstar INXS anyone?

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  • We had a lot of American Idol followers here last season. Is anyone watching Rockstar INXS?

    When I first heard about the show, I really dreaded it and thought it was way too tacky of an idea. You can't just hold a contest / reality show and replace someone like Michael Hutchence. But of course I caved in and watched, lol, and was instantly hooked. I don't really think about INXS, but am just watching a group of singers compete, and they are MUCH better than any AI contestant, ever! Well, that's just my opinion, lol.

    My top 3 are Mig, Marty, and Jordis.

    I think Jordis has the most phenomenal voice I've ever heard! But I don't think she'll win the spot. I'm not sure she's right for them. In fact, I think she's much too good for them and deserves her own solo career. I'd buy anything she recorded.

    Mig is a lot of fun, and Mary's really good. I think they'll give it to a guy. Despite loving Mig and Marty, I think J.D. is more suited for INXS. He was on my top 3 list until he opened his big mouth and put the others down. It's not that kind of competition.

    Who else is watching?
  • At first, I thought the show was kind of in bad taste, and I was wondering why they waited so long after Hutchence died to look for a permanent replacement. But I am really enjoying the show. I also think Jordis is really amazing, but I don't see her as fronting a band - I see her more as a solo performer. I'd like Marty or J.D. to win. I don't really like MiG; I can't quite put my finger on what it is I don't like about him. Ty has a good voice, but he always looks and sounds like he is performing musical theater.
    I was surprised at the double elimination, but Heather sounded really bad that week, and I was never a Daphna fan. I also don't really like Susie or Brandon. No strong opinion either way on Jessica. I like Deanna, but her voice is too deep for INXS, I think.
  • I'm watching!

    I thought it was going to be bad too but I'm hooked! I totally agree with you - all of the contestants were way better than anyone I've seen on American, Canadian or British Idol!

    JD has a good voice and would be a good frontman but he needs to act more mature. He really blew it with that one comment that offended everyone. Unfortunately they don't seem to be able to forgive him for it.

    I likedTy at the beginning but he has a bit of an attitude lately. Also he is more theatrical and I don't think that is what INXS is looking for.

    I think so far that everyone that has been eliminated was due and there have been no surprises for me so far except the week that they go rid of Daphna and "Butterfly girl" but both of there performances were not good that week.
    And although that girl from Montreal is good I just don't think she is suited to a rock band. I could see her singing with a country/rock band or going solo. She has a pretty good run with a Canadian band called Joydrop which I think is now defunct. I never liked Daphna's style of singing and the fact they she always gave that same pouty expression - sorry but you need to have more than one trick up your sleeve.

    Brandon is okay as a singer but I don't think he has what it takes to be in that particular band, though he is improving and might have a chance yet

    My top 3 are Marty, Mig and Jordice, although I do think they will give it to a guy. I think if Marty and Mig make it to the end that they are probably the ones that would fit in with the band the best, musically and personality wise. If JD wins he will have to be get used to taking direction.
  • I only watched it once, but can't get passed that fact that the person in question is going to replace MH as the lead for INXS. Personally, I think they should come up with a new name for the band and then I can handle it. I loved INXS and as far as I'm concerned, when MH died, INXS died, too.

    Oh..and isn't the show hosted by Brooke Burke? I don't know what it is about her, but I just can't stand her. She seem so....into herself, like "Look at me...I'm so beautiful and all the guys love me...even all your husbands...I'm who they really want to be with....I'm every man's dream..." or something like that. I just can't put my finger on it, except that whenever I see her on TV, I'm like GRRRRRR!! Change the channel, I'm getting angry!! I mean, there's nothing wrong with confidence and all that, but she just unearths un-natural levels of jealousy and anger in me. I was actually watching an infomercial about an excercise ball thingy and I was interested in getting it, but since they mentioned it's hosted by Brooke Burke...and they showed her testimonial on how "after having two kids....and I had the hardest time with my flabby belly...teeheehee" Oh...I'm so...sure...

    So, no, I don't watch the show, but I'll be really interested to see how it all works out. I still think they should change the name of the band...INXS had GREAT musicians and SHOULD be a band...just not named INXS...IMveryHO...

    Let me know how it turns out!!
  • MTHEAD - I agree with you about Deana- she would be great soloist or make a sultry jazz singer

    Jessica and Suzie don't do anything for me either - my favorite female singer on the show is Jordice. She has a lot of power and emotion in her voice and has sung almost everysong so far really well. I think she has a lot of potential and if she doesn't win I'm sure she will get a recording contract anyway.
  • I also didn't think I would like this show, but I am hooked! Jordis' song this last week was fabulous and I would buy anything that she recorded-but I don't think she is what INXS is looking for. I think that the blonde guy (don't know his name) will win. I agree that it is better than AI-though my DD did not like me voicing this-she is a die hard AI fan!
  • And me too, I didn't think I'd like the show, but I love it. I agree that Jordis is awesome, and I too would buy anything she put out, but agree that she's not right for INXS. But she IS amazing. I HATE JD, his ego is too big. I like Ty, but can't really see him in it either. No clue who's gonna win....
  • This show rocks!
    I agree with you guys about the show. I didn't think I'd like it either but most of these 10 people up there now are better than the top five in most (not all) American Idol competitions. Techwife, I feel the same way about Brooke Burke...she's the ones on the Core Secrets infomercials, right? I won't buy that product because of her! I do have my own exercise ball though by a different company!

    Anyway, I, too, agree with your choices. My son is hoping Ty will win...I believe he's a Jersey guy like my son but I think we just enjoy his look and his singing although I don't think he will win nor I do I think he is right for INXS. My vote is for Mig...I think he's right for the band and I like his performances but I won't be disappointed if Marty wins because he'll fit in as well. If arrogant JD doesn't mess up anymore songs (remember "We Are The Champions"?) he could get in the top but I don't think INXS really likes his attitude so I don't think he'll win although I'm sensing that he is an audience favorite. I agree with you about Jordis...she would be great on her own. Last week we really got to hear how emotional she can get when she feels a was very moving! Keep on rockin'.
  • I am totally hooked on this show. My favorite at first was Heather but she seemed to lose her enthusiasm. I love Jordis. I like Deanna too. I don't care for Jessica at all. Of the guys, I love Marty. I don't think Ty is a good match for that band. I like Mig but I don't think JD is all that talented. I've read the INXS forum which was fun to see what everyone is saying.
  • Jordis sounded pretty bad last night - I don't think she will be in the bottom three this week, but her "Layla" was no good! I think Jessica's "Come as You Are" was the nights worst performance, and that she will be out tonight. She has always has a really bad atitude when the band or Dave criticizes her after her songs, and why would INXS want to tour with a diva?
  • I was really looking forward to watching this show last night-but they all sucked! Most of them sounded like they were sreaming! My two faves are Jordis and Marty and even they were bad last night...(sigh)
  • Marty actually did sing the song in close to the original style albeit "unplugged" so I thought he did well, he did express a lot of the emotion of what that song is about.

    Everyone seemed a bit underwhelming last night, even Jordis. Ty was the best of the night and did a great job of a Bob Marley classic and was, as Dave put it, "soulful". I didn't care for his performance last week but think he made up for it this week.

    Jessica has turned in passable performances since day one but there is no spark to her, nothing special that draws people to her and she does seem to have an attitude.
    Dave was bang on in his review of her performance of that Nirvana song. The original smacks of sadness and desperation and a cry of the soul (pardon my poeticness ) and she provided none of that. She just doesn't seem to come across no matter how hard she tries. Tara was like that too.

    Brandon is just not a rocker. He would be great in a Southern Rock band or a band like Black Crows. He is good but this competition just doesn't seem to be his style.

    I think Deanna did a great job of her song last night but she is a belter.

    JD is good but got too big for his britches and needs to lose the 'tude and focus on his performance. His last two songs weren't very good.

    I think Jessica is going to be the one to go if she is in the bottom three after last night's vote. The guys in INXS are just not impressed by her vocally and by the looks on their faces they don't care for her attitude either. I would be surprised if she gets to stick around much longer.
  • So, Brandon is out - not too surprised. But if I were INXS I would have done another double elimination and dumped him and Jessica.
    I think it will probably eventually come down to MiG, Marty and Jordis at the final three.
  • I was so disappointed in all of the performances this week To make matters worse, for me lol, I finally convinced my son (a musician himself) to watch it for the first time, having told him how amazing most of them are. He must think I'm an idiot, lol.

    I'm glad Brandon is gone, he's definitely not right for INXS. I personally would not be a fan of his no matter what band he was with.

    Jessica's performance was horrible! PLUS, she seems to really have an attitude problem. She's very argumentative and doesn't handle criticism well.

    I think theirs were the most memorable performances of the night because they were so bad. Everyone else was sadly unforgettable.
  • I love this show, I havnt been watching it the past 2 weeks tho, I've just been watching the performances online, Jordis is by far my favourite, every song she has done is just AWESOME, and I so agree with Dave when she sung 'The Reason' I was not a fan of that song until she sang it, I liked Tara too (she used to be the lead singer of a band called Joydrop and their CD's were pretty good, my fav song of theirs was 'beautiful') but she has gone I'm glad that Brandon is gone, he didn't seem right. The performances on tuesday weren't as good as every other week by far I agree there.