• I'm really excited, this is my first visit to this website and it looks really exciting. We just started a TOPS chapther in Greensboro, NC and I"m secretary, it should be a lot of fun. My problem is lot a lot of TOPS veterans, that I love the social aspect of TOPS, but a lot of the time I toy around and don't get serious, That is where I hope the support from this forum will help. I just got back from exercise class and I took it really slow as I fell down last week and sprained my ankle. I broke my right ankle back in November and it was awful and I gained 12 pounds on TOP of my other weight. I have been a TOPs member since sep 95 and I will always be a member. I need support and I need to get serious, any words of encouragement would be nice.

    Starting TOPS weight: 212.75
    Current TOPS weight: 236.75
    Goal Weight: 150-160
  • Welcome to TOPS 3FCchapter .This is not really a chapter but yet it is in so many ways.Many come here for support that is sometimes lacking in their own chapters.The people here are serious about losing and supporting each other.We have our good and bad days.The best part is when you are having a bad day everyone here understands.And probably someone else is having a bad day so you never feel alone.No matter how much you need to lose.Or what your age is.Or where you are from.We are all fighting the same struggle and we are here for each other.
  • Welcome,

    I just wanted to say that if you came here for support you came to the right place. These people here are like family or at least very good friends. Everyone is always willing to lend an ear or send you a pick me up or a congratulations for doing good or bad. Like eleni said. We all have our bad times and usually a lot of us go through it together. So if we all stick together then eventually we will get to goal.

    I love the boards and get more here then I do anywhere else. These are the only ones besides my chapter that understand what I am going through. They have helped me a lot. I have a long way to go. I still have 22 1/4 lbs to go to goal. But eventually I will get there. I just keep starting over and someday I will get it right long enough to reach my goal and hopefully stay there.

    Glad to have you aboard.

  • Hi! Please join us! We love having new people joining. We all know times get ruff but stick with us! We are here to help Hope to hear from you again soon! YOUR TOPS PAL PENNY
  • I'm one of the new ones to this forum, and I can honestly say that these Tops pals are friends. I share with them a lot. They pick me up when I'm down, and they don't let me quit. We all want to do well but we want to celebrate and help each other along the way. congrats to your new chapter, but most of all congrats on finding one of the best support groups I have found.
    Hang in there, take one day at a time, and we can do it.
  • WELCOME!!!
    We are all so glad you found us
    We will all do our best to give you any tips and support you need, This is one of the best groups of women I have ever found and hope you enjoy these boards as much as we all do, It has been my outlet in times of despair as well as my outlet to share the victorys
    Feel free to join in on our daily threads as well as our e- mail loop, all we need for that is for you to add your bio and e- mail to our bio board
    we would love to know all about ya
    and again WELCOME
  • Welcome to the board. I love this place and have found a whole lot of support here. Look forward to getting to know you. From one NC TOPS to another.

  • Hello!

    You'll find that this board will give you the support you need!

