Countdown to 250...May 28 and Beyond

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  • WELCOME to all who choose to stop here. We are a fun group, providing support, encouragement and motivation. We hope you sit a spell, grab a bottle of water and chat with us for awhile. We would love to meet you.
  • Guess everyone is off having a nice holiday. Here's my quote for the day. Hope to talk to you all soon.

    "It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired -- you quit when the gorilla is tired." - Robert Strauss
  • Happy Memorial & Motivated Monday!
    Hello to all!

    What a busy weekend its been. And what a blowout weekend its been too. At least I had 14 banked points to help offset but I know I didn't finish my week in the good. I'll get it all figured up today and start again.

    Friday night I drove down to my sis's (3 hrs) to see the little baby puppy dog. The little baby that weighs 34 pounds and is about 20 inches tall. I came through the front door and he barked at me. When I called his name, he about knocked me down he was so excited, peeing on the floor and all. My sis said he never acts so excited to see them. He was glued to me all night long and the next day too. That made me feel really good. I came home Saturday and then Sunday we drove down to mom & dad's (2 hours) to see the horse. We took the horse over to see a beautiful Appaloosa stallion. Hopefully we will have a baby next year. Today we are looking for houses.

    I'm wiped out and will catch up with everyone maybe later today. Have a great holiday!

    Take care and be strong!
  • Terri: Glad your puppy has no doubt about who 'mom' is. Sounds like your horse had a match made in Heaven, well maybe not, but who could resist a beautiful Appaloosa????

    Have a good one! Love to all, even to everyone who is AWOL!!

    "You have no control over what the other guy does. You only have control over what you do." - A. J. Kitt
  • Well, good morning everyone.

    Back to work this morning and thank goodness, I'm exhausted. My hubby and I opened the trailer this weekend and boy did we work. It felt great to get so much done, but it would have been nice to do it out of the rain. I don't think I have ever picked up so many leaves before. Well it's all done, and I've burned off a lot of calories and our next trip to the trailer will truly be for relaxation.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend, I was over in points but with the exercise I'm sure I'll show a lose at the scale tonight.

    Well, my phone interview went well, we will see where it goes from here. I'm sure I will hear something today or tomorrow. I'll keep everyone posted.

    By the way, my treat for reaching that hundred pounds was a new hair do. It's a bit shorten than I really wanted but I like it. Great new color too
    Have a great OP day everyone. Talk to you soon.

    430/330/170 in 2002

  • Good Morning and Welcome to Chose to Lose Tues!
    Well! I trust everyone had a nice long weekend? It seems that we were all bogged down with rain though... Oh well, It is a nice day in NY today. DH and I tackled putting our ACs in yesterday. On Friday and Saturday, I did not feel well, and on Sunday we went into Manhattan to the Museum of Television and Radio and to the Met. The Met was swamped with people, and the exhibit that we went to see, Vermeer and the Delft School, was so packed that we couldn't enjoy it! Then we went downtown for Indian food. It was very humid and I was not a happy girl. Today I am exhausted!!!!

    I am trying today to make this my first OP day in quite a while! I am confident that I can make this one day a success. Then I will take it from there...

    Thin - Sorry you were all alone out here in cyberspace for the weekend. Thanks for posting your quote and keeping up with the threads!

    Determined - I liked you Memorial & Motivated Monday!!! It sounds like you did a bit of driving over the weekend! That always wipes me out! Glad also to hear that the not so little baby puppy is doing well, and the horse too!

    Canadian - Glad that your interview went well. Keep us posted... Also, I think that new hairdo is a great reward for your 100 pound loss! You must look like a whole new person!

    Oh yeah, We are guardedly optimistic about little Bart. He has been feeling good for two days in a row now! He even managed to sneak out of the house last night! I hope that we can now maintain his health...

    Well, I hope everyone has a great day...
  • Happy Tuesday Everyone!

    I was able to take most of Friday off work, so I worked on getting ready for DD's graduation ceremony. I stopped and bougt her a corsage and I bought a sheet of fluorescent orange poster board. I wrote her name in big letters on the poster board. She didn't know I had it and when she passed by us before and after the ceremony and when they called her name to walk across the stage, I held the sign up and we all cheered and yelled her name. We were completely unsophisticated. It was fun and we had a good time embarrassing her. (I think she secretly liked it, knowing that she has so many people who love her.) After the ceremony, we had about 14 people eat grilled hot dogs, turkey brats, jalepeno peppers, and potato salad. It turned out pretty good. We didn't get to bed until 12:30 that night. I was busy the rest of the weekend cleaning the basement and running errands.

    Thinthinker: We aren't drinkers either. I might have a raspberry margarita once in a great while. And DH might have a drink for New Years, but we are home most of the NY eves. I usually value my sleep more and go to bed before midnight. (What exciting party animals! )

    Gina Marie: Blackberry brandy has helped me get to sleep a couple times and has helped with a cold or two, also. I keep it in the house, but a bottle can last us a year or two.

    canadian: The hairdo is an excellant reward for doing such a great job losing the weight. Just remember, if you think it's too short now, it'll grow out in a week or two.

    Ladies: I also post under "Clubs and Groups, 100 pound Club". They are setting up a convention for 3FC for 100 pounders. I guess I assumed that most of you read that thread also(or posted under a different name). They are another bunch of wonderful ladies (and guys occasionally). Hop on over there. Glad to have you.

    2oM (Annie)
  • Hi everyone! Glad to see a few faces here today. The weekend went pretty well. Very quiet. We went to see the movie Pearl Harbor yesterday. I avoided the movie popcorn by taking my own. The smell of the 'good stuff' makes the 'good for you' stuff taste better!

    Brenda: I bet all that cleaning up will help you on another loss this week. What an inspiration you are!!!

    Gina: You had another busy weekend. Is Manhattan far from you so that you have to stay over, or is it a day excursion? Sounds like a good time. Too bad it was hot, humid and crowded!

    Annie: Sounds like your daughter's graduation turned out real nice. I was real involved when my kids were in school and sometimes I didn't think they really wanted me around. But DH and I chaired my oldest's All Night Party and when it was time for the baby's, he said to me, " you are going to chair mine too, aren't you?" So I think you're right. It does make them feel good to know that people love them.

    Gotta go get some dinner on. Love to all.

    "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." - Michael Jordan
  • Back on the wagon Tuesday!
    Hello to all,

    Woohoo, had a OP day! Whew, I had three very high days in a row. But no exercise today. I'm still exhausted from the weekend.

    Well, the little farm is a dream for the future not now. We have officially called it off and looking for a different house. Of course the home center will not return our deposit despite the addendum I made them add that it was all contingent on getting financing and that we approved it all. The problem is the appraisal and two appaisers can't get the job done so there is something wrong there. On our side, the mortgage company officially denied our application based on lack of appraisal. But yet, we will have to sue to get our money back. This is an adventure I do not need. We're ready to move on though.

    My body is so wound up from all this stress. I think that is how I ended up so far off track. Emotional eating out of control.

    Gina - Your weekend excursions lately have sounded like to much fun. I, of course, can only live in New York vicariously through "Sex and the City"! Glad to hear Bart may be getting better. Did you make it OP? I sent out positive vibes when I read your post.

    Brenda - Good for you for all the cleaning. Want to come to my house!? And the new hairdo is a great idea.

    Annie - High school graduations are so fun. I can only vaguely remember mine. Your daughter had to love the extra attention. Sounds like a good weekend.

    Geri - So how was Pearl Harbor? Besides long. I've heard mixed reviews. You have such strength going to all the movies and resisting the popcorn. Keep it up!

    Well, I'm off to rest. Hope I didn't miss anyone! Take care and be strong!
  • Good Morning

    Well, I was humbled by the attention that the entire class showered on me last night. Balloons, cards some gifts and just the sincere congratulation was more than I excepted. My friends daughter sang one of her original songs from her new CD to the class, it was my gift to all of them, I hope they were half as inspired by it as I have been over the last 8 months or so. Everyone, including each of you that post have played an important role in me making it to the 100 pound mark and I just want to thank you all.

    I was actually up a bit last night, probably swollen muscles from all the work on the weekend. I'm not going to worry about it but I will be extra careful of portion sizes this week and keep the exercising up.

    determined: way to go with the OP day, its tough sometimes to get back on track but it looks like you have managed it. Sorry to hear about the farm, but I know something perfect is probably just around the corner.

    Thin: Great idea with the popcorn, did you like the movie? Quiet weekends, I've forgotten what they are! I'm off to Straford this weekend with my daughter for another fastball tournament. Can't complain though I love it.

    2ofme: Sounds like the graduation was lots of fun, it's always great to tease our kids. I hope you have been able to recover from your busy weekend.

    Gina: I hate the humid weather too, but it doesn't bother me quite as much now, but thank goodness for air conditioning. I'm sure your are back on track by now and doing well.

    Well, back to work for me, have a great OP day all!

    430/331/170 in 2002 or whenever!
    (My leader told me not to add extra pressure to myself, I think I agree)
  • Happy Think Thin Thursday!
    Hello Everyone! Sorry I was AWOL yesterday. Work was really hectic, so I had no downtime to "play".

    Well, I finally did it! I have two OP days in a row to my credit and am now working on day #3! It is amazing how my body is reacting. It's like 1st week on program all over again. I am very hungry (PMS doesn't help), and the water is making me not want to be too far from a ladies room! Anyway, I am glad to be back OP!

    Bart is still doing well from Friday! We are so happy! He is too I think. He is running and playing all over the place and his coat is thick and shiny, and his eyes are clear and sparkling! He has also been eating like a pig and no accidents! YAY! I knock wood as I type this...

    On the agenda for this weekend is a trip to a local museum in Nassau County for an Art Deco exhibit. We were going to go to Westburry Gardens, but it is going to rain

    2ofMe - Your DD's graduation sounds like it was a real hoot! When my brother graduated from the NYPD, my family was screaming like a bunch of banshees! Graduations are not for the civilized! I would have loved if my parents had a big sign for me at my HS graduation! Oh, believe me, a bottle of Blackberry Brandy could last years in my house too! You only need a spoonful to cure what ails ya! I am very interested in this convention! Do you have to have lost 100 pounds, or be in the category of having to lose 100 or more? I am going to check out the 100 Club...

    Thin - How was Pearl Harbor? I am dying for a real persons opinion, because I too have heard mixed reviews... WTG on brining your own popcorn! I am a sucker for movie theatre popcorn! Manhattan is only a 40 minute train ride for me, so it is easy to just go in for the day. Brian and I are trying to actually go out and do things on our weekends, rather than just sit around like we normally would have...

    Determined - WTG on those OP Days! And thanks for those vibes! I think they really helped me get back on the wagon! So sorry to hear about your little farm! I can't believe that you are having a hard time getting back your deposit! You certainly don't need that added stress, but , I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, so I know you will find the place for you! Sometimes stress does equal eating, and sometimes you just have to give in. It's OK, just remember No guilt and Move on!

    Canadian - That is so great that your class threw a party for you! I will have to throw my own when I reach such a great goal! I live in AC during the Summer! I am even hot during the winter, there are always windows open at my place in winter! My husband calls me "Hot Girl". He says that I need an air conditioned space suit during the summer. I also happen to be a person that sweats, which really annoys me. Humidity is Hot Girl's Arch-Nemesis!

    Well, better go...

    Oh yeah, one more thing! I had a maintain this week at WI! I am hoping for a good loss next Wednesday!


  • Hi everyone! Sorry to be away so much but I have been working my buns off (oh, if only it were that simple :ee: ) this week. And with that brings paperwork up the ying yang!

    I have theatres to do this weekend so I won't be here much, but will of course have the temptation of 'good' popcorn again. I WILL overcome it!!!

    Food this week has been decent, not wonderful. I think I am holding my own, so to speak! Not as well as I could be doing, obviously!

    I really liked Pearl Harbor. It was amazing the devastation. Makes it easier to understand why survivors wouldn't want to talk about it. It had a nice story line in it besides the history part so it kept someone like me (not a history buff) happy as well as my guys enjoying it. DH, my oldest, and I went and we were all happy with it.

    Terri: Sorry about the farm. It sure seems like things should be easier than they are sometimes. But I have learned through the years that things happen for a reason. Sometimes we don't know just why for a long time, but there is a reason. Just like with DH being laid off, I know there's an opportunity out there, just don't know when it will show its face. But it's out there. And your farm is too. Keep the faith!!!

    Brenda: You deserved every last bit of that attention. 100#'s is just a real mountain! You are such an inspiration. You deserve every bow you take.
    Well girls, I'm off to bed. Gotta work again tomorrow.

    Think I'll go catch some zzzz's. Busy day tomorrow!

    "I learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it is, you can make it." - Gale Sayers
  • +~~~+~~~~+~~~~+
    Okay, those are positive (+) vibes (~~) for Gina and everyone else to have a OP day! Gina good for you for getting your OP days!!! You can do this!

    Just a quick note this morning. Its been a very bad week between DH and I with a lot of screaming and crying. I ended up bawling in the Pastor's office because I couldn't take it anymore and he helped me to see that all this isn't about a house; its about our feeling like failures, especially DH. Its all things I knew but was too beat up to see. That helped me tremendously and we were able to get all that out in the open last night and in the past. We went out to Golden Corral which is buffet. I didn't gorge like I would have in the past but ate what I wanted in small quantities. Actually was surprised at how little it took to feel full. So, back in the groove and shaking off the stress.

    Replies to everyone later after work. Have a great OP day and weekend.

    ++++++++++++++ Positive vibes ~~~~~~~~~
  • P.S.
    I did finally take a peak at the scale and I'm down about 5 pounds over the last couple of weeks. Finally, back in the 250's. That made me feel great and that it is worth it.
  • [[[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]]] Terri!
    I hope that now that you've been able to verbalize how you feel that you will feel much better. Sometimes life throws us curves and we just have to ride them out until they straighten out. Being able to talk about it usually helps, it's just hard to get it out sometimes. I'm sure that life will work out for you as I know it will work out for us and the job situation. More power to you for being able to get it out and remove some of the stress! Good job at the buffet. It's amazing when we take it slow and steady how full we can get, with just a little food.

    Hope you have a better day.