The Daily Cluck - TGIF - January 28

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  • Running late this morning.

    I was up at 5:30 but unable to start a new thread. Messed around with it until the Girls yipped. I think they were cold despite those fur coats! It is way below zero this morning at around -25F and I've just put the last piece of wood on the fire! I hate having to get dressed to go outdoors but will have to do it anyhow. After that I'll have my bath and get dressed for my appointment for my physical at 10:30. I am going to insist on a heated speculum!

    This afternoon I have to push myself into finishing a package for the Fair. I had almost forgotten it until I was reminded at the meeting last night! Of course, I'll be popping in and out of the coop to see how your Friday is going!

    Have a good one!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Yesterday was a very tiring day for me. I took the kids to the spelling bee, but none of them made it past the first written round. I was afraid there would be tears! Fortunately for me, the 4th graders decided that they would start a spelling club and work for next year's bee and the 6th grader just said, hey... I got out of half a day of school!

    I had to stop and get my blood drawn at the doctor's during lunch. I am having my DNA tested to see if I am a carrier for Fragile X because my cousin had a son with that problem. If I am also a carrier we are going to adopt rather than trying for a baby of our own. I have to wait for 2-3 weeks for the results!

    Since I was gone all morning, when I got back I had non-stop classes. I was so tired when I got home! I have had no energy this week. I don't know if it is because I haven't been feeling 100% or because of what I am eating. I know I need to be eating more veggies. I have decided to stay home today and get some rest.

    I hope everyone has a great day.

  • Good Morning Ruth! I'll send DS over to help with the wood! Be CAREFUL out there. I've gotta get packed for Mom's and do some runnin around town. They are callin for freezing rain there and here so I have to check the weather as well! I'll peck back in a bit.
    Good Morning all!
  • Nally... we posted at the same time. I pray all comes out well with the test. Please do rest and take care. Well atleast the 4th graders had the right thinkin! lol 6th grader sounds like my son! lol
  • Good morning everyone,

    It's a winter wonderland here, everything outside is white and fluffy. It started snowing last night at midnight and is still going. It's all pretty but I'M COLD! I'm at the computer and the heater is on my left so I can type with one unfrozen hand It's 25F (-6C) outside - Canadians don't laugh - I'm a winter weather wimp Southern Belle. Luckily I don't have to go anywhere today.

    DH made cookies for himself and the guys at work so the whole house smells wonderful, and tempting, but he took them all with him thank goodness.

    Today feels like a 'cauliflower popcorn' kind of day.
    Ruth congrats on ONEderland. Hello to the newbies. Will check back later.
    Wow, there have been three more posts since I started my slow-mo (frozen) typing.
  • Morning to you all,
    I also have to get wood in today, I get a wheel barrow full each day, I made a ramp that I take it right up my patio, in my front room, then I unload it to the wood box inside I have a box on my patio that holds three days worth of wood, but I like to save that incase we have a big stom, and I cant get to the building.
    Yesterday I bought paint, and some flooring, so today that is what I am going to do. (try to do, I have never painted, it was always hubbies job ) The flooring was only $10.00 a box, as it was clearing.

    Well all for now, my key board is in my lap, the room I am doing is my computer room,
    Have a wonderful day,

    love Tazcat
  • Good Morning!

    Just a quickie for me today! I'm down another 2 pounds. I wish I could shake that last pound because then I would actually make my goal for January! I got up early and worked out today. The stress from the soup kitchen fund raiser is starting to take it's toll.

    Naly - My prayers are with you sweetie!

    Ruth - I don't know how you northern folk can handle the - weather all the time. It is going to be in the 20's today in Michigan and I think it is going to feel like a heat wave!

    Bami - becareful in the freezing rain! You're just getting to the point where you feel good again.

    A Broad - You stay warm too!

    I have to run! Take care everyone!
  • Morning chicks... the sun is shinning but it is cold here again today. I have lots to do today. We are hoping the "Howie" will show up this week end. We are all excited for the new baby. I will post pictures Sunday night if he comes. I really have to work on my dance rountines today. Tomorrow is dance day, and DH has a volley ball tournment, Sunday is ski day. Other than that nothing. DD went to school today she really could have had one more day home but I really needed the break.

    Ruth- Hope the speculum doesn't get frozen to you. Stay warm and have a great day.

    Nally- glad that the kids were not to dispointed and good luck with the test I will keep you in prayers that all will work out the way it is susposed to.Take care.

    Bamie-Morning chick hope you have a great day.

    a broad abroad- -6 you poor baby don't come and visit me or you could and we could toughen you up you poor southern chick. Glad DH took the cookies to work so you wouldn't be temptent.

    Check in again later.
  • Hey there Taz and Anchor we were posting at the same time.
    Taz- take care of yourself, but good for you doing renovations and hauling wood, good idea with the ramp.
    Anchor-congrats on the 2 pounds I will keep my fingers crossed for the other one. I think I need 2 more by monday to reach my goal.
  • Quickie... just heading out the door...

    Ruth, those spoons should be illegal.

    Nally, I'm saying prayers for you, sweetie.

    Love to all of you...
  • Gosh... I just popped in before going to bed, it is so late here. The thread is up and moving early.

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • I just read yesterdays thread full of mice, voles, Oneder Land , pantry clearing, blood drawing, spelling bees and Ellis being almost perfect! Sorry I missed it. Welcome to the Newbies!!!

    The South is expecting freezing rain . Bamie, can you keep it in Alabama until Monday?? cause I hate driving into Atlanta when the roads are icy.

    DH has been home from work yesterday and today (work slowed down AGAIN) so we used the time to get some things done together.After my hair appt we went out shopping and finally found some barstools that we both liked and a small dinnette set for the kitchen. Stopped at Diggers for their wonderful Chicken Fajita Salad.
    The granite guy comes back today to do the templeting for the countertops but it can't be cut until that darn sink arrives .
    Dinner tonight will be grilled steaks, roasted veggies and a side salad.

    Everybody have a great day and I'll check in later
  • Quote: Sorry I missed it.
    Ellis being perfect, that is
  • Sil.. I hope it stays in Al. since I'm headin to Tn. this afternoon! I just dread goin over chestnut ridge as it is a pretty steep hill (mountain) that always gets it before the lower parts! They are pretty good about salting it sometimes even before the weather because it is a truck route. Which by the way is a real pain if you get stuck behind one! Especially the chicken trucks in the summer time! eeewww! Talk about the **** hittin the van! lol Winter time they put boards on the truck. One of the towns I go through has a Tyson plant.

    Little Chick... Glad DD is on the mend! I used to live with strep until I finally had my tonsils out when I was 23. Problem solved! lol

    Ellis... Enjoy your free day!

    Artemis... I hope you are having sweet dreams. DD may be goin to Australia this summer to play soccer with the People to People program. She'll be goin to Sydney. If she is selected I may PM you for some info on the land down under! No Mom's allowed! See Mom cryin! lol
  • Good Morning Ladies~

    Just a quickie for me today. Baby is sick. UGH!! Woke up with a 102.5 temp. So, we went to the grocery store for Tylenol/Motrin after we dropped off older son at school, NO WAY am I paying 8.50 for a bottle of Motrin. So, thinking i'd run to the little store here in town, oh wait, they do'nt open until 9am!! Another whole hour! UGH!! So, luckily I have some Motrin here at home I gave him before we left, then i'll just run to the pharmacy this afternoon. I hate living in a small town sometimes!

    Well, things are going well for me, i think. LOL

    I don't have much of an appetite but am forcing myself to eat at least a little something at every meal. I don't see this as a bad thing. I'm not eating snacks. For breakfast today, i had some eggs. For lunch, i'm thinking an apple?? I do have to work the night shift tonight so that will be a struggle. I always get the 'munchies' while I'm up all night. Maybe another apple for snack?? P2 going well I think. I'm down another pound or 2. Hopefully Monday morning there will be a definite answer. I'd like to see 3 but I won't get too greedy since i'm on P2 now.

    Well, baby is wanting to be held so I"m off. Have a great OP day!

    Welcome to the newbies!