Stay at home moms # 230!!!

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  • Welcome all to a thread full of wonderful women taking on the responsibilty of raising a family and trying to take care of themselves too. We look forward to a new day with members, new and old! Please feel free to jump right in and say hello Here is a little bit about who we are ...
    MichelleRae: Michelle sahm to Taylor 8-25-01 & Teagan 10-13-03 Married 2 years to Zhaun. Plan I'm following is a combined WW and South Beach Diet

    Spryng: 24 y.o. married 6 years. Kids- Ava 4, Bubba (aka Joseph) 3 & Tanner 1. Currently on ww, hit goal in April.

    Mompen: Penny 23 y.o. Happily Married & SAHM Momma to three active boys, Hunter almost 5, Nicholas almost 4 & Andrew 13 mo. Weight Watchers is my way of life

    Loveliam: Leigh SAHM to Liam 10.21.03 & happily married for 2 years. Doing the Weight Watchers thing

    Sydsmom: Kristin SAHM to Sydney 09-27-01, married almost 2 years to wonderful dh Began Weight watchers mid-July

    Cheri: married to Donald for 8.5 years, SAHM/homeschooling momma to Nathan, 5 (9-11-98), Daniel, 3 (8-29-00) & Elijah, 1 (10-16-02) & doing the low carb thing kinda, lol

    Angel: SAHM of 4, Ages 8,8,7,&4.

    Cindi: Mom to 6 boys & 1 mean girl. Plan.. No diet for me! Portion control, exercise & lots of water (most days)

    Chubba: Geri..Mom to two boys, Will (3) & Tony (1)..married for 4 years to a great guy..following Dr Phil most days!

    Crystal: 27 yo sahm of 3 almost 4. Alisa 5, Ally 3, & Andrew 20 months. Due Feb 1st. Married almost 9 years, live in Texas & homeschool. Avon & Watkins Sales Rep. My plan when on it counting calories & exercise

    Ricci sahm to two boys 4 and 5, married 7 years, going to be doing ww

    Jaymi: 2 kids, 20 mo Girl & 6 yo boy. Been married to DH for 2 ½ years. I’m counting calories, eating lowfat foods & exercise. I have no idea what the name of that diet is!!!
  • Ok my favorite thing to do with my kids is playing outside on the swings or reading books to them.

    Jill - Hey girly! I have an emotipad but hadn't reloaded my graphics since I wiped my hard drive. The emotipad cost 15 bucks and I use photobucket to store my images and urls. I have tons of blinkies and dolls and I'm currently learning how to use tubes and glitters with paintshop pro but I can do basic names without glitter with no problem I'll do one of your name and upload it Let me know if you like it
  • cool Michelle thanks! What do you use that program for? Do you just play around with it or do you have a website or something? Just wondering cause I love playing around with my computer and finding cool stuff to do on it. Talk to you soon!
  • QOTD: I keep forgetting to do this! My favorite thing to do with my daughter is to bring her in bed on the weekends with me and my dh and play with her while we are all still half asleep. She loves it because she doesn't see her daddy much during the week and she always looks amazed and so excited that he is in the bed with us! It's so cute!
  • Hey gals! Hope I will have more time to post/reply later, but we've had a very busy weekend. I'm also totally off plan again. What are ya'll gonna do with me??? I have no idea why I've been so self-defeating lately.
    Anyway, more later . . .
  • Hi all. Sounds like everyone is having a great weekend. I haven't done like anything today. I have one load of laundry to be put away and I have done breakfast and lunch and cleaned the kitchen. I've picked up the livingroom like several times and it needs to be done again. I've sat on my tooshie and watched tv most of the day. Haven't even crocheted. I did take care of some Avon stuff. I've got dinner in the oven.
    Tonight we'll watch The 4400 and The Dead Zone so I'll try to get some things done before then.
    I hope you all have a great Sunday and I'll try to post again later.
  • I'm so bored!
    Gosh you would think I would be excited to have the house cleaned, the baby asleep and the dh out with the dog but I am sooooo bored. I'm not used to this. And to make matters worse all you guys seem to be enjoying your Sundays somewhere other than the internet! How dare you LOL! Anyway I am going to make meat loaf tonight and hopefully we will have some leftover tomorrow so I don't have to make dinner. Wouldn't that be nice.

    Cindi, I was thinking that for our challenge maybe we should measure weight loss and inches. I have done well losing weight before but after an initial weight loss I usually only lost inches. Just a thought. Tell me what you think.

    Penny and Melissa if you wouldn't mind could you give us some tips on how your challenge is organized so we can get ours going? Bye the way where are you Penny? I miss all your posts. I know you are in New Orleans but hurry back!

    Leigh I'm not really on a plan yet but I have been trying to watch my sugar and high fat intake and I totally blew it this weekend too! Shame on us both, tomorrow is another day though so we can do it!

    Allright enough for now I hope you all get to posting later so I have something to do, actually you will probably all be posting after you eat dinner which is when I will be preparing mine, darn this time change!

  • Jill here is your name but I'm still learning so lol I'll just use your name for my experiments lol. You can right click it and save image as on to your computer then upload it to an image hosting service such as photobucket which is free but you can donate as little as 5 bucks and all bandwidth restrictions are lifted I'm gonna play with it some more tonight and figure out how to do these things lol.

    Hope everyone is having a good night.
  • Okay!
    Okay, I am going to attempt to catch up on all I've missed.

    Penny - thanks for sharing your SAH story with me I'm glad you get to be home with the kiddies now since that's what you want.

    Hi, Ricci!

    Crystal- sounds like your in-laws are very supportive of you - that's wonderful! SO has DH been in a better mood then? I'm glad you like your hair- I do think it's important to do things to make ourselves feel like we come first once in a while. Hope the kids are feeling better soon.

    Geri- maybe the two of us can hang out and eat sweets until we make ourselves ill and want to be back OP!

    Jaymi- sounds like you got double exercise since cleaning is a bit of exercise too I love your before and after pics! Good for you!!!

    Jill - hi! Liam likes to sleep in too. I kind of hope it remains that way - I sure like it! That book sounds good. BTW, I can't even begin to tell you the awful things I've eaten this weekend. Lately, I'm just sooooo weak on the weekends!

    Cindi- so are ya'll going to keep the bird? What a story!

    Penny- so sorry to hear about Andrew! It seems like I've been hearing about fifths disease a lot lately. LOVE the beautiful pic of you

    Cheri- don't worry abotu Geri- she's over here with me so I can share the doritos and maybe give her some Snickers in return Just kidding of course!

    Melissa- what did you end up doing this weekend?

    Michelle- oh no! Hope the wee ones are better very soon

    QOTD this is a great question Fun! Okay, my answer:
    Snuggle! I love snuggling with Liam and doing things to make him laugh like kiss his belly, etc. He's very affectionate and always kisses us back, hugs, etc. It makes me melt!

    Well, I'm off to eat more fattening food before I start fresh tomorrow AGAIN for a change! TTYL.
  • I love my name Michelle! Thank you so much. I am going to play around and try all the things you told me to do. I'm good at the computer in some ways but in others I am completely illiterate so we'll see what happens.

  • Heres another one for you Jill i tried to make the doll resemble you but I think her hair is a little lighter but enjoy
  • Michelle- those are adorable! Quite the talent
  • Tomorrow.....
    Is the first day of MY summer vacation!!! LOL!!!! I am in the home stretch! My kids are so excited they are not sleeping yet!! I have shopped for 2 days straight and I have certainly gotten my exercise, but the food part SUCKED...pardon my french!

    Jill, I think measurements is a good idea, I have never tried it. But I know your measurements can change when your weight doesn't! We need to think about rewards, too. It would be cool to send each other something rather than to just get ourselves something for our success!

    Leigh, yes we are keeping the bird. It's name is sammy/sami whichever applies!! We are having fun with her, but she is tired and cranky tonight! When at the mall last night I saw one that was really ugly in comparison for 499.00!!!!!! That made me feel good!

    Gotta go beat some children! Back after they are at least IN the bed, rather than jumping on it screaming! AACCCCKKKKK!!!
  • Cindi I was thinking the same thing about rewards and such. It just means so much more to get something from somebody rather than get it yourself. I mean if I really want something I'm going to go get it anyway (As long as it doesnt cost a lot) so I think that is a great idea. Any idea what we want to send? I'll be on this thing off and on for the rest of the night so I am sure I will catch you soon!
  • Hi all,

    I'm still here...had a birthday party to attend. It was hotter than...heck..outside and then MIL's chair gave out and she fell over and hurt her back...still haven't heard how she's doing . They didn't have much for my boys to eat (bbq'd pork sandwiches...Will's in his picky stage and tony doesn't eat sandwiches) so they had chips to eat . I always make sure there are hot dogs or mac & cheese or something kid friendly around... home and then the loud and screechy neighbor boys were running around our yard and we just wanted them to go away! Tomorrow's Monday and back to normal. Leigh...I'm on my way over...but I need salt to go with my rum & diet cokes LOL!! Tomorrow's WI and I'm scared HaHa

    Hi to all..sorry to not get personal. I'll get better again someday I promise!!

    Oh, I love to swim with my boys...alone and together...we have a really fun time.