One miserable girl

  • Well it is 5am and I am unable to sleep AGAIN! I am so sick of this....I keep waking up every night around 3:30 and can't get back to sleep.
    I thought I would get up and at least go on line to get a jump on my work email but the damn site is down.

    I was so hoping to come back to all of you and be happy and rested from my vacation but right now I just feel like CRAP. I just want to sit and cry.
    I'm exausted and have a splitting headache. It is going to be such a busy first day back at work and I am going to be a zombie.

    I wish I could muster up the energy to go out for my walk but I just don't think I can

  • Good Morning Jane, I know how you feel. Today's my first day back from vacation as well and I got my period late last night which is making me sick and litterely tired. Plus my DD kept me up all last night insisting I sleep in her single bed, I bet I slept a whole 1 hour last night. I'm draging my arse as well. Come on down to Jersey and lets go shopping, we can sit and chat w/a cup of coffee (mocha mmmm).

    Feel better and I hope the day goes quickly for the both of us.

    HUGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Jane you and the 11 year old that lives in my house (DD) could become buddies... she is going on about 22 hours of no sleep right now.

  • I'm so sorry! What happened on your vacation?
  • Jane I am sorry that your sleep has been bothering you. You know I have learned that if I keep my sleep pattern intact I don’t have any problem. I try to go to bed around the same time, and then wake at the exact same time, even in the weekends, but not on vacation I suppose.

    I hope today goes very smoothly and you have a good night sleep in your bed tonight.
  • Jane, you poor thing! Lack of sleep is misery, and can make you feel awful emotionally. I went through a stage where I couldn't fall asleep, then a stage where I'd wake up about 3am every morning, and finally fall back to sleep right before the alarm went off. Horrible. Mine was because I had a bunch of things bugging me, and once that was finally resolved, my sleep pattern went back to normal. It took about a year though. Gag.

    I hope you have better sleep tonight, and then all will look brighter. There's nothing like sleep deprivation to distort a girl's world.
  • Sorry to hear you're not sleeping well. Is it because you wake up with too much energy? That used to happen with me. Then it got to where I couldn't sleep longer than a couple hours w/out waking up. Are you taking something to help you sleep??
  • (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))

    Sending you lots of ZZZZZZZZZZ vibes. I hope the day goes quickly for you and that you can get lots of sleep tonight.