Success With Slimfast #3

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  • We went to to pages so I started another new thread.

    Sherrie66--> No I'm not 43 , it just happens to be my favorite number. I'll actually be 28 in June. I think a reunion sounds great. It would give a lot of us a chance to meet who we've actually been supporting during this time. I have relatives that live out there.

    I too noticed that we may have lost a few when we switched over to the second thread so I'll list who all's been posting on the slimfast thread. How has everyone been doing? So far I've been 12 days OP (on plan) and going strong. I still exercise at least 6 days a week, and get plenty of I'm now concentrating on making my meals more balanced and not just low-fat.

    Here are the slimfast users:
    me (barbygirl43)

    how is everyone doing on their plans? So far, following it for three weeks, I've lost 12 pounds. I like most flavors of the powder mix and the meal on the go bars and I've just started trying the pre-mixed (like the cappucino and the strawberries 'n cream is okay)

    Good luck to everyone this week.
  • HI
    Hi everyone...I am still around Barbygirl...
    I do not like the slimfast premixed Strawberry, vanilla was alittle better, chocolate is the best.
    I purchased the chocolate flavor soy mix last week have not had a chance to try it yet. I will probably try it today or tommorrow.
    My weight loss is stable which is fine for me-, I am trying to drop 5 more lbs.
    I am surprisingly pleased with Slim Fast,,I am sorry to hear no one likes the juice, I have not seen it in my area, I have to be careful of my milk intake, that is why I was looking forwarded to the juice flavors, hopefully the soy mix will be good.
    Everyone sounds like they are doing so good,,drink your water, exercise and the incorporation of slimfast should do the trick,,keeping up with the boards will keep you motivated...Good luck to all...we can do this!!
  • Hello!
    Thanks for starting the new thread, Dawnyal, and good for you and your weight loss!

    I've been doing okay. I'm not following the Slim Fast plan, just having a SF bar every once in a while to help me cut down on my sweet tooth. I had one this afternoon when I was wanting chocolate! It works quite well for me, with less fat and more nutrition.

    I don't think I could follow the plan - I have to eat!!! Today I didn't have anything for breakfast, just went to class and to the gym. When I came home I was starving, so I had TWO tuna fish sandwiches on potato buns. I love potato buns! Then I had a chocolate chip cookie dough SF bar this afternoon. I always get the munchies in the late evening, after my dinnerbreak at work, so I had a filling dinner of asparagus, brussel sprouts, a few new red potatoes (boiled) and a little LF pasta. Oh, and I had two peanut butter flavored rice cakes!!

    Now I'm at work munching on carrot sticks and I've got a few pretzels if I need something heartier, but I've only got an hour left of work until I go home so I don't think I'll need them!

    So what's a typical day for you guys? Hope you're all doing well!!!

    PS: Lady 2001-
    If you find you don't like the soy SF for some reason, You can always use fat-free rice milk or fat free soy milk in regular shakes. I'm not very tolerant of lactose myself so I use soy milk in my cereal and pastas, etc.
  • Any way to purchase SlimFast on line?
    Hi! I've enjoyed reading all the posts. I've been in and out of 3fc. I'll start on a plan, and go great guns, and then get caught up in something and stop.

    I'm trying SlimFast now. I lost about 30 pounds with it a few years ago -- very easy. I like the convenience of it. You don't have to think about food. (I do a shake for breakfast and dinner, and a frozen dinner and salad for lunch, with two fruit and one SF bar snack during the day.) Not enough water or exercise yet, but I'm working on it.

    I have a question. Does anyone know if you can purchase SF products on line? I went to their site, but didn't see any order information. Two of the flavors I like best -- Chocolate Royale and the apple-cranberry fruit one -- aren't available at my local grocery store, nor are any of the snack bars. I'd be grateful for any info -- thanks!

  • Hello everyone, hope you don't mind me dropping in here. I am considering switching to the SlimFast plan properly. I have used SlimFast before, mainly for lunch, but I like the idea of not having to think about food for most of the time. I have lost 70 pounds and need to lose 43 more and am just getting very very frustrated that I can't stop thinking about food and comfort eating

    Hi to Sandy and Becky, I see you have both posted here before!

    Barbygirl, congrats on your weight loss, that is excellent. What sort of meals do you have for your one meal of the day?

  • Phoebe--> I've just been picking out low-fat meals either from cookbooks or on-line (, They haven't been very balanced meals though. That's what I'm working on this week. I have to plan my meals about 2 weeks in advance or I know that I will slip and start eating fast food again. Let's see, some of the recipes included: greek turkey burgers, chicken caesar wraps, quick minestrone, etc. Most of the meals I've tried so far have been delicious too.

    Hope this helps and good luck with those last few pounds.

  • Lady2001 - RE: the SF fruit mix, it is hard to find in the Northeast as well, also regarding the flavor/taste people were not pleased with, I think that there was a problem with a batch or something, because the last one I got was not as good as the previous. I did make it work when I added canned pineapple, or frozen strawberries or canned peaches. Something about added more bulk made it taste better. But as I said it was a fluky can.

    I am still here and using SF as a supplement to WW. I find I need a boost and some help with heavy social days and while making dinner. I carry the SF snacking bars as well. They are very sweet which is what I want in the afternoon and stay with me longer than some other things like a candy bar.

    Keep up the great work everyone.

  • HI
    Hey eveyone, I am loving all the action on this board, the positive exchanges and success..this is great!!

    Girlie: thanks for the advice about soy milk, I will remember that, I use soy milk sometimes, I am not entirely used to the taste yet so I mix it with 1% milk when I do have it...

    Liza: yes I am in the Northeast and have not found the juice mixes,,,I will remember to add fruit if I do find them..

    Everyone keep up the good work..stay focused and everything will fall into place...

  • Lady2001...
    There's also's milk that's lactose free and fat free..tastes more like skim,
    but it's kind of expensive. Well, I guess about the same as soy milk. I really like the
    taste of soy for some reason...I use White Wave Silk Soy Milk (they have awesome
    chocolate milk too!). It's really thick, like whole milk, but a lot better for you.

  • Soy Shakes!
    I have been drinking the soy chocolate shakes and I can't tell the difference between it and the regular
    chocolate royale. The best part is you can mix it with water. I am a vegetarian and have been trying to avoid dairy. After doing more and more reading on dairy I am trying to avoid it as much as possible.
    If you ever want to get grossed out read some of the info in the vegetarian books or web sites about dairy, the way animals are treated, etc...

    Anyway..will weigh in tommorow am. I am going to go to Bally's Health and Fitness Center tommorow for a free weeks membership. I know they want you to join but I will tell them no and just enjoy the free week! LOL

    Have a great week!

    20 pounds lighter!!
  • Ha!
    Good for you, Lorelei! That's funny!

    Today was a rather heavy day for me....I splurged on sushi tonite... so I'm going to have to exercise hard tonite!


    You sure like to make those dishes for dinner! I'm really simple. I usually just broil or steam at least two non-starchy veggies and have a starch (pasta or potatoes) and then I have a soy product, like veggie burger or chicken-free patties. If I don't have a soy product, I just load up on more veggies. I make fish on the weekends.

    That way, I can be sure to have my veggies in every day. I always have a bag of carrot sticks and a fruit cup to snack on at work. also most of the soy products can probably count as veggies too. Maybe some day I'll get as crafty as you are!

    Talk to you all soon.

  • Woo Hoo!!
    I haven't gone to Bally's yet (going in a few hours) but I did get on the scale this morning and lost 4 more pounds! I can't believe it!! I think what really helped was the suggestion I read here. Someone said they eat their big meal mid-day and drink the shake at night. I have been doing that lately and it's working. I plan on keeping this up!!

    Coming to this site really helps me. thanks everyone for the support and good ideas!

    Hope everyone else has good news to share in the scale dept!!

    (313/289/282=10% goal)
    24 pounds lighter!!
  • Congratulations Lorelie...I know you post on the 100+ club too, but that is a great loss. Doesn't it make you feel a lot better? What better way to motivate you before you head to the gym than a loss!

    I'm still treading on on my plan. I went ahead and ate a meal on the go bar for my afternoon snack. I had a long day at work and knew I would need the energy. Elections are always a long night for reporters and editors

    I hope everyone else is doing well.

  • Hi, I was thinking of trying Slimfast but remember the one time I tried it I was extremely hungry and ended up quitting. Do these shakes really fill you? Also, would anyone mind posting exactly what they eat in a day so I could have an idea. I weigh 170 and would like to get down to about 125.


    I'm losing it!
  • Welcome I'm losing it...sure I'll post a typical day for me

    6:30 a.m. have a slimfast shake
    10 a.m. fruit for snack
    around noon my meal for the day. I usually pick out a lowfat meal and cook it the night before and have leftovers.
    3 p.m. slimfast snack bar
    5-6p.m. slimfast malt (i add ice to the slimfast and sip it usually while I cook hubby's dinner.)
    7-8 p.m. somewhre around there have a snack of cucumbers, carrots, etc other water-rich veggies.

    I also exercise 6 days a week with tae bo, bicycle riding.

    I myself get filled up on this plan and it works for me. If they don't fill you up, you might try adding a fruit when you make it and make a shake. (That's what my mom does to make hers more filling.)

    I hope this helps you.
