DAILY CHAT - Monday October 27th

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  • Good Morning

    I like having a daily chat how bout you ?

    Grab that coffee and tell me what exciting things you did this weekend?


  • Hi Leens! I am so glad you decided to go daily! That weekly thread gets really long sometimes!

    As for my weekend? Well, we had soccer, then my dd had her soccer party, I bought myself some new undies! WOO HOO! And We did some MAJOR Cleaning and dumping around my house! Fly Lady would be proud! I have to call Good Will today to get rid of some of this stuff!

    But the good news is that my house is less cluttered and that was my goal!

    I will be weighing in and measureing in a few minutes.. but I wanted to check in!

    Hugs to all!
    Well I won't tell you EVERYTHING we did this weekend - but our downtown hotel experience was great! Did lots of shopping (new soap, perfume and watch)...dh got new pants and turtleneck sweaters (to show off his weight loss). I tried stuff on but did not buy anything. (...and I won't tell you what happened in the dressing room !!)

    Had great "dining experiences" with lots of good food, not always the lowest carb, so I did splurge a bit, especially with the popcorn at the movies yesterday!

    I am still in very trace/slight ketosis (amazing!)...but up about 1 lb which is okay. Need to up the water today, and get back on plan which is not a problem. (All meals for today have been planned - just need to stay on track and not deviate!).

    My major stress right now is GETTING THE INVITATIONS SENT OUT FOR DD'S BAT MITZVAH - I have been procrastinating and lazy getting all address and stuff ready to send (doing them on my computer). Have the cards/envelopes etc...need to set them up on computer, print, address, add RSVP cards....probably a few hours job. Unfortunately I was away this weekend, out tonight (ladies fund raising group)....so maybe tomorrow? I am busy at work, but considering taking a morning or afternoon off this week to finish this job! I AM LOSING SLEEP OVER THIS....not a good thing!

    Would love to hear how everyone else is doing and what they did for fun this weekend!
  • HI everyone!

    I am down 3.5 pouns this week! WOO HOO! And Lost another 7.75 inches this month for a total of 24.75 inches and 24 pounds! And I met my Halloween goal of losing 15 pounds! I am so excited! WOO HOO!
  • Way to go Karen - GOOD FOR YOU! You must feel great! Keep up the good work!

  • Great job on the loss Karen - WTG

    Froufy - sounds like a fun weekend away. I went to Carleton and LOVED my time in Ottawa. I moved south when I met & married an American. I used to skate on the canal but always seemed to find the pressure cracks in the ice and end up flat on my face.

    The Caffe Americano is now my favourite new drink!! Had one today with a shot of SF syrup and it's the best thing I've had since I had to give up my beloved Caramel Macchiatto *sniff*.

    Have a good one chicks!
  • Karen: WOW!! You are awesome!! Way to go!!

    Froufy: Your weekend sounds great! I'm glad you had fun and splurged and are only up 1 lb. today. Is it just me or is anyone else curious about the dressing room incident???

    As for me, nothing too exciting. Went out to eat and to a movie with my husband on Saturday -- our first real date in a long time. It was so nice and so OP! I had steak, salad and broccoli for supper -- it was delicious. At the movies, I didn't have anything. I've never really been tempted by the popcorn, but I could do a number on the candy, but didn't!

    I weigh in tonight. I'm hoping to lose. I've stayed completely OP and never over 20 grams of carbs per day. According to my scale, I haven't lost any weight. But, I don't trust it completely, so I'll wait for the official word tonight. No matter what, my goal is to start seriously exercising this week -- I've just got to do it. I've put it off for too long.

    I hope everyone else is having a great Monday!!

    Take care,
  • Karen - OMG!!! You go girl!! You are kicking some serious weight loss butt!

    Froufy - I'm curious too! It's not nice to make us curious and then not tell!

    Leens - I read about your aunt and you have my sympathy. Are you doing ok?

    I had a good weekend. Nothing exciting other than my latest low carb bread discovery. I went shopping for a halloween costume and can't find anything that I like. The frustration!
  • Ladies -

    You all sound like you're doing just great!!!

    I had an "okay" weekend. We're still trying to find a house to buy. Dh is still trying to find a job (which is something he has to do before we buy the house...) and I spent most of the weekend doing laundry!!

    We finally got the money from the sale of the condo - that took forever - and now we have some $$ in the bank until we pay off the car and some other debt we have going on.

    And, except for the "Fall Back" in our clocks, it was a great weekend. I think the time change has been really hard on my DD this time... she doesn't change time just because the clocks do. SO, now she is waking up at 5am and not going back to sleep like she used to. Poor thing - it's making her very clingy and demanding which she normally is not. It shouldn't take her too long to adjust but it's hard on mommy in the meantime.

    I had a lousy food day yesterday - I could not stop eating. I stayed mostly OP but I'm sure I ate more than 20 carbs. I was a bottomless pit. Didn't get out of ketosis and didn't gain any weight but still felt like I was eating all the time. But, I packed my lunch up today and am very happy at my selections and all under 20 carbs.

    We went walking together (the three of us) on Saturday evening and that was great fun. Not exactly aerobic at the pace of a 19 month old - but still got us outside.

    Woke up this morning, though, with a ear that I can't hear out of. It's the oddest thing - it feels "plugged" but even the hearing is skewed and not just muted. One ear is fine and the other makes people sound like they are in the middle of an empty gymnasium - very far away and echo-y.

    Anyhow that's my saga.... hope we all have a good OP week!!

    Karen - you rock!! You are definitely an inspiration to me to exercise, even if we are homeless...
  • Great job Karen! You're doing an awesome job!

    Glad to hear that all of you had a wonderful weekend.
  • Ok, so one interesting thing happened this weekend. I learned that losing weight has really boosted my confidence. My husband works as a bouncer at a local bar on the weekends. I met him there when I went to sing karaoke with some friends and he was running the karaoke at the time. He proposed to me there (singing, of course) and it's kindof "our" bar. Well, he happened to get Saturday night off but didn't find out until Friday night and we had committed to be at the bar on Saturday for a friend's birthday party. So on his night off, we were still there *sigh*

    Anyway, he got up on the mike and was singing me a love song when this drunk girl gets up and tries bumping and grinding on him from behind as he's trying to move away from her. Of course, I got upset. I walked right up to her and told her to get the #$%^$# off my husband. She apologized and left - lucky for her!

    My point is - yes, I got upset, but not for the reasons I normally would have. Normally, it would have been my insecurity. I would have felt fat, ugly, and oh so very threatened by her behavior. This time, I was angry because she was disrespecting my marriage - a very different thing all together. It was certainly an eye opening experience for me.
  • Oh Star - That was YOUR HUSBAND????
    I'm so sorry - I just wanted to sing with him!!!
    But you scared the beejeebies out of me!

    Only teasing with you - that would have been a pretty far ride for me to hit a bar in Oregon. Actually just walking into a bar would be a pretty far stretch for me - ha ha ha.

    You go girl! and I TOTALLY understand what you mean about the difference in insecurity vs. protecting your possessions!!!! Way to go!
  • LMTO - thanks for the laugh, Kim! I just burned and extra 30 calories laughing at that.
  • Hope you don't mind me jumping right in here. I'm new to the board, and recently started on Atkins. (yesterday as a matter of fact).

    My weekend was spent lounging. I can't wait to get to know everyone better and am very much looking forward to all the positive support I see here.
  • Welcome bandaid - just jump right in anywhere!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you, too.

    I've been doing Atkins for 1 month now and have lost 12 pounds total, but then gained a couple back. I'm still on induction and feel great!!

    Whatever you do, don't buy a can of macadamia nuts - they are irresistable after a few weeks on induction!! LOL!!