Tuesday chick-chat

  • I can't believe I'm the early bird today. Grab some coffee and let's gab! Hope you all have a great day, talk to you later!
  • good afternoon
    hope all is well with everyone. just trying to finish unpacking this week. weather is so nice here. getting ready to run to the pharmacy--just found out that the turkish pharmacies carry psyllium husks. have a great day!
  • Quick good morning. It's a very crisp (40F) fall day. Harry is still asleep but the Girls and I are coffeed and they have been for a romp in the Dog Garden. Once H. is up and on track, we will walk down for the paper.
    I'll pop in later.
  • Well howdy all, yes been away, seems that when I'm doing good and things are going well God decided, ahh, she needs a challenge, so my appendix decided to rupture. But everything went fine, I was actually at a hosptial visiting someone at the time. But sadly, hospital food is not low carb friendly. Finally back at home after running a nasty fever for a few days so they won't let me out. The scale and I aren't going to be visiting until next week, I'm all bloaty right now with the water/carb weight, I could sink a battleship. So aside from the next 6 weeks of no exercise, ugh, I'm doing great, feeling some pain but not too bad. And heck, I should be at least 4oz lighter now I'm missing a body part!

    Gotta go catch up on all the goings on round here, you guys sure have been busy.

    Ta ta for now.

  • OMG, Tummy! You really are a Tummy, aren't you. Appendicitis is serious stuff! You just be sure to rest and relax and eat properly to get back to normal!
  • Morning to you all.
    First Tippur, I want you to know that we are praying for your student. I know that all will work out as it should.

    Robin. wasn't it you that was looking for the moose suit??? Did you ever find one??? And how are you doing on BFL, Do you think I am too old for this, I am 47,??? I have the book, I just can't imagine all the exercise you have to do. And I would have to get up at 4 am to do them.

    What is psyllium husks??

    Tummy, take care, I guess the only way I havn't tried to loose weight, is by having body parts removed

    Well all for now,
    A friend is able to see you
    as the wonderful person
    God created you to be.
    Ann D. Parrish
  • Good Morning all

    Tummy~ well at least you were close to the hospital when it all happened!! Im glad your home safe and sound now, take good care of yourself.

    Taz~No I still havent found a moose suit yet, but Ive boughten a pattern for a bear, and Im going to alter it. I have the wire and light plaster stuff to make the head (should be very interesting) I'll post a picture when I finally get it all done.

    About the BFL, NO, NO and NO your never too old!!!!!! Go over to the website and check out the before and after pictures. Those alone are inspiration enough!! The exercise isnt that bad, it takes me between 25 and 40 min to do my workouts. I only do the upper body in the morning. Lower and cardio I do during the day sometime. Lower in the evenings because I work my legs so hard, that they get "mushy" and its very hard to get up and down the stairs for the first 1/2 hr after working out Ive also learned NOT to look at the scale! It doesnt move very much the first couple weeks, but the weight is coming off, Im in a small size pants, and I dont have those fat rolls hanging over my waist anymore. So I know its working. Im just replacing fat lost with muscle gained. Not a bad exchange

    Things are still pretty crazy around here, hubby got a bunch more signs done yesterday. I managed to get 3 moose painted on the outside of the store. Hopefully all the rain last night and this morning didnt wash them off!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good morning.

    Tummy - Thank goodness you're okay! What a week for you. Take it easy.
    Taz - thanks for the prayers, the little guy needs them. I may go to see him Saturday, if I can get away.
    Linda - Congrats on the weight loss. I know you've been waiting for it.
    Gotta go get ready for my first class of the day.

  • tummy, hope you'll be feeling better soon.

    tazcat, it is supposed to something to help things move along to prevent constipation. after checking every eczane (pharmacy) in my neighborhood, i came home empty-handed. none of them carry it. one pharmacist could speak english and said that there is a gnc here though. so, i may have to check it out.

    y'all have a great evening everyone.
  • Good afternoon all!

    I am having a good day. Just busy!

    Tippur - I am praying too! keep us posted on how he is doing.

    Tummy - Ive missed you! I hope you are feeling better. You take care of yourself! Surgery is not a fun thing! (I know! I just did it in July!)

    I gotta run and get on the treadmill so This is short. Talk to you all later!
  • Where the heck is everyone? MamaJ, Dottiejon, Peachy and Jiffy, all the rest of the lurkers???? Peep at us when you get time, huh?

    I had a great day, my boss says "Are you losing weight?" Where has he been, under a rock? This has been going on for quite some time, maybe now I'm only starting to look different. Anyway, he's not the only one who's noticed, and I must say, I love hearing it!! What motivation.

    Hope you're all doing well and eating good, yummy, delicious and LC food. Talk to you later!
  • Hello Chicks. Sorry, I'm so late dropping by the henhouse.
    This morning I picked up a friend and we went to my daughter's house to get our hair done. After much debate I decided to just have a trim and some subtle hilites instead of a perm. DH is going to be ticked off at me because he doesn't like me with straight hair but I just find my old wash n wear perms look so dated these days. I may regret it but for now I like it fine.

    We went out for lunch after getting our hair done and I had two appies instead of a main course. It was SOOOOO good. One was six mushroom caps stuffed with cream cheese, spinach and shrimp then covered with mozza cheese and baked. I've gotta try making that myself. To die for and OP (no bread crumbs or other fillers). The other was a side of mildly spiced chicken wings. Yum yum.

    When I came home I noticed the damned starlings have discovered my grape vines which are simply loaded this year thanks to my Greek BIL's expert pruning. I checked my grape jelly from last year and they're dated Sept 26 which is surprising as we've had a much warmer summer this year but some of the grapes are still not very sweet. Anyhow, I dragged my kitchen step stool out onto the patio and filled my large roaster and a huge bowl before I simply couldn't reach any more. I hope Peter has time to cut the rest for me before the greedy birds get them. I want to bring a ton of them to my sis on Friday.

    Then I watched Y&R and was going to get busy on some tidying up around here when I conked out sitting straight up on the sofa. I was awakened an hour later by a knock on the door. Gosh, it's a strange feeling when you just "lose" an hour like that.

    Tummy, I'm so glad you're ok. What are the odds that you'd have your appendix rupture while you're visiting in the hospital? Did you have any warning signs at all?

    Fullfig, I just realised that you really DO live in Turkey. I thought it was just a joke. How did you wind up over there and do you like it?
  • linda, the air force brought us out this way. i like it fine. i think that we can be happy wherever we are. it's all in the attitude. turkish folks are extremely friendly. the only places that i have ever found turks being rude are driving on the streets and shopping in stores. in other words, if they have somewhere to go or do, just know that you are in the way. street signs and lights are mere suggestions. it is routine to almost be hit when going straight by someone on your right who wants to make a left in front of you or someone on your left wanting to make a right in front of you. i can't say how many times in the three months we have been here that i have been pushed and hit with shopping buggies in the stores. other than that, they are very friendly. we have no american neighbors in the area where we live. the landlord's son speaks english very well, but has been out of town for last month or so. i didn't reveal that i lived in turkey until filling out the atkins bio page. the american community here is very small and word carries at the speed of lightning. i didn't want others from chapel to figure out who i was (due to my weight being listed) in case they stumbled across the site. i realized, however, that i had revealed so much personal info on here that they would be able to figure out who i was anyway. like they couldn't tell by looking at my 5'9" frame that i was 210 anyway. lol. i think someone here had posted somewhere something similar. anyway, as i keep moving down in weight, i won't care. i feel completely safe here. on a side note, i am continually thankful for all of our troops around the world. sorry the reply is so long. i love this site and appreciate all the support that each has for the other. i love getting to get on and see how everyone is doing. if you have any other questions, please ask. as we get to travel around and take pics, i will be happy to try to post some, if anyone is interested. i am really enjoying getting to see another part of the world. God has blessed us greatly. have a great day!