Thursday Chatters

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  • It's a great day----the sun is shining and the temp is below 90 degrees!
    I hope everyone is doing well. Remember, this is a lifetime commitment we've made. We can't let it go for a week without doing some dammage to our system.

    This group has been a little quiet. I hope we'll start talking more.
    If anyone has any great recipes they could share, I'd appreciate it. I've decided to get back to cooking more often and need some inspiration.

  • Hey gang! Sorry I've been missing. Our old computer has croaked and we finally got a new one on Sunday. I can actually read what is on the screen now!

    We got a Chevy Venture van a couple weeks ago. I've always wanted a van. I'm driving it, and Bob has my car. Actually, Tim is doing most of the driving. He got his driving permit on the 13th. He's doing great.

    This week is a busy one. Homecoming! The parade is Thursday, the game is Friday, and the dance is Saturday. Tim is going to the dance with a girl he knows from band. She is a sweetie. They'll have fun. They are going with 2 other couples.
  • Hi Friends,

    It has been very quiet around here. I miss you guys!!!!

    Tammy, glad things are back to normal for you. I'm glad that Tim is going with a sweetie to the dance. Our homecoming is next week. Our other highschool is having their Forthcoming this week. (They are having their first graduating class.)

    Tina, I'm doing more cooking myself. I love the idea of posting recipes. I've rededicated myself to the program. I'm getting it off. I want to have 20-25 pounds off by Thanksgiving. I'm a slow loser so I have to not beat myself up with a slower lose.

    Everyone post!! We miss you guys!
  • Susan, I am a slow loser also. The band is going to Disney World the end of February. I would like to have 20 pounds off by then. I know that it can be done, I just need to DO IT!

    I had my glucose level checked on Saturday and it was 117. The past 2 times that I've had it done, it was 122 and 115. I am consistent! I know my doctor wants it to be below 100. I went to a nutritionist this summer. I know what I need to do, but once again I just need to do it.

    Glad to be back on-line!!!!!
  • Anyone hear yesterday about the woman who fell unconcious on "The Incredible Hulk" ride in Orlando theme park
  • Hi friends,

    Tammy, I've missed ya! Glad you got your computer up and running (actually a new one) I always worry about my glucose level since my dad is diabetic. I hope yours goes down. I do know that Daddy has to watch is carb intake. Those are my favorite... I could live on carbs alone.

    Annex, I didn't hear anything about the woman that fell. That's horrible.

    Tina, how are you doing? Are you coming up for the State Fair? I love going and Pat has been once and that is enough for him. I would go all the time if I could.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • It's Friday!

    Hi, how are we doing today?
    Susan, I've never been to the State Fair. I think my husband has gone.

    I feel fat today. Don't you just hate days like that. So, this is my Fat Friday . Wonder what I can do???

    Tammy, what kind of computer did y'all buy? What Microsoft package is on it----Office, Xp, etc.????

    Sheree--do you still read the posts? Maureen, are you buried under work? If so, come up girl and post!

    Sis, It is so great that you re-joined WW. That and your gym at home should get you to your 100 lb. certificate in NO TIME.

    Okay, I'm going to get off here and go walk a miile on the treadmill. I don't think I can walk a full 30 min. today.
  • We have a Compaq computer. The screen is huge compared to our old one. AND I can read everything!! lol

    I think we have XP. lol Not very knowledgeable, am I?

    Tonight was our homecoming game. It started lightning, so they had to postpone the game for 30 minutes. Then it started raining. I came home. Much nicer here. Tim is still there. Hopefully someone will give him a ride home after the game.

    Tomorrow night is the dance. He's looking forward to it. There are a few couples meeting at Jessica's house, then they are going out to eat, then back to town for the dance, then to another girl's house to watch movies afterwards. They'll have a good time.
    My baby is growing up!!!!!
  • Hi,

    I just got home from the other high school's forthcoming came. I met a couple of my buddies for dinner, the game and then to have a few drinks. I am so wiped out. I'm ready for bed. Our homecoming is next week. I think I'll be driving a car in the parade, then the game, and possibily the dance afterwards. Actually I'll most like be at home by that time.

    It's been a busy week at school. Even though I've been busy, I still love my job. I saw someone I knew tonight and she said, "it's very obvious that you love your job, it shows on your face.... you look like the old Susan" So I guess all of the stress last year was showing on me.

    Tina, come up to the fair.... we would have a blast.

    Tammy, I bet it's hard watching you baby grow up.

    I think I'm going to skip weigh in next week. I've been so bad this week and it's a fat week. It's the dreaded week before and I feel like the good year blimp. I'm miserable.

    Well, off to bed, I'm typing with 1 eye opened at this time.

    Until tomorrow!!!! Sleep good!!
  • Greetings,
    We have a new computer, too, Tammy.
    We got a Compaq Presario that does lots more than the old one and has XP.
    And, we got a flat screen monitor. It's soooooo BIG that it's going to take some time getting used to.

    Susan, I don't think I'll be coming to the fair this year. We go back up to Abilene on Friday and conduct an Estate Sale on Saturday. Why don't you come on down and help me!

    Sis, how are you doing with your Flex Points?

    Tammy, how was the dance? I'm sure Tim had a great time.

  • Hi friends,

    Tina, I wish I could come help. I just found out that we are going to Austin for my in-laws anniversary. Pat didnt' get all the details so I have know idea of the dress etc,,,

    How is everyone doing on the Flex Points? I'm down 10.4. I love the new plan. I know it's basically the same but it's working this time.

    Tammy, how is everything going? This week is our homecoming at my highschool.

    I've been sick all weekend. Didn't get off the couch except to take a shower and come back to the couch. I still don't feel wonderful today, but better. I'm not feeling to great tonight. Blah Blah Blah..

    Well off to bed, but wanted to check in for the evening.
  • It's so cool this morning!
    It was 58 when I got up and is now all the way up to 62! I can't believe this. You see, in Texas, we don't have a Fall. It stays hot until Halloween and then cools off. Then , our cold weather, high 30's, doesn't get into full swing until February.
    Now, I must admit what I said is for the southern part of the state. Susan gets snow!

    Everyone have a great day. I'm hoping for a good weigh-in this week. How about y'all!
  • Hi all. I think I like the flex point system. I have been trying SO hard to stay at my target this week. I think I've done pretty well. Thursday WI will tell. Last week said I was up 3 but I hope to be down that and a little more this week. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed.
    It's been really cool here (middle MI) too Tina. I think our Fall has fell. I'm ready for Fall though. It is my favorite season. Plus my anniversary comes then too. (Nov) I always look forward to my hubby and I going away for a couple days.
    Hope everyone has a great week.....Sis
  • Howdy,
    It was great this morning. I EVEN wore a light jacket this morning. It was 55 this morning. Of course it warmed up by 10 am. Yes, us Texans don't see fall we have 2 seasons..... SUMMER & WINTER ( and it ain't much of a winter) Our cold is just like Tina said, and our cold days are surrounded by much higher temp. days. I hope it sticks around for a while.

    I'm trying really hard this week since I don't think I did too hot last week. I used all of my flex points so I didn't want to weigh in. I might have even been over. I'm really watching it.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • The kids had a great time at the dance Saturday night. I think they are planning to go out again sometime.

    It is cool here too. We brought my hanging plants in because we are supposed to have a frost tonight! Only 28 degrees predicted!!! I have recess duty tomorrow so I'll definitely be wearing a jacket!! (long undies??)

    I've been journaling again (finally!) Maybe that will help me again.