September 2017 Daily Weigh In Thread - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Hi, everyone! Copy and paste format below or feel free to use your own. Let's make this a great month, or at least do the best that we can do.

  • Made it to Onederland on August 29, 2010

    Nov. 9, 2009 Joined 3FC Weight 261
    Dec. 9, 2009 Weight 255.5
    Jan. 9, 2010 Weight 249.8
    Feb. 9, 2010 Weight 243.2
    March 9, 2010 Weight 238.8
    April 9, 2010 Weight 233.2

    May 01, 2010 Weigh in: 229.0
    May 31, 2010 Weigh in: 222.8
    Total loss for the month of May, 2010: 6.2 pounds

    June 01, 2010 Weigh In: 222.6
    June 30, 2010 Weigh In: 214.8
    Total Loss for June, 2010: 7.8 pounds

    July 01, 2010 Weigh In: 214.8 Started Turbo Fire on July 1
    July 31, 2010 Weigh In: 208.0
    Total Loss For July, 2010: 6.8 Pounds

    August 01, 2010 Weigh In: 208.0
    August 31, 2010 Weigh In: 199.6
    Total Loss For August, 2010: 8.4 pounds

    September 01, 2010 Weigh In: 201.2
    September 31, 2010 Weigh In: 193.2
    Total Loss For September, 2010: 8.0 pounds

    October 01, 2010 Weigh In: 192.4
    October 31, 2010 Weigh In: 188.2
    Total Loss For October, 2010: 4.2 pounds

    November 01, 2010 Weigh In: 188.2
    November 30, 2010 Weigh In: 177.4
    Total Loss For November, 2010: 10.8 pounds

    December 01, 2010: Weigh In: 178.6
    December 31, 2010: Weigh In: 170.0
    Total Loss for December, 2010: 8.6 pounds

    January 01, 2011: Weigh In: 169.6
    January 31, 2011: Weigh In: 161.2
    Total Loss For January, 2011: 8.4 pounds

    February 01, 2011: Weigh In: 160.8
    February 28, 2011: Weigh In: 155.4
    Total Loss For February, 2011: 5.4 pounds

    March 01, 2011: Weigh In: 156.0
    March 31, 2011: Weigh In: 152.4
    Total Loss For March, 2011: 3.6 pounds

    April 01, 2011: Weigh In: 152.4
    April 30, 2011: Weigh In: 147.6
    Total Loss For April, 2011: 4.8 pounds

    May 4, 2011 At my Endo appointment, the Dr. tells me to work on maintenance. My maintenance range is 145-150.


    May 2011: Stayed in or a little below my maintenance range
    June 2011: Stayed in or a little below my maintenance range
    July 2011: Stayed in or a little below my maintenance range
    August 2011: Stayed in or a little below my maintenance range
    September 2011: Stayed in or a little below my maintenance range.
    October 2011: Stayed in or a little below my maintenance range.
    November 2011: Stayed in or a little below my maintenance range.
    December 2011: Went on Vacation. Went 5 pounds above my maintenance range during vacation.
    January 2012: Still had to deal with gain from Christmas vacation and allergic reaction. By the middle of the month, things were getting under control. Went 3.6 pounds above my maintenance range.
    February 2012: Stayed within my maintenance range. Did not go above. Still dealing with an allergic reaction.
    March 2012: Stayed within my maintenance range.
    April 2012: Stayed within my maintenance range.
    May 2012: Stayed within my maintenance range.
    June 2012: Stayed within my maintenance range.
    July 2012: 4th of July/Birthday - Went a little above my maintenance range.
    August 2012: Angio Edema diagnosis/shingles - went above my maintenance range
    September 2012: Still struggled with the Angio Edema and medicine for it. Above my maintenance range.
    October 2012: Got into my maintenance range. Weight went back up at the end of the month due to the fair and DH's Birthday
    November 2012: Above my maintenance range, but still working on things.
    December 2012: Above my maintenance range. Went on a cruise.
    January 2013: January 1 weight: 164 January 31 weight: 158.6 Above my maintenance range. Thyroid meds still off. Have been since the Summer, but getting better, as per Endo. Lowest weight in January 157.8.
    February 2013: February 1 weight: 159.2 February 28 weight: 159.6 I was above my maintenance range throughout the month. Still working on things with the angio edema. I'm still having flare ups but I "feel" like things are getting better.
    March 2013: I started March 1 at 160 on March 31 I weighed in at 159.4. I basically maintained for the month. I am not happy about that but it is better than a gain. Lowest weight in March was 157.2. Still working toward 150.
    April 2013: I started April 1 at 161 on April 31 I weighed in at 158.2. I had a loss of 2.8 pounds. I feel that I have continued to maintain since my weight has been up and down all month and I have not gotten down to this year's low of 157.2 in March. Still working toward 150. I started taking the antihistamine twice a day this month. I had a 2+ pound gain overnight at the beginning of the month and woke to my left eye being almost swollen shut. I feel better since starting back to taking the antihistamine twice a day.
    May 2013: I started May 1 at 158.2, on May 31 I weighed 159.8. The 3rd week of the month I changed my antihistamine. I changed to 1 Allegra AM and 2 Benadryl in the PM.
    June 2013: Dr. increased my Synthroid meds again. She also advised me to start doing some yoga since I am still dealing with stress and it has continued to have a negative affect on my thyroid. I started June 1 at 159.8 and June 30 weighed 158.8. I had another month of maintaining, although, my goal is to start losing again.
    July 2013: I started July 1 at 160, on July 31 I weighed 159. I maintained for another month, although my goal is to start losing again.
    August 2013: I started August 1 at 159.6, on August 30 I weighed 159.4. I maintained for the month. On August 2 the Endo said that my thyroid meds were correct. She also said that it still might take a while for things to regulate.
    September 2013: I started September 1 at 159.6, on September 30 I weighed 160.2. I am up on the scale a little, not what my goal is. The end of the month I had a significant angioedema flare up. I gained a few pounds from that and was trying to recover from it.
    October 2013: I started October 1 at 159.6, on October 31 I weighed 159.2. I maintained my weight for another month. I had an abscessed tooth and needed a root canal done during the month. I took 1 round of antibiotics and it really bothered my stomach. I needed another round of antibiotics. This one started at the end of Oct. and will carry over into Nov. I don't seem to have the stomach issues with the new antibiotic.
    November 2013: My goal was to maintain within a range since I had so many events during the month. I kept my calories consistently a little lower on nonevent days. I have also changed over to eating seafood at dinner rather than other protein sources.
    December 2013: I tried to maintain my weight for December but I was not very successful. I also found out my thyroid meds are back out of range. The Dr. upped my Synthroid again. December 1, I weighed 165.6 and I weighed 170.4 on January 1.
    January 2014: January 1, I weighed 170.4. January 31, I weighed 165.6. I lost some of my weight gain from the holidays.
    February 2014: February 1, I weighed 164. February 28, I weighed 165.6. Not happy where this is going. Not sure about my thyroid. I had to cancel my Endo appointment due to insurance change. Rescheduled for June. Still working on things and doing my best.
    March 2014: On March 1, I weighed 165.2. On March 31, I weighed 164.8. Down is down, right, LOL. Still trying.
    April 2014: On April 1, I weighed 165. On April 30, I weighed 164.2. I am down .8. That's 1 pound in 2 months. Down is down, right? I also made an adjustment to my antihistamine/angioedema regimen half way through the month.
    May 2014: On May 1, I weighed 164.4 on May 31 I weighed 167.4. I gained 3 pounds. Not a good month. Still working and trying to figure out what's going on. In June I will go back to the Endo to see about my thyroid meds. Still counting calories and working out daily.
    June 2014: On June 1, I weighed 167, on June 30 I weighed 166.6. I had labs done. My thyroid meds are still too low and my Vitamin D levels are too low. Dr. increased my thyroid meds to 250 mcg per day and Vitamin D to 4000 IU.
    July 2014: On July 1, I weighed 166.2, on July 31 I weighed 169.4.
    August 2014: On August 1, I weighed 169.4. On August 30 I weighed 166.8. We went to an AYCE crableg dinner on August 30, so I am using August 30 as my final weigh in for the month. Also, on August 6 I stopped eating cruciferous vegetables. I want to see if that helps with thyroid issues since I eat a lot of them. This is the first time in a while that I saw weight loss. Not sure if that's from the added thyroid meds or from eliminating the cruciferous vegetables. Thyroid re-check will be in September.
    September 2014: My weight stayed about the same for this month. My thyroid labs have improved some, but they are still not right. The Dr. did not want to change them since there is improvement. I am continuing to stay away from cruciferous vegetables and everything that is problematic to a thyroid patient.
    October 2014: October 1, I weighed 167.2, October 31 I weighed 165.2. I started seeing some progress this month. I was actually a little lower but showed a gain from DH's birthday. Maybe things are started to regulate with my thyroid.
    November 2014: November 1, I weighted 165.2, November 30 I weighed 168.8. The gain at the end of the month was due to Thanksgiving. My low for the month was 164.2. I did not bounce back into the 170's. Improvement?
    December 2014: I started December 1 at 168.8. I went on a 10 day vacation starting at the end of the month. I didn't make any weight loss progress for the month. My goal was to try to maintain.

    January 2015: First weigh in for January was 172.6, January 31, I weighed in at 171.4

    February 2015: February 1 I weighed 171.2, February 28, I weighed 172.8. I had a gain for the month, but I'm still trying.

    March 1, 2015 weigh in: 174.6 March 31 weigh in: 173.2

    April 1, 2015 weigh in: 173.6 April 30 weigh in: 174.2

    May 1, 2015 weigh in: 174 May 31 weigh in 174.4. TTOM was going on at the end of the month.

    June, 1, 2015 weigh in: 173.4, June 30 weigh in: 173.6 My TTOM started toward the end of the month, so I had extra weight from that. I basically maintained for the month.

    July 1, 2015 weigh in: 173.2, July 31 weigh in 172. I had a small loss for the month. I tweaked a couple things toward the end of the month. TTOM started at the end of the month, so I haven't been able to see much in regard to the tweaking that I made.

    August 1, 2015 weigh in: 171.6, August 31 weigh in: 167. I HAVE FINALLY MADE SOME PROGRESS! I lost 4.6 pounds for the month! I tweaked things a little, not much. I'm not sure which tweak made the difference. I increased my workout time a little (15 minutes). I switched my coffee from sugar to sugar/stevia combo. I also switched from my morning juice to coconut water. The calories are the same in the juice/coconut water. The coconut water has a lot more potassium. Not sure which tweak helped maybe it was all of them together. Continuing with the same for September and see where it takes me.

    September 1, 2015 I weighed 167, September 30, I weighed 164.8. I had a 2.2 pound loss for the month. My thyroid labs were off. Some numbers were hypo and others hyper. The Dr. lowered the Synthroid a bit but added in generic Cytomel. I'm not converting the Synthroid properly. We'll see how that goes. My female hormones were also in the range of a postmenopausal female and the Dr. was surprised that I was still having a regular TTOM. My last TTOM was mid August and I did not have one in September. I am obviously going through the change.

    October 1, 2015 I weighed 164.8. On October 31, I weighed 165.8. My low for the month was 161.2. I had a gain at the end of the month due to celebrating DH's Birthday and going to the fair. I had thyroid labs done and my numbers are starting to improve.

    November 1, 2015 I weighed 168.8 (weight was higher due to the fair and DH's birthday) On November 30 I weighed 165. We just celebrated our anniversary and had Thanksgiving, so my weight was up. My low for November was 161. I am happy that I got through 4 big events in October/November without bouncing back into the 170's.

    December 1, 2015 I weighed 164.6. On December 31 I weighed 168.8. I had a low of 157.4 the day we left for vacation. I was thrilled to be in the 150's, now I need to work to get back to it since I know I can do it.

    January 1, 2016 I weighed 169.2. On January 31 I weighed 168.4. I wasn't able to lose much of the vacation/Christmas gain. I had 2 TTOM's this month. I was on plan but the whole month was a struggle. Still working, though.

    February 1, 2016 I weighed 167.2. On February 29 I weighed 167.4. That's a gain of .2, so basically I maintained. No progress on the Christmas vacation gain but I'm continuing to work on it.

    March 1, 2016 I weighed 167.2. On March 31 I weighed 170.4. I had a gain at the end of the month from Easter. I didn't show much of a loss during the month, but mostly maintained.

    April 1, 2016 I weighed 169.6. On April 30 I weighed 169.2. I basically maintained for the month. Still trying for the 150's.

    May 1, 2016 I weighed 169.6. I didn't weigh in on May 31 due to being on a short Memorial weekend vacation. I did have a significant gain on this vacation.

    June 1, 2016 I weighed 179.4. On June 30 I weighed 168.0. I had a significant gain from our Memorial weekend mini vacation. So, I spent the month getting rid of that gain and the gain from Father's day. In July I have a wedding, 4th of July weekend, and my birthday. I will try to enjoy these events in moderation (except for my birthday ) in order to keep my gain as small as possible.

    July 1, 2016 I weighed 168.2. On July 31 I weighed 171.2. I had a wedding to attend, the 4th of July celebration, and my birthday. Too many events, but still working on things, not giving up.

    August 1, 2016 I weighed 171.2. On August 31 I weighed 173.4. I showed a gain, but I am still working on things. Not giving up or giving in. Not an option.

    September 1, 2016 I weighed 172.8. On September 30 I weighed 172.4. I basically maintained for the month.

    October 1, 2016 I weighed 171.6. On October 31 I weighed 175. We went out to celebrate Teddy's birthday on the 30th and my TTOM started. Oh, joy! LOL

    November 1, 2016 I weighed 175, on November 30 I weighed 174.6. I haven't made any progress, but at least I maintained through our Wedding Anniversary and Thanksgiving.

    December 1, 2016 I weighed 174.6. I didn't weigh on December 31 due to being on vacation for 10 days. On January 1, 2017 I weighed 179.6. I had a 5 pound gain for the month.

    January 1, 2017 I weighed 179.6, January 31, 2017 I weighed 175. I lost 4.6 pounds for the month.

    February 1, 2017 I weighed 175, February 28, 2017 I weighed 175.8. I had 2 events this month and one of them was on the 25th. I had a .8 gain for the month. Still working on things.

    March 1, 2017 I weighed 175.4, March 31 I weighed 177.2. I am not going in the right direction. I need to get things under control.

    April 1, 2017 I weighed 176.6, on April 30 I weighed 178.8. Still going in the wrong direction.

    May 1, 2017 I weighed 178.4. May 31 I weighed 184.6. Stress and poor choices getting to me. Still working on things, though.

    June 1, 2017 I weighed 183.6. June 30, I weighed 179.2. I had a loss of 4.4 pounds. I'm going in the right direction, again.

    July 1, 2017 I weighed 179.2. On July 31 I weighed 183. Going in the wrong direction, but still trying.

    August 1, 2107 I weighed 183. On August 31 I weighed 181.

    All Calories For The Day Are + Approx 200 For Morning Coffee, Cream, & Sugar

    31: Weigh In: 181.0 Calories for the day: 1540
    01: Weigh In: 180.6 Calories for the day: 1540
    02: Weigh In: 180.6 Calories for the day: 1310
    03: Weigh In: 180.4 Calories for the day: 1210
    04: Weigh In: 180.4 Calories for the day: unknown
    05: Weigh In: 182.2 Calories for the day: 1540
    06: Weigh In: 182.2 Calories for the day: 1540
    07: Weigh In: 182.0 Calories for the day: 1540
    08: Weigh In: 182.0 Calories for the day: 1540
    09: Weigh In: 181.8 Calories for the day: 1530
    10: Weigh In: 181.4 Calories for the day: 1390
    11: Weigh In: 181.2 Calories for the day: Unknown (hurricane)
    12: Weigh In: 183.4 Calories for the day: 1540 (TTOM)
    13: Weigh In: 183.4 Calories for the day: 1540 (TTOM)
    14: Weigh In: 183.2 Calories for the day: 1540 (TTOM)
    15: Weigh In: 183.0 Calories for the day: 1540 (TTOM)
    16: Weigh In: 182.6 Calories for the day: 1420
    17: Weigh In: 182.6 Calories for the day: 1390
    18: Weigh In: 182.4 Calories for the day: 1540
    19: Weigh In: 182.2 Calories for the day: 1540
    20: Weigh In: 182.0 Calories for the day: 1540
    21: Weigh In: 182.0 Calories for the day: 1540
    22: Weigh In: 182.2 Calories for the day: 1540
    23: Weigh In: 181.8 Calories for the day: 1415
    24: Weigh In: 181.8 Calories for the day: 1285
    25: Weigh In: 181.4 Calories for the day: 1540
    26: Weigh In: 181.4 Calories for the day: 1540
    27: Weigh In: 181.4 Calories for the day: 1540
    28: Weigh In: 181.0 Calories for the day: 1540
    29: Weigh In: 181.0 Calories for the day: 1540
    30: Weigh In: 181.0 Calories for the day: 1465
  • Thanks for starting this thread, Diana.

    August was full of obstacles but I think I managed them pretty well. I went to Ribfest on Aug 4, went out to eat with my parents on Aug 10, took an entire weekend off from calorie counting on Aug 18-20 - the 19th was a county fair where I completely pigged out on fried food - and I ended the month by visiting my grandparents on Aug 27 where every meal was fast food. Somehow I still managed to lose 5 lbs. I also managed to get into Onderland. Yay!! I'm hoping to stick to plan better in September although there are a few events I'll need to plan for including a few birthdays.

    SW: 198.4 lbs
    GW: 192.4 lbs (-6)


    1. 198.4 lbs (-0.4)
    2. 198.8 lbs (+0.4)
    3. 198.4 lbs (-0.4)

    Total Weekly Weight Loss: -1.2 lbs
    Total September Weight Loss: +1.0 lbs

    4. 199.4 lbs (+1.0) - Weigh-in was much earlier than usual plus I got hardly any sleep last night. Of course, it had to happen on my official weigh-in day.
    5. 200.8 lbs (+1.4) - Way too many calories and junk food yesterday. I need to get back on track today.
    6. 199.6 lbs (-1.2)
    7. 198.4 lbs (-1.2)
    8. 198.0 lbs (-0.4)
    9. 198.2 lbs (+0.2) - Weigh in was way earlier than usual so this number may be off a little.
    10. 199.4 lbs (+1.2) - Mexican for lunch yesterday must have had a lot of sodium.

    Total Weekly Weight Loss: -1.0 lbs
    Total September Weight Loss: 0 - 2 weeks into the month and 0 pounds lost, ugh!!

    11. 198.4 lbs (-1.0)
    12. 198.6 lbs (+0.2)
    13. 198.6 lbs (0) - Didn't count calories yesterday and went out to celebrate my dad's birthday last night. I was expecting a gain.
    14. 199.2 lbs (+0.8)
    15. DNW - I give up! Starving myself for nothing. Feel like I'm on a roller coaster - one minute up and the next down - going nowhere. Ugh!! I need a break.
    16. DNW
    17. DNW

    Total Weekly Weight Loss: +2.2 lbs - Stress eating.
    Total September Weight Loss: +2.2 lbs

    18. 200.6 lbs (+1.4) - Not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm back on the calorie counting train starting today. I just needed a few days to feel bad for myself and pig out and not care. I feel good about this coming week and getting back on track.
    19. 198.8 lbs (-1.8)
    20. 198.8 lbs (0)
    21. 197.4 lbs (-1.4)(TOM)
    22. 197.2 lbs (-0.2)(TOM)
    23. 198.6 lbs (+1.4) - The Chinese food for supper last night had a lot of salt. Only went over my cals by 200 so not too bad.
    24. DNW - Selling house and had to be up early to meet with realtor. No time to weigh in.

    Total Weekly Weight Loss: - 2 lbs
    Total September Weight Loss: +0.2 lbs

    25. 198.6 lbs (0) - Strange. Went to Red Lobster last night (to celebrate house going on market) and had way too many of those delicious cheesy biscuits that are covered in butter and salt. Thought for sure I'd have a big gain.
    26. 198.6 lbs (0)
    27. DNW
    28. 197.0 lbs (-1.6) - Surprised by this loss. Selling a house is stressful. I've only been counting calorie casually and have been doing some stress eating. Last night, we had a house showing so had to eat out. I didn't go over my cals by a lot but I did go over. We have showings both tonight & tomorrow night which means even more fast food. Right now, I'm just focusing on not losing my mind so losing weight isn't really a priority. I'll still try to weigh-in everyday but not going to worry if I see a little gain.
    29. DNW
    30. DNW

    September 1: 198.4 lbs
    October 1: 198.6 lbs

    Total September Weight Loss: +0.2 - I actually gained weight this month.

    *Weeks are changed to reflect my official weigh in day which is Monday.

    Past Daily Weigh-Ins:
    April 2013 | May 2013 | June 2013 | July 2013
    August 2013 | September 2013 | October 2013 | November 2013
    December 2013 | January 2014 | February 2014 | March 2014
    April 2014 | June 2014 | September 2014 | April 2015 | May 2015
    June 2015 | July 2015 | August 2015 | September 2015
    November 2015 | December 2015 | March 2016 | June 2016
    May 2017 | June 2017 | July 2017 | August 2017
  • Hello! I am new to this site and would like to participate. I am copying and pasting below

    SW: TBA
    GW: TBA



    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:


    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:


    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:


    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:


    September 1: TBA
    October 1:

    Total September Weight Loss:
  • Thanks Diana! Have a great month everyone!

    July 1st. 247.8
    August 1st. 241

    01: 239.2
  • Hi Everyone! Welcome to the check-in!
  • I'm back for a new month! I gained 2+ lbs last night, probably because I ate in a restaurant and you can never be 100% sure about ingredients...but I'm on plan, so I'll just keep swimming.

    01. 256.6 (+2.2)
    02. Camping, don't know
    03. Camping, don't know
    04. 254.6 (-2.2)
    05. 254.2 (-0.2)
    06. 253.0 (-1.2)
    07. 255.6 (+2.6)
    08. 255.6 No Change
    09. No weigh in
    10. 254.0 (-1.6)
    11. 252.6 (- 1.4)
    12. 251.8 (-0.8)
    13. 250.8 (-1.0)
    14. 250.2 (-0.6)
    15. 251.2 (+1.0)
    16. No weigh in
    17. 250.2 (-1.0)
    18. 251.0 (+0.8)
    19. 249.6 (-1.4)
    20. 250.0 (+0.6)
    21. 250.2 (+0.2)
    22. 250.8 (+0.6)
    23. 251.8 (+1.0)
    24. 249.8 (-2.0)
    25. 248.4 (-1.4)
    26. 248.2 (-0.2)
    27. 247.8 (-0.4)
    28. 247.0 (-0.8)

    September net loss: -9.6
  • Thank you for starting the thread again, Diana! AllyG - I like your breakdown a lot, so I just stole it. Hope you're a subscriber to the "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" mode of thought. Angie - I gained two pounds overnight as well! I don't even have a good excuse, since I was pretty on point with food and exercise. But I did have a good lifting session, so I'm going to chalk it up to fluid retention, even though I don't feel particularly sore. The scale is my nemesis! Joanna - Super glad you're joining us! And Ubee too!

    SW: 146.8
    GW: 138.8



    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:

    5. 148.8
    6. 149.8

    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:

    12. 147.0
    15. 144.6 - FINALLY heading the right direction!

    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:

    20. 140.4
    21. 140.6 (I saw a brief flash of 139 before it went back up to settle on 140.6. **SIGH**)

    Total Weekly Weight Loss:
    Total September Weight Loss:

    25. 140.6
    26. 141.6

    September 1: 146.8
    October 1:

    Total September Weight Loss:
  • I have a question being new here Do I post my daily weight or weekly weight? Thanks!

    edit - nevermind I just read it's daily.
  • SW: 342
    GW: 199


    1. 340 (-2)

    Feeling really happy about a 2 lb loss. Been chatting happy and positive thoughts to myself this morning to stay motivated.
    P.S. Does anyone use My Fitness Pal app to track calories?
  • Quote: I have a question being new here Do I post my daily weight or weekly weight? Thanks!

    edit - nevermind I just read it's daily.
    Hi and Welcome to the check-in. Actually, you can keep track of your weight in a manner that works best for you. You can do daily or weekly. I have it set up as daily, but if weekly works best for you, you can do that.
  • SW: 342
    GW: 215


    1. 340 (-2)
    2. 339.4 (-.6)
    3. 337.8 (-1.6)
    4. 339.8 (+2)
    5. 339.8 (0)
    6. 339.8 (0)
    7. did not weight
    8. 337.8 (-2)

    Total Weekly Weight Loss: (-4.2)
    9. 337.8 (0)
    10. 339.2 (+1.4)
    17. 335.4 (-3.8) Decided I don't like weighing in everyday...1 or 2 x per week is best for me emotionally.
    Total Weekly Weight Loss: (-2.4)
  • I visit this site occasionally for information and motivation. I have been LCing forever, it seems. My highest weight was 330 in 2010. Over two years I lost 80 lbs by LC and also by not eating after dinnertime. I was a terrible night time eater. Since that initial loss, I have hovered in the 250s. Its time to get that number moving again and I will be thrilled to get under 200, hopefully by my birthday, March of next year.

    I need to be more accountable so I will post daily weight here. Thanks for the thread!

    9/1 256.2
    9/2 256.0
  • Welcome to the check-in.
  • Quote: I visit this site occasionally for information and motivation. I have been LCing forever, it seems. My highest weight was 330 in 2010. Over two years I lost 80 lbs by LC and also by not eating after dinnertime. I was a terrible night time eater. Since that initial loss, I have hovered in the 250s. Its time to get that number moving again and I will be thrilled to get under 200, hopefully by my birthday, March of next year.

    I need to be more accountable so I will post daily weight here. Thanks for the thread!

    9/1 256.2
    9/2 256.0
    Welcome! I need to be accountable daily as well!
