Finally Friday!

  • I've been so bad lately... I moved, and with all the packing and shifting and unpacking, I slipped up on more than one occasion.
    Will have to restart it!
  • Finally Friday!
    Starting up...

    Morning all, a long weekend ahead. I am going to head to Maine this morning for a little looking and possibly a little shopping too.
    Lobsters were so yummy last night. all is well with the world and the coffee is hot so help yourself.
  • Lobster sounds so-o-o-o good. We get out early today and no school on Monday. Maybe I can sneak in and get ahead on some stuff. Tonight we go to the cabin. I can't wait!

    Have a great weekend all!

  • Good Morning All.

    Seems like we're all getting a late start today, or are just busy doing other things.

    But first things first, Linda, this Yay's for you! Way to hang in there, we could all learn something from your perseverence. I am so happy for you, here's a hug from half way across the country.

    So humm, lots happened yesterday with everyone here, Karen, I just realized I'm day 26 with no slip ups too. We started the same day and we are really close with the weight holy.

    Turtle, I really hope your office birthday's went ok, that's a tough one.

    Meg, welcome to the board. It's a super place and the ladies are fabulous (and so is Brad). So much info too, helps to weed out problems if things are working right. Please post often and help us get to know you better.

    Lily, hats off to you my dear, that's incredible, 3 days of catered food and OP. I have a conference in Oct and I hope to have the same success.

    Laural hang in there! A few days, is just that, a few days. It's the culmination of days that makes all the difference and you're worth it.

    As for me, 20 minutes till off crisis pager, too bad no one can see the happy dance I'm doing right now! I was still feeling the workout from Wednesday today but I got my butt out of bed and found my way to my nodic track, 20 minutes of intervals, 6mi/hr then 5mi/hr. It was pretty easy this morning despite the soreness. I do believe that the extra muscle has greatly improved my endurance. Hopefully, that workout will help flush the acid out of these muscles soon. Eating out for the last 2 days was totally OP although it always has too much salt and those meals are not going to help me get out of my 192 rut quickly. I'm still doing fine however, I have lots to motivate me, these abs I'm getting are fabulous and I'm getting definition in my arms, any results are good enough for me...although 189 would be nice.

    MIL is out for the whole weekend and I get to help her make perogies, lucky me (note the sarcasim). She knows all about my eating but she just can't wrap her head around the fact that this may kill me. So i've agreed to one day of helping, not 3 and I will be fine! d@mn it.

    Enjoy Friday, long weekend is nearly upon us!

  • Morning All,

    L - have fun in Maine and let me know if you find any good bargains!!

    Tummy - off the pager hurray!! and WTG with the exercise. I hear you about MIL, I'll be sending good thoughts your way.

    DH has the kids for a few hours so I am getting work done and thinking about going to get groceries before the hordes hit the stores after work today.

    Have a super weekend everyone!
  • Good afternoon everyone :0

    A wet and rainy one today--much needed since sections of my lawn are crispy brown.

    Making cookies for d this afternoon--have to check the oven in a few minutes. have done well myself eating, trauma about moving is over and now heading to acceptance. Still feels surreal, but what else is new? had roast beef for brekkie this morning and have yet to get some lunch inot me. Beef is on sale, lovely pot roast for $7!!!

    Busy weekend for us, my cousin's son is having his 1st birthday party tomorrow and then the rest of the weekend is taken up with getting ready to sell the house. Lot's of repairs and such in the basement to be done when we had the pump spray water everywhere. Looks like a trip to Home Depot for some shopping for drywall.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
  • Hi everyone!

    Tummy - didnt realize you and I started the same day.. You have lost so much more than in the last 4 weeks! I am hoping for a good loss this week!

    I just got back from the gym. 5 days in a row for cardio and 3 days of weights! WOO HOO! I made my goal for the week! I still plan to get on the treadmill tmo and then take sunday off.

    26 days cheat free!
  • Karen,

    We started Atkins the same day, i was rather unclear I realize, definietly haven't lost 30 pounds in 26 days, I was on another low carb plan before that for about 3 or 4 weeks I think.

    Well pager's gone and dinner time is here, going to make pork tenderloin with creamy mustard sauce mmmmm, talk to everyone soon.

  • Good evening, ladies...

    Well, today marks 1 month on Atkins, so I decided to do a mid-week weigh-in. My total loss for the first month was about 16.2 lbs. Not bad at all!

    I did notice a bit more today how I'm changing. I went out with a friend to a Souper Salads today. It's in a very hilly part of town, and is at the bottom fo a steep hill from it's parking lot. It's maybe 70 feet horizontally, but about a 15 foot drop...very steep for a drivable road! I made it back up the hill and was still able to keep up a conversation without having to take a couple breaths in between each word. Major improvement!

    Second, I carry two cell phones and a large PDA for work. Due to my .... width .... I wear all of them on the same side, so that I still have some hope of fitting into armchairs without having to take them off my belt. I've always had the problem with the antennae poking me every time I shift in my seat. I just realized today that I don't think I've noticed them poking me even once this week!

    Sometimes it's the little things that truly do count....
  • That IS a significant step in the right direction, Brad. Good for you. I, on the other hand, was reminded this morning of just how far I have to go still. I was parked at the community center where I go swimming and when I went out to my car after my water workout, I couldn't get in on the driver's side. This huge van was cuddled right up to my car giving me only about 6 inches. No way could I squeeze through that. I am ever resourceful, though. I got in the passenger side, turned on the ignition so I could push the driver's seat back as far as it would go and opened the sun roof and then, ever so carefully, I hoisted myself up through the sun roof and over the gear shift console. I sure was glad nobody was around watching my contortions but I finally did it. I could have gone back into the pool by then because I sure was sweating.
    It's been a busy day of doing paperwork, running errands, grocery shopping and banking. I picked up a case of Okanagan peaches at a fruit stand and plan to preserve them over the weekend. When we go to our daughter's in Scotland she will be looking for jars of peaches in my luggage. Just two more months until newest grandbaby arrives. I just sent her three more packages of baby things and a couple of maternity items for her as well. I still have some sewing to do for baby and I have to get busy again on the counted cross stitch birth announcement I haven't touched for the last month. I think that's the first and last counted cross stitch I will ever do. Too slow and hard on these old eyes.
    So, I hope you all have a lovely long weekend. Don't forget the final weigh-in for the 5 week challenge is on Monday. I hope we have another one. It's really helped me stay focused.
  • Brad! What an accomplishment! Those little things make it all worth while!

    Linda - You really are resourceful! I would not have thought to do that. What a good mom you are.. peaches and baby things!

    I found a little motivation today too. When I was at the gym this morning, I was on the eliptical trainer and discovered that although my thighs still rub together, it is no longer that grinding that causes really bad prickly heat.. just a kind of brushing now! I was thrilled!
  • I firmly believe that it's those little victories that keep us inspired and trucking along. Good for you, Karen.