Home of the Loozing Floozie's.......(#31)

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View Poll Results: In The Average Week, How Often Do You Eat Dinner In Front Of The Television?
I Never Do
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
  • Hello

    Here at McSkinneys, Our mission is to motivate,support and lose those pounds & inches.We must keep those Loozing Floozies loosing!!

    Feel free to join our group of wonderful ladies.Come on in.....Give us YOUR motivation,support and ideas.We would love to have you!!!
  • Don't Forget To Go Back To #30 And Read The Last Few Posts There!!!!!
  • Sherry can I come sailing with you? The wave pool should be fun! I love the water! I will post the recipe later today.
  • Hi girls!

    Well it sounds like Sher is having fun today at the water park with Drew! Poor Shelley must still be working...{{hugs}}

    Dee: Here, we can get assistance such as Medicare or Medicaid. Canada offer anything to help your Mother out? My friend with cancer has been paying over $1,000.00 a month for insurance and just this past week Medicaid picked her up. This will relieve some of the burden. I know just her once a week treatment, without any other medical figured in, is costing $2,500.00 each visit. She gets a special 4 hour treatment once a month, she didn't tell me what that one ran...I estimate over $10,000.00 per month! My gosh, you have to have insurance.

    Cheryl: I never thought I would hear: "my yellow yolk is glowing" Where exactly is this "yellow yolk" and what the heck do I need to do to get it to glow??

    I am staying on plan!!!!! Yippee for me!!!!
    CHEAT FREE DAY 9!!!!!
    Each day is getting better! I have more self control. This is TOM week so I am craving stuff...I have mixed up a few concoctions just in the nick of time to keep me from caving in.

    Jeanne: Do you just count carbs or do you count calories etc. too? Much debate on what one should do...as of this point, I'm just counting carbs. How many carbs do you stay at per day?

    BTW: Anyone with a helpful remedy to remove Jalapeno pepper juice from the hands? Someone told me the actual pepper is not hot, just the seeds. Yea right! I started preparing some for dinner last night. I was planning on removing the seeds and stuffing them. Scorched hands later, I pitched the suckers in the trash! I have scrubbed my hands countless times without to much success! Still a burning feeling and if I touch my tongue to my finger tip, I can taste "hot"! It's the sh--ts putting my contacts in! I thought I was going to cry! Any suggestions???

    I hope everyone is having a great day today!!!
  • Oh, poor Gayle..... I accidentally sprayed police issue pepper spray onto the wall of my house (long story). I thought I was gonna die, just trying to clean it off!! I finally gave up and with time the stain has faded. That initial pepper blast was AWFUL, though. Cleared my sinuses completely (for awhile), though!!

    And your yolk glows when you're online--on the forum that is--unless you have your "invisible" mode turned on! My yolk glows too much
  • Gayle you can soak your hands in milk. That will help with the burn. In canada we don't have to pay for our doctor's appointments. We pay for a small portion of our medicine. When we go out of country we have to buy insurance, and if we have a medical problem the insurance goes up. As long as we are in canada we are covered for no charge. With all the medical problems I had it has only cost us a few hundred dollars and that is for hotels after my surgery in another province. Even the plane fare was paid for Larry and I. My meds are cover 80% and our medication is way cheaper than what you guys pay.
  • Breakfast cookie recipe (Woman’s World Magazine)

    1 ¼ cups brown sugar (original recipe calls for granulated date sugar)
    ¾ cup Corn syrup (original recipe calls for brown rice syrup)
    2 tbsp. Canola oil
    10 oz. Prune puree or prune baby food (I used 2 jars baby food and the rest apple sauce)
    4 egg whites
    1 tsp vanilla
    3 cups rolled oats
    2 cups unprocessed bran
    2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 ½ tsp baking soda
    ½ tsp baking powder
    ½ tsp salt

    Option #1
    ½ cup raisins
    ¼ cup sunflower seeds
    1tbsp cinnamon
    Option #2
    ½ cup peanut butter
    Option #3
    1/3 cup cocoa
    ½ semi sweet chocolate chips

    Preheat oven to 350.
    Spray cookie sheets
    In a bowl mix together sugar, syrup, oil, prune puree, egg whites and vanilla.
    Ad oats, bran, flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt

    Option #1: Oatmeal Raison Cookies
    Stir in raisons, cinnamon and sunflower seeds
    Option #2: Peanut Butter Cookies
    Stir in peanut butter. Omit oil
    Option #3: Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Stir in cocoa and chocolate chips

    For all cookies drop by ½ cup (ice cream scoop) onto prepared baking sheets. Sprinkle with a touch of brown sugar, flattening cookies slightly. Top with a peanut, sunflower or a chocolate chip. Bake 22 minuets or until golden brown. ‘
    YIELD: 18 large cookies per recipe.

    250 calories each; 4 pts.
  • Now I think I understand Dee! Your mom needs insurance the 6 months she will be in Texas? I know several people who have started ordering their meds online from Canada. The US is making a small fortune with the cost of prescription drugs.
  • That's right Gayle!

    Just a quick note about the cookies. I bag each one in a sandwich bag and freeze them. That way it is quick and easy.I like to eat them partly frozen too.
  • OMG, girls, if you need to laugh like you haven't laughed in a LONG time, go visit this site:


    It's a collection of old Weight Watchers recipe cards from the early 1970's. I laughed until I cried!
  • Hi girls. I hope you are all having a good day.

    We finally got word today that the boys are for sure getting deployed, just don't know for sure when. It could be 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months.
  • Ramona,
    Thanks for letting us know about the boys. Keep us informed on the date.

    I laughed my butt off at those old WW cards!!! Too funny!!!!!

    Thanks for posting the cookie recipe! They sound wonderful!!

    9 days of cheat-free is GREAT!!! Good for you!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    I can't post to everyone tonight.I have been to the wave pool all day then had a meeting tonight about the upcoming football games. I have a million & one things to do and it's almost 9:00!

    More tomorrow.....HUGS!
  • Ramona-Please do keep us informed!

    Jennelle-I have seen those cards before. Believe it or not, I remember them! I have the 1st WW book. I remember getting those recipe cards!!

    Dee-I wish I could make the cookies, but I know that I would end up eating them all at once. They sound delicious, though.

    Gayle-How's the hands now? Why not call a health food store and ask what to do about them? They probably have some concoction to help you. You are doing great on your non cheating!!

    Cheryl-Thanks for the yolk info-- I never noticed them before!

    Sherry and Debbie-I envy both of you not having to be at work right now!! I am knee deep in papers and boxes! I do feel much better about everything. I found out something yesterday about the district budget that that lifted a huge weight off my shoulders!!

    Sorry-Can't address everyone. Have to get birds and chickens fed before I leave for work!

    Have a great day!


    Whatever you strongly desire, you will find a way to get. That fact can work for you or against you, depending on the nature of your desires.

    It is extremely difficult for you to go against your own desires. Yet you can most certainly control and direct those desires in a positive, enriching way.

    What's the best way to get away from a desire that is pulling you down? Replace it with an even stronger desire that lifts you up and compels you to push positively forward.

    Look at those things you most fervently desire and ask yourself why.

    The more you understand your desires and their source, the better you can refine the quality and content of those desires.

    Behind every desire that is holding you back, there is an even stronger, more fundamental and more positive desire.

    Dig deeply and sincerely enough, and you'll connect with it.

    Who, what, how do you most truly desire to be? Fill your life with those positive, enriching desires that will push you powerfully ahead.

    Have a great OP day ladies.

  • Debbie & Sherry: You were going to a CURVES exercise class. One just opened in my area last month. I was thinking about joining but I wanted your input. Did you like the program? Tell me what you think so I can make an informed decision. I don't want to spend the money if I am not going to like it.
