Welcome New LC Chicks!

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  • at all the new folks. You have found a great spot for support, answers to questions and general all round fun!

    Please join us in the Daily Cluck where we gab about life and it's joys and tribulations and get to know each other. Post any and all questions as separate threads so they don't get "lost" in the daily. Also check out the Recipe and FAQ sections.

    Once again, a big LC WELCOME!
  • longtime no see.....
    Hey there Ruth.......longtime no see. How are things in the rural countryside of Ontario? I'm doing well, last time I was around this site was just after we moved to NC. Can't believe its almost been 2 years since moving here. I hope to be coming here more often now as I most definitely need the help and support of all the great people here. How are the pooches?
  • Holly cow is that really AE!!!! Wecome back chickie...good to see you!
  • is it really you?
    Hey L144S !!!! ITS ME...ITS ME!!!! How have you been? Geez, its like homecoming week. Everyone is saying....could it be? is it you? yeah, its me in the flesh. Only there's a little bit more of me!!!LOL Where have you been hanging your hat? wait no...I think you were always low carb? right? How was your summer? the boys? We're doing great, my boys are in K and gr 5 this year. Hard to believe L is going to be 10 yo soon. Its been too long L144S, nice to catch up with you again!!
  • AE find me on the low carb daily and I post in WW.
  • Im back at it again
    Hi Everyone

    I am back on Low Carb once again after the holidays...was doing fine til I started baking for Christmas, lol...but I will give this another try once again. I am bound and determined to keep going this time. I will need all the support I can get,lol.

    Take care everyone.

  • Welcome northern gal!! join us in the daily for a hi to all. Just jump in and grab a cup of coffee!!!
  • Question...
    Do you ladies count the "Fat Flush" diet as low carb? I'm going to be giving it a try....

  • Fat Flush is definitely low carb. I tried it but found it too stringent. Did you buy the book? If not, I can lend you mine.
  • Thank you Nasus40....sorry took so long to respond.
  • Thanks for the kind offer Ruth, but I just came back from the bookstore to pick up a copy! I figure if it's just not right for me, I can always sell the book on eBay

  • Quote: Hi Everyone

    I am back on Low Carb once again after the holidays...was doing fine til I started baking for Christmas, lol...but I will give this another try once again. I am bound and determined to keep going this time. I will need all the support I can get,lol.

    Take care everyone.


    I'm back on Low Carb too. I had lost 37 pounds but since July between house hunting, moving and then the Holidays I've gained back 15. Today is day one ..... boy am I going to need a lot of help
    Looking forward to the support.
    I always avoid temptation ...unless I can't resist it - Mae West
  • Ruth
    Hi Ruth,
    Today I was finally able to register.
    I started a low carb eating ( not going to call it a diet) program. I am following the Curves plan.. It is not as strick on the induction ..
    What I need to know from someone is. If I stick to 20 carbs a day is that ok?
    I am so confused... There are things on the curves plan I can't eat because of food allergies so I am trying to follow as close as possible. The other thing is that this method is soo not the way I have tried before.. but then again I am and have not been successful before. I am very hopeful and need all the info I can get.
    Thank you
  • Welcome Judy,
    Where in BC are you?
    Low carb was not the way I ate either but it definatly works.Yopu just need to get organized and the most helpful thing I find is making sure I have things on hand , so Im not panicing about what to eat .
  • Welcome Judy,
    You have to do what's right for you. I can't eat less than 30 carbs or I get sick (kinda like having the flu) but low carb is the way to go. I went off for a week and believe me I wont do that again. I felt like s*** and was so listless I couldn't get out of my own way. But the secret to staying on is planning. I plan my breakfast and lunch for the entire week they are my two problem areas. I can't eat before I leave for work and it's not like you can cook bacon and eggs in the office. And packing a lunch makes it easier to avoid pizza day and going out to McDonalds.

    I weigh in tomorrow so wish me luck