Determined to power through P90X

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  • I am going to do the P90x lean schedule, but anyone doing any of the versions or wanting to ask any questions is welcome to join the thread. I made a calendar today of all the workouts so I will know what to do each day. I already know that I will be out of town for some of the time over the next 3 months so I have made some modifications to my schedule for those days. I don't want to have to drag any equipment with me, so those are the DVDs that don't need any. I have done 3 days so far, but I haven't yet paid attention to which DVDs I was supposed to do. I am going to do another random one tomorrow and then officially start the program and follow the proper order on Tuesday. I will attempt to come back here each day and update you on how I feel, how the workout went, and if I am seeing any results (weight, strength, endurance, tone, etc.)

    I have 5 weeks till I go home and see my family again (July 4th) and then I visit again for Labor Day (right after the end of the 90 days). I hope that there are significant changes to my appearance and fitness. Currently, I am a size 12 jean, 5'8", and about 10 lbs over a normal BMI. I am 25, and not super fit, but the 3 days of the program hasn't killed me yet.

    My first goal is to be at a normal BMI by July 4th, more attractive in swimwear, and to not miss a single day of the program.

    Wish me luck!
  • I bought P90x like a year or two ago and did it for a month straight and fell out of routine with it. I'd love to do it again. I really enjoyed the kenpo x dvd a ton. Felt like a nerd doing it but it was fun. It's hard to keep at it without motivation, so I'll try joining along with this thread and keep at it. It's a great work out though! I think I did lean next time, I might try classic this time.
  • I love P90X and I plan on doing another round of it with my husband after we finish up our first round of Insanity (we just began week 1). The first time I did P90X I lost 35 pounds and was in amazing shape! I think that since you are super close to your goal, it is definitely going to get you into great shape! My suggestion for you since you are doing the Lean portion, is to supplement the Plyometric workout for the Cardio X workout when you feel strong enough to! Cardio X is great, but Plyo will really give you the kick in the butt you might want or need as you continue the program!

    Also modify, Tony Horton mentions modifying the moves to keep from messing up your form, so don't worry about the reps or how fast you are going, just make sure to keep your form, modify, and when you are stronger you can do the more advanced moves!
  • Welcome, Monkey! It will be nice to have someone else doing the program, even if we are doing different versions.

    Thanks for the advice, Pink! I am really hoping that this program being so structured will help me maintain my commitment. Also, I'm hoping it will make a difference in my physical appearance, apart from just getting smaller. I want to be tiny, but not squishy.

    I tried yoga x today. I certainly couldn't do everything as well as they did. It will take some work. I am a little sore each day, but nothing that I can't handle. I normally am not a fan of being sore. Hopefully if I keep at it, my muscles won't have a chance to completely clench up and become unmoveable sore.

    Tomorrow I start the actual program, using the DVDs in order. I planned it this way so that the workouts each day work well with my life. I just have to tell myself that skipping a day is not an option. My biggest downfalls always come when I make the choice to allow myself to slip. My strategy this time is commitment and not motivation. To be a super geek (even though I have not seen any of the movies) I will quote Yoda, "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."
  • I made a last minute decision yesterday and decided to do the Lean. I figured Lean would be best and then once I finish it I can move onto Classic and then Doubles. I did the Core Synergistics yesterday and boy am I feeling it today! I am sore all over, but it kind of feels good to be so sore. My muscles were burning yesterday. I really like how Tony explained's not about the reps and whether you can do it perfectly. It's just that you're trying and doing your best. I can't wait til I am as good as them. The push ups were such a nightmare! The chatarunga though was fun. Today is cardio...I'm excited to actually do it.

    For day 7 are you going to just rest or do the x Stretch? Last time I just rested but I think I might do the X Stretch this time around.
  • Today I started the program for real, but I have done one of the workouts each day for 4 days now. Today was core synergistics. I'm sure I will be sore again soon, but working out has loosened me up from being sore prior to my workout.

    I am going to do the x stretch. I think having something to do everyday will keep me accountable. I don't want to give myself the choice to slip.

    Do your best and forget the rest!
  • I was so incredibly sore after day 1 but I just finished the Cardio X and it worked allll the soreness out. It felt sooo good afterwards. Initially I was really not wanting to do it. I had a ton of school work and it was the absolute last thing I wanted to I thought if I weighed myself it would give me a boost to just do it. I weighed in and was so happy to see I lost 1.5 lbs from my last weigh in that it completely motivated me. I'm looking forward to tomorrows work out...dreading that Ab ripper x though!
  • Just did cardio x. Went great. I got super sweaty and turned beet red. For a cardio workout, I would call that a success. I like these more cardio based workouts much better than the specific muscle group ones. I am not looking forward to tomorrow's... but I will muscle through. Lol. Pun totally intended.

    I have been on plan with my diet, drinking a lot of water, and doing p90x for 5 or so days now, yet I seem to have gone up slightly in weight. I am inclined to believe that my muscles are holding on to extra water in response to the increase in frequency and intensity of exercise. Do you think this is rational? When should I expect to see it go down again? Are you or have you experienced anything similar?
  • I really liked the Cardio. Especially since it had the different variety. I just finished the arms & shoulders and ab ripper. My boyfriend decided to join me and it made the Ab Ripper near impossible since we were laughing so I might have to repeat that. I loved loved loved the Arms & Shoulders workout. It just might top the Kenpo X.

    So far I've lost another pound today. I haven't gained any. It could be very well the water. Not sure though.
  • Finished Day 4 Yoga X...not a huge fan of the yoga at all. My legs definitely burn in the Warrior 1, 2 poses. Considering it's only week one though, not doing too bad. Can use some improvement definitely. Quite proud I did the Yoga...was dreading it but honestly only the first 45 minutes are tough. The last 45 are easy peasy.
  • Finished Day 5 Legs & Back, Ab Ripper. I hate lunges. Absolutely hate them but the burning is good! Worked out pretty hard...boyfriend joined in so that made me push harder. Feeling good!
  • I've been super busy but staying on track with my exercise. I'm not sure my neighbor in he apartment below mine likes my new indoor exercise routine.
  • Are you still keeping with it? I'm back to core tomorrow.
  • I've been keeping with it. Finished the Kenpo and went walking. Just finished Core a couple minutes ago. I've noticed improvement. Lunges still kill the legs but the form is so much better. I've noticed though only the Core gives me a headache afterwards. I've started wearing arm weights for each exercise. Not terribly excited for Cardio tomorrow but I'm looking forward to the shoulders and arms.
  • Finished Day 2 of Week 2, Cardio. I'm surprised to say it actually helped me relieve the stress of finals and my stress over graduation. I pushed harder and once again I see the improvement and boy do I feel it!! Last Saturday me and my boyfriend went to the Ballard Locks and spent all day watching the boats and walking around, at first it felt like a terrible idea after doing Legs & Back but this P90X really is working for me. I like doing the exercises at night and being able to just relax afterwards. My sister-in-law wants to go walking a couple days a week so I'll be adding that to my routine. I can't wait to hit that One month milestone and move onto the 2nd month. My boyfriend keeps nagging me about when do we do the Chest and Back and Chest, shoulders, I'm looking forward to Weeks 5 and on.