Thrilling (?) Thursday - May 2

  • So far today, my biggest thrill has been being able to sit on the back deck and admire the sunrise. That really was a thrill after a very long and stretched out winter. We finally do have warm temperatures - going to 78º today!

    I plan to spend most of my time outside this morning since there is tons of stuff needing attention. Wendy mulched the front flower beds but I still need to tackle the veggie garden behind the barn. I did get herbs planted yesterday in pots for the deck. If I see them from the kitchen window, I use them.

    Did I ever mention I just LOVE Spring?
  • Ah, you beat me to it once again, Ruth, while I was trying to come up with a clever title to today's Daily. It's not easy to come up with a TH word but I'll take your Thrilling and hope today has a few in it.

    I think of all the seasons, I enjoy Spring the most, too. It's so refreshing to see new life after the long, drab, barren winter. The crabapple, redbud, pear, cherry and the dogwoods are all in full bloom and tulips and daffodils are adding to the riot of color. I love it!

    I'm looking forward to planting pots of geraniums this weekend, and I'm going to enjoy my first salad from my garden. I can't wait for that!
  • Good morning chicks! I'm not sure today will be thrilling (I kinda hope not), but I hope it is for some.

    I was going to take the morning off from a walk, but I woke up and told myself I might as well go. The doggage was more than happy to accomodate! It is a beautiful morning out.

    I need to finish some cream puffs (food porn!), I made them for the teachers since it's testing week. Then off to a full day of work .

    I did have a great afternoon in the garden yesterday, and need to go find some more seeds .
  • Good morning The moving has officially begun. So glad I don't have to do this all at once though,eek. Running through again, decided to sleep an extra hour because it was a long day yesterday. the sun is out and spring has definitely decided to stick around, not a moment too soon.
  • Good morning seems like we have have garden fever. After my ride I plan on weeding and maybe getting my geraniums. It is still a little early to plant the annuals. I normally wait until after Mother's Day.

    Felt great to sleep in lol even though that was only until 6:30. Early start to the day means hopefully I will get a lot accomplished. I think I may fire up the grill for burgers and grilled zucchini tonight.

    Linda and Ruth I love your new profile pics

    Tammy my porn was a s'mores tart and butter cream cookie from yesterday's bake sale. Sandra Lee from the food network hosted the world's largest bake sale yesterday at Grand Central. Proceeds benefited No Kid Goes Hungry. Several celebrities were sites. I saw Ty Pennington (extreme home makeover). The cake boss, Guy Ferrari and Mario Vitale were also there. It actually was pretty cool oh and yummy very yummy

    Enjoy this thrilling day
  • We have regressed to winter here, for a few days. Brrr. Had the a/c on yesterday and the heat on today! Wet, too.

    My computer had a blue screen with an error message today so I am running a virus scan in safe mode and typing this on our laptop. I am hoping DH just takes over and diagnoses/fixes things for me.

    Yoga this morning. Crockpot meal for dinner. Treadmill in between. Thrilling.
  • Good morning,

    You'll are are making me want to garden I do need to go buy some plants for landscaping, DH has been doing a lot this year

    My allergies are kicking my behind this past few days, I have been on benadryl because I just can't take it anymore want to scratch my eyes out otherwise.

    One of the churches in town had their annual rummage sale and I scored a couple of shirts that look brand new and DD2 got a few things as well.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • Thrilling Thursday indeed, if only because that means tomorrow is Friday! Do students realize teachers look forward to Saturday as much as they do?

    Jennifer, at the top of the state we wait until Memorial Day to plant annuals. However, DH brought home a flat of veggies from the school's greenhouse program yesterday so I will have to nurse them for a bit. I see the PT tomorrow and hope to get a plan together that will allow me to actually get into the garden this summer. My knee sprain is improving slowly and I'm getting impatient!

    But a beautiful, sunny day today! The daffodils are in full bloom and the forsythia are just past their peak. I love spring too! It seems like May is often an explosion of green after the long months of gray and white.

    Leftover tacobake in the oven tonight. In a few weeks DS1 will be home from college and I will no longer be able to get 2 meals from a recipe they way I can when it is just DH and I. Oh well, it is always good to have him home.

    Hope everyone's Thursday was thrilling.