EXERCISE Challenge

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  • I wanted to see if anybody else was interested in an exercise challenge for the remainder of May?

    Here is what I am committing to:

    1- Join the gym at work by Friday (my other gym membership has run out)

    2- There are 10 left in May...I am aiming to exercise on 5 out of 10 days (50%)

    These may be small goals for some...but for me they are a reasonable challenge to start with!

    Looking forward to supporting any others with their goals.


  • Alright Kris! Good luck on reaching your goals!!! Lets make the last 10 days of this month healthy ones!

    1) workout on my glider for 45 minutes everyday
    2)Basic Tae Bo Video for 5 out of the next 10 days

    I've been slipping lately so hopefully others can join us in with motivational support.
  • I'm game!
    I've never liked exercising much and that's enough reason for me to start moving!!
    My goal for the rest of May is to:

    Walk, run, swim, dance, crawl or whatever at least 30 minutes every day!

    I HAVE TO GET RID OF THIS STOMACH!! It jiggles when I walk.. Don't laugh!
  • Okay Kris I'm game!

    My plan is to walk 15 miles in 10 days. Considering the fact that I will be busy with graduation and the Memorial Day weekend I won't have much time to exercise I think I can hit 15 miles though. I will do 3 tonight so that will be a good start.

    Also, I invite those who aren't apart of the May Challenge to come join us! Kris and I are both hanging in there
  • Hooray! I'm glad to see that there are so many joining in!

    I have gone down to check out the gym at work. Man, what a great deal....only $23 per month and there are at least a dozen aerobic-type machines (eliptical, bikes, treadmills), mountains of free weights and exercise balls, as well as a few weight machines and benches. Wish that I had brought my gym clothes to start today!

    Hooray! Thanks for sharing your motivation all! Keep us posted on how you are progressing over the next 10 days!

  • I got in a small workout tonight.. the gym closed early! Grr.. thats the bad thing about a campus gym and summer break.
  • Thursday 22 May
    My exercise for today has been completed, I just came inside and I'm all sweaty and exhausted! Today I:

    bicycled/walked for about an hour. Something like 4-5 kilometres..

    I'm glad I did it although it is soooo hot outside! I got to go stretch now!
  • Walked 3.5 miles last night Only 11.5 miles to go!!!
  • Got my 30 minute cardio and situps/weights in today. Very cool!
  • did the glider for 60 minutes and tae bo for the 8 minute workout two days in a row! wooohooo!
    Staying OP good luck to everyone else!
  • Wow! Everybody is doing really well!

    Today is my day to go back to the gym....I have all of my gym clothes on hand for right after work. I am a bit anxious about starting my workouts again (although I have been continuing to do 7-10 hours of walking per week). Need to create some muscle tone...

    Looking forward to keeping my promise to myself by heading to the gym today!

  • Only got in 1 mile of exercise yesterday and not planning to get much in this weekend because graduation is tomorrow Woo hoo!!!!! Well only 10.5 miles to go. I should easily get that in before the end of the month.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • ok kids....
    tae bo basic for 50 minutes today wooohoo!
    and on the glider for 45 minutes, wow i feel good. good luck back at the gym kris. way to stay OP Jess. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • yesterday...
    tae bo for 35 minutes
    weight training for 30
  • I havent been doing so good. I hope to exercise tomorrow AM. Will let you all know.

    Keep up the good work Diva, and congrats on graduating Jess!