WW Weekly Chit Chat: 2/20 - 2/26

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  • Hello everyone! Welcome to WW Weekly Chit Chat!

    This is a thread for any and all WW users to get to know each other. To talk about their days or weeks. Whether it's plan-related or not. Just a comfy area to chat about things in general. Grab a chair, pick up a cup of hot tea or coffee and relax with everyone!

    Please join in at any time
  • Good *checks the clock* Afternoon Everyone!

    My body is in one of its "weird and mysterious weightloss" ways this week. I'm hoping it'll be jolted out of its funk this week, but I'm trying to keep positive by sticking to the healthy things I planned.

    Hope you're all having a good start to the week! It's President's Day here, so a lot of people have off, including my husband. Not sure that there's much going on other than that. Maybe a lot of mattress sales

    Enjoy your week, everyone!
  • Started Weight Watchers last week so I'm just going to throw myself right in here!

    I think President's Day means banks are closed and mattress sales. Other than that, I don't see much difference from the view behind my desk in my office.

    Mondays and Wednesdays are my "hard" days food-wise as I go from work to class and don't get a break until 9:30pm or so. If I take enough snacks to get the through the evening I should do OK.

    Here's to a great start to the week! :
  • Welcome XL!

    I had a good week and weekend. I'm down 64.6 which is so exciting!! Of course, I ordered Girl Scout cookies from a coworker's daughter and they just arrived :-P But I checked and they are in the online database and I did okay picking them out: 4 Thin Mints is 4 points and 5 of the shortbread cookies is 5 points, so they are both about 1 point each. I can deal with that, as long as I don't go crazy, hahaha. Hopefully being so close to 65 will help keep me on track!
  • I tripped and fell into a pan of No Pudge Brownies last night, my niece and I made them together as an experiment as to which yogurt flavor would make the best brownies (we decided on WW Amaretto Cheesecake flavor). I asked her to take them home after I had one, but she left half the pan. Hence my accident. I hope they really are No Pudge. I have a weight in tomorrow. Sigh.
  • Super excited WW goer
    Hi Fellow WW'ers,

    I absolutely love the new point plus program! I have a wedding in May for BBF's daughter and want to be fabulous for it!

    Just a neat treat my 11 yr old daughter taught me!

    Banana split sundae:

    Cantalope scoop, watermelon scoop, honey dew scooped onto a sliced banana, cover with favorite non-fat yogurt (vanilla is super yummy) and top with diced strawberries and slivered almonds(omit almonds for 2 point treat)

    she is a little chubby (only 9lbs over weight) but this was one of her greatest inputs since I started my diet. funny she learned when she spent the night at a skinny friends house! Wonderful ideas come from skinny people too! Just poking fun...hope not to offend.

    Looking for some great recipes if anyone has one to share!!
  • Quote: Hi Fellow WW'ers,

    Just a neat treat my 11 yr old daughter taught me!

    Banana split sundae:

    Cantalope scoop, watermelon scoop, honey dew scooped onto a sliced banana, cover with favorite non-fat yogurt (vanilla is super yummy) and top with diced strawberries and slivered almonds(omit almonds for 2 point treat)

    she is a little chubby (only 9lbs over weight) but this was one of her greatest inputs since I started my diet. funny she learned when she spent the night at a skinny friends house! Wonderful ideas come from skinny people too! Just poking fun...hope not to offend.

    Looking for some great recipes if anyone has one to share!!
    I would guess this is a good way to get and STAY slim. Great that their "treat" was so healthy and yet delicious and treatlike.
  • Tudor, we seem to be sticking to the same amt of loss in the same amt of time. Thats awesome! You must be getting lots of compliments huh? i cant even walk down my hall at work without someone saying something positive. Its a nice feeling. real nice
  • Newbie
    Hey ladies,

    I am new to the forum (well I left and came back lol). I just started WW 2 weeks ago! So far it's been going well, just wish I was loosing weight faster lol. And it's weird this is the first time ever that I don't feel like I am on a diet but I am losing weight. Can't complain :-)
    Sometimes when I read the threads I see that some people lose up to 5 lbs the first week. I have lost a little bit over 2 lbs the first week and this week I gained 3 lbs in 2 days (ugh!) Granted I ate rice, a small small slice of cheese cake, sushis and pad thai BUT most of the time I stayed within my points or use a little bit of my weekly extra points.

    Anyways, happy to be part of the group :-)
  • This has been a bad week so far...haha. I am visiting my best friend while I am on school break and we've been doing a lot of shopping and eating out. Not enough exercise and "bad" food makes for a not good week. I just want broccoli...haha. My friend (a nurse) has to work tomorrow night, so I already am planning on doing some workout dvd's tomorrow night while she is at work and I bought some fruits and veggies for snacks. Things could definitely be worse, but they could definitely be better!! haha

    But I'm having so much fun being with my best friend...so it's all great in the end
  • Well I missed getting on here yesterday so hello to everyone today! Oh by the way another thing about presidents day was free street parking...yeah for me.

    I did my normal weigh in yesterday and was the same as last week so I tried again today and was down 2lb? I have been in a 'funk' as you say lovely for 8 weeks now. But I have to blame some on travel and visiting family, and family visiting me so it through me off my game with food choices and exercise.

    I finally feel like I am getting back on track but to shake things up I am doing the wendie plan for the next couple of weeks to see if that helps. Today is a low point day. I hope I survive LOL.

    Oh last night aat the gym all the ellipticals were full so I had to try the treadmill. it was not too bad kept the pace at 3.5 and incline of 4. I think tonight if the ellipticals are full I will jump on the treadmill and try for a bit faster and more of an incline just to shake things up
  • Quote: Tudor, we seem to be sticking to the same amt of loss in the same amt of time. Thats awesome! You must be getting lots of compliments huh? i cant even walk down my hall at work without someone saying something positive. Its a nice feeling. real nice
    Yay us And yes, I do get a lot of comments and compliments from coworkers! We have a wall of staff pictures and mine was taken when I first started the job in December 2010, so the difference is very noticable! Other people I don't see that often becauswe of different schedules and stuf, so weeks will go by and then all of a sudden they'll make a comment, too.
  • Hey all

    Weighed in today and was down 1/2 lb. Its ok. We had family over this weekend for a cookout and although I injected my healthy foods in the mix (roasted asparagus and squash) - we still had ribs, beans and macaroni salad floating around, and yes I ate some LOL.

    @Tudor - I got some girl scout cookies too. I am SO happy to hear they are in the database

    I've also been a little under the weather so I've been skipping my morning exercise. I should be back on track tomorrow morning.
  • Mammasita: Sometimes a slow loss or maintenance is a victory in itself! I should remember that when my weight loss stalls someday and I'm cursing at my scale.

    Chele615: I have a friend who does squats in the dressing room between each set of clothes she's trying on. I dunno if it helps but it may be worth trying!

    I did OK yesterday points wise. My husband brought me a salad between my classes; unfortunately it had bacon, hard boiled egg, blue cheese, chicken, croutons and an avocado ranch dressing (full fat). It's not his fault because I haven't exactly told him I'm doing WW yet. I omitted the egg and cheese but the full fat dressing pushed me two points into my weekly points which I prefer to save for the weekend cause that's when I have a harder time.

    So! In my book, yesterday was a success.
  • Week three
    Hi Miss Maya,

    Wonderful to hear your loss so far! The #'s will come if your faithful to track the points. Points plus really makes you feel like your not on a diet, but on a life journey. Remember those little bits here and there are allowed but really need to be counted. This way you can see which weeks you are more successful than others. Remember water,water,water, and more water. That is how our bodies eliminate the fat! I had a huge first week loss and dropping down to 1-3lbs seemed discouraging, so slow and steady is a good thing! Keep it up and you will get to the goal! We all will!!

    I cannot afford the meetings and need to know when I drop from 30points to 29points is there a formula out there?