Easter Challenge

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  • Did we decide on an Easter challenge? Hopefully an Easter challenge isn't offensive to those of us who don't celebrate that particular day.

    If we did decide on an Easter challenge, since it's exactly two months away, here's my goal:

    I want to:

    drop a clothing size
    lose 12 lbs.
  • my easter goal is going to mirror yours, shiela.

    12 pounds.

    that's 6 a month, and will put me at 203... so close to that 200!!
  • My Easter goal is to get to 195 lbs. That's approximately 8-9 lbs to lose.
  • My Easter challenge is to lose 14 lbs. I hope I am not pushing it too much!!!
  • 10 pounds. 280.
  • My ideal goal is 15lbs by Easter, but I think I'll give myself a little room. I'd like to weigh in at under 200. (Right now I'm 211)
  • I'll shoot for 300 that's 20 pounds.
  • ***Editing to make my goal more attainable. Weightloss is slowing down, & I don't want to make myself feel guilty if I don't make goal. I will re-evaluate if I make goal early...


    Lose 7.7 pounds by April 20. This is 1.1 pounds per week. That would put my weight at 195.8.
  • I'm in!
    I would like to lose 17 pounds by Easter. That would put me at an even 100 pounds total lost and a little more than halfway to my goal weight. I don't know though, for the past couple of months I've only been averaging one pound a week. But hope springs eternal
  • Ok all. I am going to put my mind to it and I am going to try for 6 pounds. That's about 1 a week I think. I am now 281 so I will be 275. That should be a good goal since I have been having a hard time just staying the same and not gaining.
  • 10 pounds for Easter
    I'm going to try to lose12 pounds by Easter -- and also keep to at least three walks or bike rides a week, too.

    Since I'm newish to the board, this will be my first challenge & I'm looking forward to reading everyone's progress and building some confidence.

    And I don't know if this next comment is appropriate, because it refers to some religions (if it isn't appropriate, let me know -- please accept my apologies if I have offended someone).

    Is anyone practicing giving something up for Lent? If so, what?


  • I just joined WW,so I am motivated again.MY goal is to weigh 177
    by Easter. That is 19 lbs.
    335 SW
    165 PW
    ? GW
  • 12 pounds is my goal for Easter. When does Lent start? I don't follow it but I think the idea of giving something up for a few weeks is a good idea, I would give up chips and chocolate, I don't have chocolate usually now but I do sometimes have snack packs of crisps which I factor into my diet. Wouldn't hurt me to be extra good for a few weeks and get this weight off.

  • Kitty,

    Lent starts March 5 (Ash Wednesday) and goes until Easter -- well, actually it's really 40 days plus 6 Sundays (you can lessen your restrictions on the Sundays).

    I am going to give up chocolate, any extras when I eat out (french fries, regular sodas, appetizers/desserts that "don't count because we're sharing...") and also meat for most meals (when I have "Say so" and we're not invited to someone's house), then save the money from the extras and meat I would have purchased to give to a good cause. Since my niece recently passed away, I'll send it to her favorite charity this year.

    I've been pretty good about restricting those "extras" and try to factor them in, but there's no way that sharing a big appetizer tray -- with fried chicken, cheese, potato skins and battered/fried mushrooms and artichoke hearts along with all the fat-laden sauces/dips -- is good for me in ANY capacity!
  • Ok, I am in (as I sit here munching on a chocolate bar ). I want to be at 199 by easter. I have my work cut out for me, but if I can get off the couch and out of the fridge, I know that I can do it.