Suggestion to get a good weight loss week

  • Hello
    I have been doing IP for 11 weeks. This week I only lost .8 pounds and was really expecting more. This is the lowest weight I have lost so far. I usually lose 3 pounds a week. I cant think of anything different I did this week than other weeks. Any good suggestions to get a good weight loss week?
  • I had a 0lbs weight loss and did nothing different then the next week I had a 6lb loss. the only thing i did different was not eat tomatoes.
  • Unfortunately, there are some weeks that I consider "catch up" weeks, and it sounds like you just had one. Sometimes with rapid weight loss, the body doesn't always keep up with the losses and needs time to adjust with the big losses. Do not fret, the weight will start coming off again, and honestly, you still had a loss, so it is a WIN!

    A couple of things you can try if you want (but I don't think you need to):
    1). Up your water intake
    2). Cut back on Walden Farms and water enhancers
    3). Cut back on restricted food items
    4). Up your protein (add an extra packet or up your meat protein to 8 oz)
    5). Eat only chicken and fish as your protein sources
    6). Add in some light exercise if you haven't started exercising already

    I honestly think you are going to be ok next week.
  • Thanks. I am starting walking this week. Lets see if it helps!