IP Daily Chat - Wed. 3 Nov. 2010

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  • Welcome and welcome back to the Daily Chat thread -- introduce yourself, post your plans for today, share what's been happening, ask questions!

    Some forum lingo:
    NSV = Non-Scale Victory
    TOM = time of the month
    WI = Weigh-in
    WF = Walden Farms

    Progress photos have been moved to the Mini-Goal Photo Album.

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    Dr. Tran Tien Chanh's website

    PDF file of Dr. Tran Tien Chanh's book, The Unbalanced Diet Approach to a Slimmer You
  • Good morning!!

    The daily round-up will be posted a little later this morning. I dealt with an awful migraine last night and now dealing with the migraine "hang-over", where your body aches all over and rather be curled up in bed still. I hope all of you had a much better evening than I. I'm slamming water now trying to get rid of everything my body retained from yesterday's meds before my weigh-in tonight.
  • Just a quick note to say good morning to everyone and I hope we all have a good IP day!!!
  • Pegsi, if you're reading, STICK WITH IT! My last few weeks have been one-pound-loss weeks, but this week, I'm down 5 POUNDS!
  • My goodness, a NSV from left field. Yesterday I was looking for off black panty hose and they had no Queen size....then I thought, "maybe I can wear a smaller size now". After checking the weight/height range, I purchased a size "B" Control Top. Ta-da, drumroll, they fit great. Honestly I don't ever remember buying that size pantyhose. Queen or Queen plus , but never a "B". Thank you Ideal Protein!!!!

    And, last noght while letting my dogs out, I was standing in the driveway and happened to put my hands on my waist....know what I felt.....hip bones! The surprises keep coming.

  • Quote: My goodness, a NSV from left field. Yesterday I was looking for off black panty hose and they had no Queen size....then I thought, "maybe I can wear a smaller size now". After checking the weight/height range, I purchased a size "B" Control Top. Ta-da, drumroll, they fit great. Honestly I don't ever remember buying that size pantyhose. Queen or Queen plus , but never a "B". Thank you Ideal Protein!!!!

    And, last noght while letting my dogs out, I was standing in the driveway and happened to put my hands on my waist....know what I felt.....hip bones! The surprises keep coming.

  • Good morning all. I hope everyone has a great day.

    EatAnts: I hope you feel better today. Good luck at your WI.

    Pumpkparry: Congrates on the NSV, it always feels good to fit in to things that you never have before or for a long time.
  • Quote: My goodness, a NSV from left field. Yesterday I was looking for off black panty hose and they had no Queen size....then I thought, "maybe I can wear a smaller size now". After checking the weight/height range, I purchased a size "B" Control Top. Ta-da, drumroll, they fit great. Honestly I don't ever remember buying that size pantyhose. Queen or Queen plus , but never a "B". Thank you Ideal Protein!!!!

    And, last noght while letting my dogs out, I was standing in the driveway and happened to put my hands on my waist....know what I felt.....hip bones! The surprises keep coming.

    I bet that was a GREAT feeling! I haven't bought any pantyhose since I started IP. Nothing worse than trying to put a pair on and feeling like a stuffed sausage. I really want to order an outfit I saw in a catalog for Christmas. Just not sure of what size to order. Maybe I'll order it in a smaller size to motivate me even more for the Christmas challenge. Thanks for sharing your great NSV with us!
  • I know it's been asked, but has anyone seen Carla on the boards lately? I miss her wisdom and encouragement.
  • Weigh-in
    Good morning all!

    Big weigh-in today. Will post my results later on this afternoon.

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

  • EatAnts- I hope you get to feeling better!! As much as we all love your recap, if you don't feel up to it, I'm sure everyone would understand!

    PumpkyParry-That is AWESOME! Congrats and keep up the good work!

    Good morning EVERYONE! I hope everyone has a great day!
  • EatAnts - feel better, migraines are horrible. I had a spell with them last year and wanted to die.

    PumpkyParry - way to go on the smaller pantyhose, can't wait to experience that myself!

    JonathanandZeus - good luck at the weigh-in, keep us posted!

    iowahawkeyemom - I say go for it and order the smaller sized outfit, should help keep you motivated

    As for me, I had a huge NSV yesterday. My poor husband has been craving carbs something awful and going without since I do most of the cooking. Well, last night I decided to make him one of his (and my) favs, homemade mac & cheese made with all the good stuff. I made it and didn't take one bite, although I may have licked the spoon one time.

    Also, I've been experiementing with the puddings and my Davinci SF gingerbread syrup. It's been extra delicious to add it to either the vanilla or butterscotch pudding. Gets me in the holiday mood!
  • Quote:
    As for me, I had a huge NSV yesterday. My poor husband has been craving carbs something awful and going without since I do most of the cooking. Well, last night I decided to make him one of his (and my) favs, homemade mac & cheese made with all the good stuff. I made it and didn't take one bite, although I may have licked the spoon one time.
    That is pretty awesome that you fought the temptation! Way to go!
  • Good morning everyone!!! It's another wonderful day in Chicago. I survived two days of junk food temptations. Have a great day! Be strong. God Bless you all!
  • Had my blood drawn this morning.......asked the gal if it would check my platelets....she said yes. She said bruising is most likely my platelet level or something else (she wasn't easy to understand...broken English). I am nervous......if it is my platelet level, what do you do to correct that? I am taking oodles of vitamins every day....ugh!