Things that are awesome and super bummer at the same time!

  • I had some hope there for a while that I had a small-er frame hidden under all that padding.

    Bought a pair of Levi 545's today that fit like a glove. Seriously awesome jeans in size 10 which is rad. But I had a realization when I was wearing them this afternoon. My belt is right up against my hip bones in the front and whatever bone that is above my butt (illium?). On. the. bone. No padding there . So I'm glad I've gotten this far but way bummed out that I think I've bottomed out my jeans sizes. Any hope for some magic to occur? Anyone else dealt with this? I'm hoping somehow if I remove more padding from my bootay things will shift or something? Who knows. Just odd. I've never felt bones before. My thighs are still full of the thunder but I want to wear a size 6!!!! GRR... may not be in the cards, huh?
  • I'm a size 6 and I can't see any of my bones ever. Not even when I suck in as hard as possible. Having small bones isn't all it's cracked up to be. In order to be the shape I want, I'll have to lose at least 15-20 and I don't think I can stay that disciplined realistically.

    I see we're both having craaaazy Saturday nights ValRock
  • Haha... yes, my weekend has been full of crazy so far! I see your collarbones! I just feel so gigantic here. I stand on the train platform and look at everyone and I feel like a freakshow. It's frustrating! Living here is not good for my body image :P. I bet you look awesome!

    I finally looked up where Fukuoka is. You're way down there! I'm up here in Kanagawa. I feel like I live in a sardine can .
  • For the first time in my life, my shoulders are wider than my hips. I went into this weight loss dreaming of tight t-shirts. Now they look good around the stomach but I STILL can't pull them off because of my wide, man -shoulders.

    Exhibit A: (ignore the face, I was only half put together at that point. I originally was only taking this pic to see how the shirt looked lol)

    What else?

    I can feel my hips - but I have a problem sleeping on my side.

    The swelling in my knee (and all the fat) is gone, but I can't kneel anymore.

    I have a well-defined jaw bone, but it's become a lot harder to blend my makeup when I have to take it down over the "edge" . LOL

    I have wayyy too many options when it comes to what jeans I can buy.

    That's all for now. I'm sure there will be others in the future...
  • Val - I think when you are tall, a size 10 is really on the small side. One of my best friends, who was/is a bean pole (5'9, 120 lbs) wears a size 9 in jeans. I really think your height has a lot to do with it.

    For me, I love that i HAVE to buy a whole new wardrobe, but I can't afford it. So i am going piece by piece and occassionally putting too much on the old Visa card.

    I've lost over 30 pounds, but I still think my arms look HUGE!
  • Quote: Haha... yes, my weekend has been full of crazy so far! I see your collarbones! I just feel so gigantic here. I stand on the train platform and look at everyone and I feel like a freakshow. It's frustrating! Living here is not good for my body image :P. I bet you look awesome!

    I finally looked up where Fukuoka is. You're way down there! I'm up here in Kanagawa. I feel like I live in a sardine can .
    Yep, dirty south represent. Our big tourist draw is tonkotsu ramen of all unhealthy oily things. I'm in the country and the view from my balcony is all mountains. I don't get the sardine can vibe at all out here.

    J-people are really small. It's always a mindfvvk when I go anywhere outside of Asia these days. I'm going to Germany for the New Year and I can't WAIT to sit on a train and have my feet dangle like a child.

    Jenn - I TOTALLY sympathize on the arms feeling huge thing. It's like everything shrank except my arms. I am in the same predicament as you where I need new clothes but can't afford a fresh wardrobe. I'm stuck wearing bigger clothes and feeling gross and unattractive.
  • Though I'm nowhere close to it now- I feel your pain! At my very lowest healthy weight, I bottom out in between an 8 and a ten. My bone structure just won't take it any lower than that. But, keep on toning, etc. and it doesn't matter. Height is a huge bonus- even though my tag said 10- most people thought 6. In the end, it's not about the number, it's about how you feel.
  • Yeah... I have a LOT of bone. My bone mass is pretty crazy (now this is based on bioimpedence but even then it always gives me high numbers.) Plus... I can see my hip bones and I'm no where near a healthy weight... I have a lot of back and belly fat though. I'm worried that even after losing weight... I might not get smaller than an 8 or 10 pant. ;_; Stupid Puerto Rican genes...
  • Quote: Yep, dirty south represent. Our big tourist draw is tonkotsu ramen of all unhealthy oily things. I'm in the country and the view from my balcony is all mountains. I don't get the sardine can vibe at all out here.

    J-people are really small. It's always a mindfvvk when I go anywhere outside of Asia these days. I'm going to Germany for the New Year and I can't WAIT to sit on a train and have my feet dangle like a child.

    Jenn - I TOTALLY sympathize on the arms feeling huge thing. It's like everything shrank except my arms. I am in the same predicament as you where I need new clothes but can't afford a fresh wardrobe. I'm stuck wearing bigger clothes and feeling gross and unattractive.
    I bet! I haven't left Japan since last December and I think my brain is all distorted now when it comes to determining the size of people, you know? Even my children are giant compared to some adults here . I'd love to go to Germany. I bet you're tiny there!

    I'm jealous of your mountain views. I look out my window and I see buildings and roads and cars and more buildings. It's the concrete jungle. Sometimes, rarely, I can see Fuji from my balcony and that makes it worth it. If only the clouds would let up! I have to laugh about your ramen . I'm doing Atkins now and I can avoid pastries and candy all day long but if my husband wants go to the Ramen shop I'm very tempted! Ramen and Gyoza are hard to resist!

    Your arms look tiny in your avatar! I'm noticing that a lot of Japanese girls have impossibly thin arms. You're right about the diet ads too... I've seen a few of those recently and converted the KG to Lbs in my head and just been blown away. Americans are huge .
  • It is really weird going to Germany or the Netherlands since people are so tall. The average height for a female in the Netherlands is 5'8!

    Ramen and gyoza are tasty but I feel sick every time I eat it from all the sodium. I think I've catalogued them (along with McDonalds) as "great in theory but not so great in practice." That's pretty cool that you can see Fuji from your balcony though - I'm going to see if I can't climb it before I leave Japan in August.

    My arms are quite big actually, they are tucked away carefully in my avatar. And sadly they're not big because I deadlift 500 tons - they are just fluffy. My friend at home gave me **** about my "second wave" when I was 17 and I've always been self conscious about it (and too lazy to invest in weightlifting).
  • I have always been able to feel my pelvis bone and if I try really hard, my hip bones; which kind of freaks me out. My hips around are a good 50" (I know, HUGE) and I'm afraid that this is it, that I won't get any smaller because I'm already at my pelvis bone. It's pretty discouraging.
  • Well, I'm 182 pounds and can see hip bones. At 125-130 pounds, I wore a size 13 (not kidding). It really has to do with the size of your bones and the shape of your body in general (even at a low weight I had a large "bubble butt" and wide hips which I could not get anything less than a 13 to fit over).
  • Aww that's a bummer for me to
  • i'm 5'8''ish and i've lost 25 lbs since beginning to lose weight and i've only dropped 1 pants size. i was in a 14, now i'm in a 12. height's gotta have something to do with it