Hello, I'm New

  • Hi, My name is Laurie and I'm new to this site. However, I'm not new to trying to lose weight. It seems like I've been fighting this battle for a very long time. Now I've developed a few health issues and it's more important than ever to take the weight off. I'm going to be 50 years old at the end of the year as well and quite frankly, I don't want to be this size when I hit that milestone. I'm still exploring the site but from what I've seen so far I'm very sure I'll find great support and tips to help me reach my goals. In turn I hope I can also be a source of support to others.
  • Welcome! We're glad you're here. Good luck with your goals and enjoy the site!

  • My only advice...keep coming back! I have found this to be a GREAT place and I have met some WONDERFUL people.
  • Welcome and good luck !
  • Hi Laurie and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • hiya
    welcome to 3FC
    best of luck
  • Welcome Sparklingmimi

    Best of luck to us all in our weight loss journeys.