Weekend Beach Wanderings

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  • Good Morning

    It's the weekend! and I'm going to make the most of it! I'm up early to see what I can get accomplished before the troops start moving. Bing and I evaluate at 10 and I will stop by the store on the way home. Kirk is pretty much ready to go and I'm smart enough to realize that the more organized I am, the more I can put on his honey-do list before he travels. I'm starting in the office and will work my way out. Food has been good and I'm grateful for that...one day at a time!

    Hopefully, some of you have an agenda that sounds a bit higher on the "fun list"! Stop by and say Hi! before heading out. What's on your weekend list?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • After a hectic week, my weekend list is just stuff I want to do! As soon as it gets a bit brighter and warmer, I'm going to get at some planting. Tomorrow is Church and Jazz's evaluation but today is all mine!
  • Hi Ruth! Take advantage of "your" day! You can do anthing you want! I'm hoping your weather cooperates
  • Morning!

    It's going to be warm and sunny here. We're going for breakfast and some grocery shopping, and swinging by the plant nursery on the way back home. I have one more container that I want to get planted today.
    This afternoon while Jake is trying to figure out how to put his new BBQ grill together, I plan to work in the garden.
    Food and exercise has been good for me, too, and I'm delighted with the results I'm seeing.
  • Coffee was really great just now and I've got my life back in perspective. I made a list of stuff I want to do today and it's all about me! It includes laundry which has been piling up for a couple of weeks. I'm lucky to have so many clothes and over three dozen pair of knickers.

    I'm hoping to get the rest of MY plants into the ground today and maybe plant some bean seeds in my raised bed in the field. I also am having an afternoon nap - no matter what. I may park the car out of sight behind the barn so nobody knows I'm home. Call me Hermit!

    Cottage and Debbie, I just HAVE to get back on track with food and exercise. I'm not taking good care of this poor old body.

    "Be good to yourself.
    If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?"

    ... Kobi Yamada...
  • I love that quote, Ruth!
  • Good morning early birds

    We have dinner out with friends tonight. And a graduation party tomorrow. I think I will try some jogging intervals on the treadmill today for the first time in over two months and see how my arm holds up. No biking yet... rain expected. And after last summer's nasty fall in the rain I am only riding on dry paths!


    Have a great weekend all.
  • Good morning friends I'm a little slow moving this morning (I'm sure it has nothing to do with that extra glass of wine last night!) but the coffee is finally kicking in.

    Debbie - Sounds like lots of good planning. Now to add something fun to your list I'm finally getting my bike back today and can't wait to get on it! I wish you were closer, I need a ride buddy

    Ruth - What a perfect Ruth day! Do you think the soil is warm enough for bean seeds? Maybe I'll get some in too.

    Cottage - Congratulations on your progress! Sounds like a lovely day at your house too.

    Yesterday was a little frustrating but the work week is over and I'm focusing on my garden, my home and me! Oh yeah, and birds Lots of fun around the corner for us. Tomorrow we are traveling to PI (not phase 1 ) and Tuesday we leave for three days in Maine. I really need some time to decompress and Maine will be perfect for that! For now my garden is a mess and my bike misses me.

    ETA - Karen - good news from the Dr. yesterday. I bet PT will really help. My BF had shoulder surgery a couple of years ago and found it took longer than some areas but definitely progressed with PT.
  • Cyndi, the soil may not be quite warm enough yet but I am going to chance it - seed is cheap. Remember I have a raised bed that's about 2½' tall. Last year I didn't plant until July 15 when I finally got earth into the thing and I sure want beans earlier than that this year. (By the way, just checked my 2009 log and planted July 14 and had beans Aug 28th! Producing in 6 weeks!)
  • Good morning all chicks!

    Lexiss - Honey Do lists are fabulous. I need to use them more often!!

    Ruth - good for you!! You always have such a full schedule, I'm glad you finally get some time to yourself. I LOVE naps myself, unfortunately no one else does.

    Cottage - Good for results!! I'll have to look at yesterday's thread to see what happened to the countertop...

    Karen - hope it goes well on the treadmill today!

    Cyndi - although it sounds like you had a rough week, your weekend and most of next week sound fabulous!! I loved visiting Maine, and hope to go back sometime. Enjoy!

    me - NO WORK!! It's the weekend off . We started working on the garden last night, my DH hauled in two truckloads of dirt (and pretty dirt it is!!). The big plan is to get that planted this weekend.

    My DD had troubles recently at daycare, it's heartbreaking to see her crying and sobbing and clinging to me that she didn't want to go to school (she's never been like that). Turns out her best friend isn't her best friend anymore. The teacher finally admitted that wasn't such a bad thing. Turns out, one of the girls she was friends with has been getting into major trouble....including stealing $25 worth of stuff from BB&B. A five year old?!?! (and then the mom blamed it on the teacher, but that's a whole 'nother story). Anyway, one way we tried to help DD cope is that we invited over a family that has one daughter in my DS' class, and another daughter starting kindergarten with mine. So, everyone is anxiously awaiting our family barbeque tonight!

    It is a beautiful day...time to start on things!!
  • Morning all

    I start my exams shortly. I am taking them via web cam at home. It is kinda strange because there is someone watching me. LOL I hope I don't do somehting unconsciously like scratch my butt or pick my nose. LOL Ok I am done being silly. Time to be serious. Have a great day. After my exams we have corbin's crossover from bears to weeblos for cubscouts.

    Take care

  • Wow! 7 already! Office organized, kitchen picked up, doggies have been out and I crawled back in bed before my shower to snuggle with Bing. Now everyone is happy, most of all, me!

    Linda, glad you have a great day for gardening! Enjoy the nursery and filling containers and . Glad to hear your body is responding to all your hard work!

    Ruth, PS, love the hide the car strategy! I strongly suggest it...however in Mom's little town they call the Cops if they don't see her! I think taking a day for yourself IS a big step in taking care of your "poor old body". I know watching my Mom, it is very hard to find the balance between "service to the community" and self preservation.

    Karen, great news that you're incorporating some new exercise. I have some thoughts I'll get back with you on; perhaps not until Monday after Kirk has departed.

    Cyndi, I wish you were closer for bike riding, too. You and Karen! I'm glad you have the opportunity to decompress! I look forward to hearing of your travels!

    Twynn, ouch! for DD, but really good to get the real story. It seems that helping her to work on new relationships is the best thing. I hope you all have fun tonight.

    Tammie, You'll do fine-hope you checked for boogers.

    I just have 90 min before I head out to evaluate. I think barring any unknown strange behavior that Bing and I will pass. My little doll boy! I'll let you know!
  • Morning ladies!
    Look who is up early! I am! On a weekend too, no doubt!

    Its a big day for my momma today. They're doing the ribbon cutting for this beautiful reading garden area at the library she works at. It was mostly her idea and I can tell she's very excited for it so dadda and I are heading out there in a little to go support her and check out the garden. Its really going to be a great space for outdoor concerts and programs, as well as just lounging around.

    In other news, my best friend comes home from college today! I feel like a five year old, I am so excited. I miss her loads and we've actually gotten closer since we've gone away. I think we appreciate one another even more now.

    Hope you all have WONDERFUl weekends!
  • Good Morning Chicks:

    Thank you Ruth for fixing me up. So happy to be back.
    I have a busy day today. But I wanted to pop in and say a big HELLO to everyone.
  • Hello everyone,

    I'm new here, although kind of a past "old hand" at support boards. I'm circling the idea of starting South Beach. You know, eyeing the book, thinking I should, sort of doing it, sort of not. I just moved to a new state and my life is pretty much up in the air so stress eating has been rearing its ugly head. I have been without furniture due to a vanline snafu for over 2 weeks now, sleeping on a pad on the floor. Finally broke down and got an air mattress. (It took me this long because I kept thinking "furniture=soon".)

    This looks like a friendly group so I'll wave and watch and jump in from time to time.

    South Beach is very, very close to a diet I devised for myself about 10 years ago with very good success (and obviously I left it behind).