I'm hoping more support will make the difference

  • Hi -

    I've gone from 140 to 260 over the last four years (height 5'4''). I'm bipolar and have to take medicine that makes me feel lazy and crave carbs- the weight gain started after I started that medicine. (just posted over in the depression section). There was also a period where I had untreated gastritis, and I was interpreting heartburn as hunger pangs - probably gained 30 lbs that way!

    So I've had a bunch of factors contributing to weight gain, not to mention that for part of that time I was finishing up in graduate school, which is so stressful! Over the past few years I alternate between wanting to lose weight and essentially "giving up" and feeling like there's nothing I can do with all these obstacles. Or, I'll lose a few pounds and then give myself permission to loosen up my regimen again - and then its all downhill.

    I'm now in a position where I have good insurance, and I saw on my benefits that they would pay for 6 visits with a nutritionist per year. I scheduled an appointment at a women's health center in the city, and went to the appointment last weekend, with my husband (the chef). I learned alot about what counts as a portion, and my first goal is to bring in food and healthy snacks to work rather than going to the food carts. When I was done with the appt and checking out, the administrator at the front desk said that my insurance would pay for their whole weight loss package. With trepidation I signed up. In two weeks I have a fitness assessment, meeting with their psychologist, and a meeting with the doctor. The fitness assessment is really scaring me - can't I just tell them my fitness level is 0?

    So far I've been pretty successful with avoiding the food trucks, and eating healthy snacks at work keeps me from binging when I get home. But I still have a really hard time getting to the gym, even though its just down the hall in our apartment building! I've gotten at least one extra workout in since I discovered this site a few days ago, though - I was so inspired by everyone's success.

    Anyway, this has gotten long - mostly I just want to say hi!

  • Hi Grace and welcome! You've found great place for support. I did a similar weight gain thing, but in about 6 months when I quit smoking. Got that under control and have been smoke-free for over a year and 1/2 and decided it is time to get the extra weight off. There are tons of ideas, suggestions, recipes, people here...all wonderful, even just to read sometimes. When you feel like giving up, come here and just read the success stories, or post for a cheering up or a hug and it will be forthcoming in short order.


  • Keep coming back!!
  • Welcome! So glad you found the site and jumped right in. Keep coming back because there is so much good information available here. You can do this!
  • Welcome, good luck on your goals.

    I encourage you to actively own each and every decision you make in regards to both nutrition and exercise. Both good and bad.

    I travel a ton for work and used it as a major excuse for my weight. How could I be expected to eat right and exercise while working 12 hour days and eating at nice restaurants on expense account all the time?

    Wrong answer, I choose ever day, every decision that I make. I can try to structure my environment to make decisions and success easier (read no blue bell in the kitchen), but I still own it.

    Sounds like you are taking some right steps and have some gifts to help you get started that many on here would love to have. Take ownership of it and run!
  • Thanks for the support, everyone! I think it is going to be really helpful in terms of keeping me going.

    Randomcards: I know what you mean. So many people gain weight on Risperdal, and my doctors seemed so unsurprised by what happened, that I think I felt like they had almost given me "permission" to eat whatever and gain weight. I was expected to gain weight, so why not let it happen?

    I'm not denying that the medication causes a problem, and I'm not saying that there was anything different my doctors should have done - but I think the attitude I had really wasn't helping. This is something I'm really trying to rethink. Even though I have this major obstacle, I also have some major advantages. As you say, many people would be thrilled to have the kind of support system my insurance will pay for, and I think that was one thing that really got me to finally make the appointments.

    I want to lose weight, and I want to eat more healthfully, and I want to be active, I feel ready for all of this. But reaching out for support can be frightening too. For so long I've kept my eating and my exercise private, because I was embarrassed about it, and now I'm sharing it in detail with health professionals and (very nice!) people on the internet. It's terrifying to me, and yet I know deep down that this is the best and possibly only way for me to move forward.
  • Hello and welcome! I'm new here too and I think this forum has really provided me with alot of strength. Everytime I want to eat something when I'm really not hungry I think of how everyone here is struggling with the same problems and how those successful ones fought against their temptations every single day. I want to be like them, and I hope you'll be like them too.

    It must have been a difficult journey for you prior to this, and I admire you for your courage to do something about it! =)