Wonderful Weekend Wishes

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  • Three more weekend before the big one and I'm feeling OK about the whole thing. I hope you are too. I sometimes think they should move Christmas to February to split up the winter as there always seems to be a January let-down.

    The doggage are spending the day at the spa collecting their free bath and I am off to the Health Centre with my load of pastry to spend the day making meat pies. I hope the quilting biddies are in a working mood rather than a chatty one so we can get the job done fast. Folks will be arriving to pick up their pies by 1 PM so...... At last count, there were 218 orders so half the township will be eating meat pie for supper. Not me - they are deadly but I will pop two or three into the freezer for holiday entertaining!

    I'm hoping for a nice soak in the tub later this afternoon before I get dressed up for another dinner party. So far, I'm holding my own but will be glad when tomorrow's afternoon open house is behind me. Five foodie events in a row is way too much.

    So what's a-happening around you? Try to "take a moment".
  • Good morning Ruth Rum cake at the gym and meat pies at the Health Centre?! I'm starting to wonder about that town of yours. Good luck with your remaining foodie events. It is a tough time of year.

    Not much time this morning because I'm off to Boston to see the Nutcracker DD called last night and we are both very excited. She told me I could call her even at 6 AM if I needed help getting there. Since I'm only making my way to the coffee pot that early it was easy I'm spending the night and, of course, the first snow storm of the season is tonight. Apparently all of MA. is under a winter storm warning. Of course. I never put my snows on this week because the forecast looked good and I get much better mileage without them. Ah well, I'll just wait until the temp goes above freezing before driving home.

    I'm going to stick to plan as much as possible but the Holiday Challenge is a loss today. We will eat at odd times because of the show. I'm sure there will be plenty of walking (in the rain) so exercise will get done. There will also be wine tonight (wonder where she got that from?!)

    Tomorrow night I'm off for a glass of wine with my best friend. She was sounding rather sad and frazzled yesterday so I suggested going out even though I'll just be home. It will just be the two of us so will be relaxing.

    Have a lovely weekend whatever your plans. I'll try to stop in tomorrow afternoon.
  • Morning all! Really missed you all this week!
    Crazy week with work and kids at school driving me nuts and thankful for the weekend.

    Started snowing about 10 last night. 2 years straight of snow in LA...wow. brrrr!
    Went out to eat some gumbo last night and got the stuff to make split pea soup and turkey chili.
    Don't plan on leaving the house all weekend.
  • Happy weekend!

    Ruth, I hope you manage to fit your hot soak in the tub into your busy day. How's that earache and sore throat? Are you feeling better?

    Cyndi, have a safe drive to Boston, and be careful! It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful time. Sorry to skip out on the wine-fest last night, my SIL called to chat and we ended up talking on the phone for over an hour.

    We're getting ready to go out for breakfast, groceries and shopping before heading home to put up the Christmas trees and decorate the house. I went out shopping yesterday and found some terrific bargains and was able to cross several names off my list. I'm really into the Christmas mode now! We're expecting several inches of snow tonight, so Jake wants to get the outside of the house decorated before it starts.
    Tomorow we're going into the city to the Christkindl Market, and I'm looking forward to that.

    Good morning, Cat! Snow in Louisiana is a new concept to me. Did it actually cover the ground? Split pea soup sounds wonderful for a cold, wintry day, enjoy!
  • Good Morning!

    What a day you've got planned, Ruth. My mouth is watering at the thought of those meat pies. I'd have a hard time staying away from them - I love them, but thankfully I'm usually too lazy to make them.

    Cyndi, your comment about Ruth's town made me smile.
    Have a safe trip - I don't envy you driving in Boston, especially in wintry weather, but it sounds like you and your daughter are going to have such a great time.

    Cat, it's been that kind of week in my classroom, too, and we've still got weeks to go til Christmas. lol
    I heard about the snowy mess down your way. It snowed once while we lived at Fort Polk (1983). There was just a dusting of snow but there were so many car accidents and other problems.... I'm glad you're able to stay in all weekend.

    Sounds like you've got a busy day planned today too, Cottage! Enjoy your breakfast!

    We've got snow on the way, too. I'm hoping for more rather than less - if we're going to have cold weather and the inconveniences that go along with it I want some of the white stuff around to play in.

    I need to do some shopping this morning and finish up the last minute details for the church Kids' Christmas party today. (The party is tomorrow afternoon and I'm hoping the snow won't affect the turn out.) Otherwise, my day is my own. I've got a lazy afternoon planned, a little bit of laundry and light housework with lots of time on the couch with the dog and a new Ted Dekker novel.
  • Good morning

    Ruth, are those tourtieres you are making with mince pork? A must here for Christmas Eve, tradition from my upbring in Quebec. DH would love one right now. Sorry you are a bit too far from here.

    Cyndi - you sound just as excited as your DD. Have a wonderful safe trip.

    Femme - snow is no fun if people have no winter tires and experience driving in the snow.

    Cottage - your weekend sounds great.

    Heidi -Enjoy the snow and hope the kids don't stay away for the Christmas party.

    Kara - good idea to get the homework over so that Connor and you can enjoy your weekend.

    me - I guess I work well under pressure. Decorating today and hopefully baking. I don't have any social events planned this Christmas. We were invited to a luncheon at a sushi place but DH went alone. I love sushi but the last few times just didn't feel great. Just planning the holidays for the family and this year I plan on brining the Turkey.
    take care
    p.s. my daughter is in Calgary and the airport has been shut down for two days now.
  • Good Morning

    Hi Ruth. I'm really hoping that hanging out with all you fun chicks will help me avoid the January let-down this year. As cold as it's been here, I'm already day dreaming of gardening and Spring. The massive cooking projects your villiage participates in always intrigue me. I would probably buy a meat pie just to feel I was participating because I sure couldn't make one! Have a great day!

    Cyndi, be safe and have fun!

    Cat, I'm constantly amazed at your weather variations. Hope your stay at home weekend recharges your battery. I'm not around kids much, but I'll guess that each week before Christmas will get crazier.

    Cottage, enjoy your Saturday morning breakfast routine as well as your festivities at home getting everything decorated. The market tomorrow sounds wonderful. I'm impressed at your success crossing names off Santas list!

    Heidi, love the snowball fight! Thanks! Enjoy your lazy afternoon. You deserve your time on the couch with poochie and book. Congrats! I see the scale has dipped again!

    Sophie, I hope your DD gets out of Calgary. I think it must really be cold there. Enjoy your day at home. I wonder what you are baking. Hope its delightful..

    I've been putzing around. I'm working on the refrigerator this AM cleaning shelves from the top down and cooking up some "consolidated" turkey soup I just pitched in the leftover split pea soup and a bit of chili. I think I'll keep going. We're going out early to try to scan some old photos onto a CD and hopefully I can find a top to wear to the hospital bash tonight. They have a professional photographer for a sit down so I'd like to wear something that fits instead of last years baggy stuff. Tomorrow is potluck at church and I've committed to providing a healthy meal to a family in need. I think I'll make a crockpot split pea cauliflower curry, a nice salad with WW bread and a bag of dried peaches since they don't want desserts. Thanks to SB, cooking healthy is easy.

    Have a great day everyone! I'll be back to check in.
  • Good morning, I gotta run but just want to continue to be accountable and pop in. Gotta clean the house and then off to a friend's who is auctioning off her farm today and then we are going to "Christmas Magic" in St. Louis.

    Have fun everyone and Cyndi be careful driving back tomorrow.
  • Good morning! This is early for me, but I'm a slacker compared to the rest of you!

    Cyndi, I hope you enjoy "Nutcracker"! Students from the school whre I teach are preparing the dances from the second act for the end of term performance in a couple of weeks, so I get to listen to the music all day!

    I don't celebrate Christmas, but am very happy to hear others' stories and see the decorations. We just had the national Christmas tree lit in Washington -- the official sign that it's Christmas season, for me.

    This past week has ben hectic (why I didn't post) because I had to give major tests in each of the 5 classes I teach last week, and grade them of course and next week we have final exams, so I'm buried in paper and ink. Not the same as having a garden
  • Hi all! Getting ready for Tom's work party at a castle this evening. Haven't been on plan today. Will be better tomorrow! Promise!!!
  • Happy Saturday night Ladies! Its my friday and I actually went to the gym after work even though I wasn't feeling it! Worked it for 45 minutes! Gettin back in the groove!

    Ruth- thats some super you need! too many food events start to get to me! I can handle one but temptation after temptation I often cave! Thats a lot of orders to fill! you sure are a busy lady! even more so around the holidays!

    LOL @ Cyndi! Im wondering about that town of Ruth's too! I hope the nutcracker was great! I am sure it was! Enjoy your time with DD!

    Cat- I can't believe you got snow again! Geez. Where is MY snow?! My hometown about an hour east had 3 inches, 50 miles to the west where I am NOTHING. I shouldn't complain I suppose ;0)

    Cottage- I think your Christmas spirit is motivating me now too! I think I may have to cross some names off my list tomorrow too!

    Heidi- I hope you enjoy your reading time! I know its precious when I can find it~!

    Sophie- Hope your DD has luck at the airport soon! I am with you on the under pressure thing!

    like to wear something that fits instead of last years baggy stuff
    you go girl! I hope I can be saying that next Christmas! Just wanted to say how motivating and FABulous you are! WTG on all of your weightloss and NSVs this year! I recently read something you wrote about finally getting it, the keys to your success- It really helped me to think and figure out what I needed to do to get back on the right path,so Thank you!

    Pearl, Xan-

    Kara- a castle huh? I cant wait to hear details! Wish I could have posted earlier I would have said to take pics!

    ME- Lots of holiday stuff going on- opted out of a party tonight but the next weekends actually through the new year- are booked. Not a ton of foodie stuff, but enough. the main one I am preparing for so I know I can make several sides good for me ;0).. I am really sore from the gym, but in a good way! Need to get my ipod updated though. been over a year so no new tunes on there! Time to get up to date on some things in my life other than diet and exercise too! I should be pretty busy tomorrow- DH is in a new band and has a photo shoot next week so I get to play dress up with my DH. LOL... oh he's gonna be hot! lol
  • Happy Sunday everyone!
    The snow didn't last too long.......it was pretty much all melted by noon.
    Went to go check out that stove I wanted again and found out I couldn't get it. Since it is a professional one, I couldn't put it in my house or my insurance would be cancelled. So, I'm on the lookout for a "home" stove. Think I found the one I want (Bosch) and they carry it at Lowe's and Sears, but of course neither had one in stock and could order it. I want to see it in person first, so that means I'll have to go to N.O. or Baton Rouge to see it first.

    Nothing fun happening today. Just cooking chili and working on school stuff. I have to find something fun to do soon...I'm starting to get cabin fever!!
  • Good morning,

    Woke up at 5 a.m. couldn't sleep anymore so decided to get up and enjoy the quiet time.

    Ruth- I hope you got all the meat pies done and you got to have your soak in the tub last evening.

    Cyndi- can't wait to hear how the play went and again please be careful driving home.

    Cat- wow you got snow again? You got snow before we have but jeesh the temperatures sure are cold. This week was crazy Tuesday's high was 60 and then Wednesday we plunged into the highs of 30s and have stayed there. That transition always kills me, it is not gently. LOL

    Cottage- I am with you, got to scratch a few more names off my list. I am actually done to 2 people left and have everything done. Now I just need to wrap the ones I have, I unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at have no relatives near us- so I shipped all of my nieces and nephews presents directly from the stores to them. I just have the ones to take with Texas to wrap.

    Heidi- hope your church Christmas party goes well and has a good showing.

    Sophie- Did you get all of your decorating and baking done yesterday? I have to bake something Monday night for Tuesday at work and then Thursday night have to bake cookies to take to the community playhouse, they share cookies and cider with the audience after the play is done.

    Debbie- Were you able to find a nice shirt for your party? I will be happy when I can fit back into my pretty christmas dresses that are still hanging in my closet- two sizes to go and I will get there- hopefully next Christmas. That is so nice of you to provide a meal and a healthy one at that.

    Xan hang in there with all the exams and grading of papers. Will be done soon and then you can relax some. You do get a Christmas break right?

    Kara you will have to tell us all about the party in the castle sounds like so much fun.

    Rikki- way to go going to the gym yesterday after work. Have fun playing dress up

    As for today- we are going to church this morning and then going to get our Christmas family picture made. Then DD2 has play practice this evening. Yesterday eating was pretty good and portion control was great so I felt better there, hoping for a repeat there. Did a ton of walking at the Christmas Magic in St. Louis as well.

    Have a great day everyone off to get a cup of tea to start my morning
  • Running late but will try to post later. Happy Sunday!
  • Good morning!

    Where are you off to so early this morning, Ruth? I know church doesn't start until around 10. Got a breakfast date?

    We had just enough snow to cover the ground and make pretty. I don't expect it to last through the day, though. Jake is hoping he can get the outside decorations and lights up this morning since it was too wet to do it yesterday. We're taking the train into the city this afternoon with Dustin, Andrea and the grandkids and meeting up with Monica, Caite and Carley to go to the Chriskindl Mart. It's a replica of a German village with lots of booths selling Christmas gifts and trinkets and German foods. I have fond memories of going to the Christkindl Mart when we lived in Germany, so I hope it's just as fun.