Weekly Chat Sept 15-21

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  • It's after midnight...so officially Monday, right?

    Well, this weekend was blah... Chinese food on Saturday, Church picnic on Sunday...and to top it off, no workout. Since my school started, I've been having difficult time with it because I use all my time while my DD is taking a nap towards the school homework and have no time to work out.

    I'm really going to try to get back on the wagon as I feel like I've been stuck in 170's forever. So how was your weekend...?
  • hi there im zel may i join?
    week end has been good.
    I went one hour training on saturday my thighs ache SOOO bad i dont know how to get rid of the pain in time for my session on tuesday!

    and workout is essential eh? how long have you been stuck in 170s for?
  • i feel like ive been 135 for ever!....
    my friday/saturday nights were both rubbish....
    but yesterday was good....
    plent of exercise - double yesterday to make up for the rubbish food days (?!)....
    bring on the eating plan and the loss i might encounter this week....
    ive lost 2.7lb so far this month....
    another 3.3lb to hit my 6lb target....

    come on girlies lets all loose this week....
    motivation, determination, routine....
    bring it on!....
  • Zelzel, it's been about a month now. I have been losing about 7 pounds per month so far...and quite less this month. I think it's it's lack of my exercise really... Oh well. Past is past, and I'm moving forward. That's what matters, I guess.

    sh3l5, I agree on motivation, determination, and routine! And I did hear that lower we get, harder and longer it will take to shed the weight. 61 lbs! Wow! That's AWESOME!!! and we are the same height!
  • its been officially monday for me for nealy 20 hours now. I was stuck in the 170s for about 2 months, i know it sucks I never want to see that number ever again lol. But you can break through, just keep going!

    Ugh this week i really want to get back to the gym after being sick. Coughs always take forever to go away, so im going to wait until wednesday and see how i feel. I feel so sluggish without going and my eating is always worse on days when i dont work out for some reason
  • Hi Everyone!

    I had a great weekend food wise. I am really proud of myself. Exercised longer than normal yesterday and found myself capable of pushing myself farther than I was. And for the big news.....

    I am down 1.5 pounds!!! Since I only weigh in on Mondays, this is my first 3FC weight loss.

    "I'd like to thank God, my husband, my girls at 3FC..." Oops sorry! I thought I was getting an Oscar! J/K
  • Morning! I hate Mondays. Except I stick to my routine much better when I'm at work.

    Weekend was OK, food-wise. I did get in a good workout on Sunday. I think I'm gonna be in trouble for my first Biggest Loser weigh-in, though.

    I went to the Red Sox game on Saturday, and had AMAZING seats, although it was the one game out of 4 this weekend that they managed to lose...

    I'm officially back on track (I think... ), so here's to a great, on-plan week!
  • Today was official weighin and it said I gained 3 lbs. What a lying piece of crap. There is no way I could have gained bc I stayed on program. I hate the scale. HATE HATE HATE! It makes my whole day start crappy. I should have just had that hamburger I was craving yesterday Haha. Ok not really. Le Sigh.

    Things are pretty crazy at the office this morning as well and I don't want to be here. Hope you all have a better day than mine is at the moment.
  • Yay! Back to mondays! I love mondays only because I get to stay busy and I eat SO MUCH BETTER. My weekend was horrible and I am not even gonna talk about it...I don't even want to go see my trainer I feel so bloated but I know I gotta.

    Maybe we should start a weekend challenge thread? Anyone have any ideas on that?
  • I didn't do too bad this weekend...I went out to eat on Saturday but only had a piece of cheesecake. I really didn't binge at all this weekend...and that's only because I STILL don't have a working refrigerator. I know I've been eating too many carbs though, unfortunately, bread and crackers are about the only things I can keep in my house right now. I miss salads.
  • Hey all,

    I've been missing from the weekly chats for the last couple of weeks. I've slowly been getting better with my eating, though there is lots of room for improvement. I'm definately realizing that I eat when I'm bored. I need to start occupying my time so that I stay away from food. I have lots I can do, I'm sooooooooooo far behind in this distance studies course I'm taking. But when I study I want to eat!

    So I completed my second week of bootcamp and I'm enjoying it. I don't find the weight portiton overly challenging. I think I need more than 5lbs weights. This past friday we did a trail run and my knees and shin splints were so bad I was in tears. I have no idea what to do about them. Physio hasn't done a thing to help me knee and nothing seems to help my shin splints. I've always wanted to be a runner and I don't think that I ever will be able too. Any suggestions/encourgement?

    My week sucks, I'm out of town everyday this week. I'm so worried about eating. I'm thinking of just sticking to subway for the the entire week, I know if I go anywhere else I'm going to be tempted to have something I shouldn't.

    It's good to be back and hopefully, by posting on here this week I can keep myself accountable.
  • Quote: Maybe we should start a weekend challenge thread? Anyone have any ideas on that?
    I think that's a really good idea. What should the actual challenge be? I'm not good at coming up with things like that.

    Somebody brought Munchkins to work today, and I only had one. I thought that was really good, but then I discovered that 1 plain munchkin has 58 calories! Good lord.

    I'm thinking about going vegan (I'm already vegetarian), just to give it a shot. I need to change something up to get through this plateau, that's for sure. I also need to start strength training again. Thinking about maybe joining some of the group classes at my gym as well.
  • Heya Everyone!!!

    I need to start posting again for some accountability.

    Targetingthin - Don't worry keep working and soon you'll be getting over that plateau. It can be tough to squeeze in workouts when you're super busy. Do you have any home workout tapes or something? IF you watch TV, try doing some pushups/squats/sit ups or jumping jacks or something during commercials... Even small 10min workouts here and there add up...

    Zelzel - Welcome!

    sh315 - Hey it might only be 2.6lbs, but it's still 2.6lbs down! Maybe you're gaining some muscle? you never know... Somethings loss slows down, but at least it's going down.

    just keep swimming - Oh well, weekends are always hard food wise (at least for me)... As for the going vegan thing, um, don't do it, unless you are prepared to spend a LOT of time planning out very balanced meals. I think veganism can be done in a healthy way, but it takes a lot of work (I'm a vegetarian myself also). As a diet tool, I don't think it's necessarily the best idea.

    shantroy - That sucks. Knee problems and shin splints? I wish I knew more about what you could do to fix that... Some "injuries" just can't be changed. I know my mom has some major foot problems and she can't run anymore. And my friend has a habit of twisting her ankle very seriously, so she doesn't do many sports where she might hurt it. Sorry, I'm not very encouraging am I? But you're still getting out and doing stuff, so that's amazing! Keep it up!

    mojolove - Don't let the scale dictate your day! And don't let it bring you down. It's just a number, sometimes it's related to your salt intake or your water intake, or sometimes it's just completely randome! Stick on plan and maybe you'll see a giant leap down soon!

    As for me, things are okay. I'm at a new university and I'm loving it. I'm pretty busy, but not with school stuff yet. Hopefully soon I'll be super busy! I like being a busy busy bee.

    I'm working out and eating okay, so hopefully I can keep it up. I keep worrying that I'm going to gain weight. I don't want to measure or step on a scale incase it's higher than what I was last time I weighed in/measured. That's silly b/c it's good to keep an eye on that, so I don't backslide, but I just...can't? What do you think? Should I just do it?
  • Good monday all! I love mondays, or any work day for that matter because of the structure, it helps me behave myself! This weekend was not as disasterous as it could have been. I worked out on friday night and saturday afternoon. Saturday morning I helped with a health fair and got around to alot of the booths.
    Sunday I did not work out, its my day of rest *snark*. I got bullied into going to brunch with my grandparents but the restaurant we went to had some low cal menu options...although when my meal arrived it had three times the amount of cottage cheese (tasted full fat too) I'd normally eat. But, managed to still lose about 1/2 a lbs over the weekend.
    This week is going to be strange at work. I may up and quit. Its no secret alot of us are discontent and looking for new jobs elsewhere. But we may stage a full on walk out.
  • I'm STARVING! And I don't know why. Oatmeal at 5am and a apple at 10am. It's not even noon here yet and I could eat a fried horse...wtih honey BBQ sauce.