Do you eat APs and Flex?

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  • I'm back on WW. I did BFL but the free day thing is becoming "not realistic" I've lost 40 pounds in 14 weeks on this program. I love love love it, but need something more stable.

    I want to incorporate every point given to me, like the wendie, but my own plan.

    do you eat ALL points or just your targer?
  • I eat almost all of my FP every single week, but I do not use my AP.
  • I use all my AP, and between 20-35 FPs.

    I have to admit though I don't earn many APs right now
  • What is AP again? I'm assuming it's the points I'm supposed to use?

    I usually use all of those, plus about 15-20 flex points, each week.

  • AP = activity points, the ones you earn from exercise.

    The ones you're supposed to always use are called various things but I think we generally say 'base' points or 'target' points or something.
  • I don't use my APs either, but I generally eat all my FPs and often a few more than the 35 we're given... so I suppose maybe I do sort of eat my APs too, I just don't keep track of them.
  • I use them ALL, and usually then some (oops!)!!
    I think it really depends on what you're comfortable with. I know it's not the best answer, but after weeks and weeks on WW, you'll begin to see patterns of when you lose and when you don't, and those will typically correspond to how many points you've been eating. I know that waiting weeks and weeks (and probably even more) for a good answer isn't ideal, but this is really a lifelong journey, and it's also pretty personal. So I would say just be in tune to what works for your own body.
    Good luck!!
  • Quote: AP = activity points, the ones you earn from exercise.

    The ones you're supposed to always use are called various things but I think we generally say 'base' points or 'target' points or something.
    Oh! Duh, lol.

    In that case, if I've managed to get some exercise in, I don't usually use the APs. Every once in a while, maybe.

    It's kind of confusing to me...are we SUPPOSED to use APs if we earn them?

  • no you are not "supposed" to eat AP or Flex points either! They are there if you need them or want them but not mandatory! the only mandatory must eat points are your daily target points
  • I knew the flex points are there for...flexibility. Just wasn't sure if you get the activity points, if they're supposed to be used. Thanks!

    I usually tap into my flex points a little each day. On a couple occasions, the APs have kept me from having to tap into the flex points.

  • I have found it is hard for me to use my Daily points, I dont even touch my FP or my AP. I should start to use a few AP but as of yet i have not.
    I figure if i dont use them then it will lead to a better weight loss for the week!!

  • Hey Everyone!

    I try to eat ALL my daily points and even if I go over by a few I don't really give it much thought because we have 35 extra points per week.

    I'm really scared to under eat and go below points. In my case, I don't have THAT many to start with and if I train my body to lose at lets say 18, then I'm in big trouble when I have to lower my point intake.

    I know there are mixed emotions about the whole points thing but IMO I think its better to stick as closely as possible to what your given!
  • I typically eat all my points throughout the course of the week - target, flex, and AP. AP can only be used on the day they are earned. If you use the online tools, when you go over your target points, they take away from any earned AP's for that day before they debit the flex points.

    So far so good.
  • Is it bad to not use APs or Flex points? I try not to use either, but every blue moon, I'll use a few flex points. I'm scared of using them, I guess, I don't want to become dependent on them.
  • It is not "bad" there is no judgment about it, it is all up to you, and as the ladies here told me when I asked, it is all a matter of what your body gets used to. If you can eat MORE and still lose why wouldn't you? They are there for you to use so your diet does not feel ultra strict or deprivational. Life happens and special eating events come along, etc. they are there if you need them. Personally, I use most of them every week. Here's the old thread from when I asked the same question way back in February.... (was that only 3 months ago?)

    Lots of wisdom from these folks here! Good strength for your efforts!