When will you not be OBESE anymore?

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  • Well, here I am actually slightly happy about my weight. See, let me explain...

    I'm 5'1 and started at a hefty 214. I'm now down to 187, (was 184 before the holidays!)

    In my mind I want to get down to about 140. Even on my small frame I think I'll still look pretty good.

    Well, I checked out the BMI calculator and I need to get down to 158 before I'm technically not considered obese anymore. To think, less than 30 pounds away and I won't be called OBESE anymore! I can't even remember the last time that was true, I think I was in 5th grade!

    So, yes my goal is still 140, but for now my eye is on the prize of only being 'slightly overweight'. 158 here I come!
  • Oh, BTW, I've already dropped from MORBIDLY OBESE down to SEVERELY OBESE. LOL. LIke that really makes it sound any better.......
  • For me, I have to get down to 179 to be technically considered just 'overweight'. My goal is 150 which is still 'technically' overweight but that's the weight where I think I will be healthy, toned, but with my much-loved curves.
  • I did another calculation and just discovered that if I get down to 149, that would be considered my 'normal' weight! LOL 1 lb!
  • I had no idea what my BMI was until i saw this post.. at the moment it is 52.6... for me to be considered just 'overweight', if i understand it right, it needs to be 29.9 or lower.. for that to happen i need to lose 129 lbs.. i was planning on losing 18 lbs more than that anyhow, but my gosh i have a long time till im just 'overweight' .. i best get hoppin lol
  • BMI is a helpful tool -- and you better believe I cheered when I made it to just "obese" and then "overweight"! But, it is a basic tool that only considers height and weight... not fitness, or health, or muscle mass. Many athletes with a lot of muscle are obese by BMI standards! I had a period of three months when I started lifting weight more seriously when my weight didn't changed but I went down a clothing size. I lost fat but gained muscle but BMI didn't change.

    So, don't overly fret about the BMI, especially as you get closer to goal I think it's less meaningful..
  • For me to not be obese I need to get to 174. For me to not be overweight I need to hit 145 and that's the high end of normal. My goal right now is 150. So I guess I'll still be considered overweight. I'll reevaluate once I get there but that's how the numbers look.
  • Holy cow. I should be from 108-142 to be "normal". That seems low to me. Wow!
  • My current goal weight is set to be no longer obese then I will re-evaluate. I think the lowest I will go will be the high end of normal - I've never been as low as that all my adult life. I moved from morbidly obese to just obese a couple of weeks back for the first time in 8 years.

  • At 180, I will be overweight. The lowest I've ever been is 135 but I am shooting for 114.5
  • I get dangerously close to obese - but I have a lot of muscle from 2 years of weight training. At the moment I am still in the overweight category. I think I have to be 145 or less to be considered "normal".
  • Gina - like Heather mentioned, if you have a lot of muscle mass then don't worry about your BMI number, because it's probably skewed. You seem to be doing amazing, congrats!
  • Thanks - you ain't doin so bad yerself.
  • FoodObsessed - 114.5 pounds on a 5'6" tall woman? That seems kinda low.
  • FoodObsessed--yeah, according to the BMI charts, that's pretty close to underweight. Do you have small bones?
