Lift and Chat! December1 - December 15, 2007

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  • How did it get to be DECEMBER already?

    Anybody done their first workout of the month? My Saturday morning clients all either canceled or shuffled their times, so I actually slept in on a Saturday morning! It happens every year- I used to get really annoyed that people cancel so much between Thanskgiving and New Years when they need to be working harder and really paying attention to food and exercise, but that's just the way it goes and those who will do, and those who don't make the time regret it in January

    I've got one client at noon and my own leg workout. The rest of the day will be spent putting together my new elliptical. We picked it up last night in Delaware and drove SLOWLY home with a foot and a half of it hanging out the back of my evil gas sucking SUV. It's heavy! 250 pounds of elliptical! Getting it back out of the car without the hunky guy from the store was exciting.

    Then I need to do some much needed grocery shopping. We are down to cottage cheese, yogurt and eggs. Not a veggie in sight!

    And I need to face reality now that the calendar has flipped and start some holiday shopping and shipping!

  • Wow Mel, have fun. You are braver than I. We had them deliver and assemble our elliptical. We even had them come and move it for us when we moved, which was a good thing because our regular house movers were good but I didn't want them messing with my elliptical (well especially since it was being moved from a 4th floor apartment).

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I'm actually going to stop weighing myself on the scale soon. Not sure when, its a major addiction But I think I need to not see the change from the 200s to the 100s if it happens before Christmas.

    I'm about to go do my workout, I was just procrastinating, a little bit. Plus I'm a bit annoyed at Sears, they didn't have my selecttech weights when they told me they did. I have to call them and figure out if I really want them afterall.

    Edited to add -
    Decided not to do the leg workout this morning, I'll do it later tonight. I did do a walk run for approximately 2 miles with my pup. Uhh I swear I am broken. I don't know what my heart rate was but I basically ran until my chest was on fire or legs gave out, then I'd walk briskly. All during this, I was panting but not sweating. Maybe because it was 30 degrees outside Who knows. Anyway, I did the walk/run for about 1.5 miles, then I sat down at a sitting area by the lake (part of the walk/run was around a lake) to do some tricks with Maggie. She has her final exam today for obedience class so I wanted to do some outdoor cram session. Anyway, after sitting for 10 minutes, I got up and tried to run again and my legs told me they weren't doing it so we walked briskly for the last half mile or so home.
  • all!!!

    Sadly, I haven't gotten in my first workout of the month. I had class today, bummer, yes, I know.

    Also, the weather is horrible out, so just mainly studying for me tonight. OH the joy!

    Plus, I'm aching from my leg day, which was Wed. It's horrible, not that good pain, but doesn't feel like I pulled anything, I just believe it was a little too intense. Oh well, i'll be back at it tomorrow.
  • First cardio in this morning - but no weights today.

    Nelie - I'd have times like that when I was running. But the brisk walk will still help.
  • Nelie- I always had problems running when the weather changes.
    Leg workout done, and the elliptical is built...ah, it's wonderful! I told dh to just put a bow on it on Christmas

  • No, I have to admit, I have not had a December workout yet! Admittedly, weekends are not my best time, now that the weather has gotten so cold. I think I need to get back to some basics with some dumbells or find a good weekend class at the gym. There is a location near my home but I've actually never been.

    I have small but realistic goals for December. I want to continue to workout as I have been, eat well at every opportunity and enjoy myself a few times too! I know December is full of chocolates and dinners and work functions and I know that it can be hard. My goal is to simply not gain any weight. And I think it's completely doable.

    Good job to all of you that have already got in your December workouts!

    Nelie - I sympathize with the scale addiction. I know that mostly, it keeps me on track, but occasionally I have to step away for a few days. It affects my moods much more than I think it should so I have been able to keep away, but not for more than a few days at most! And good for you for even trying to run outside. I wanted to think that I could keep running as long as the roads were dry but nope...not a fan of the cold! I'm doing minimal running on the treadmill this winter. It is mind numbingly boring after you've run outside. I'm doing what I hope is just enough to allow me to get right back to my 5k's in the spring.

    I could actually end up getting some serious exercise tomorrow if we end up with the snow that they're predicting. I'm still hoping it's more rain than snow.

  • Morning all,

    My legs are sore today. I don't know if it was the running yesterday, or the walking lunges after running, or my new toy, the kettlebell but my legs hurt. I think I am in love with the kettlebell, it is pretty interesting and is harder than I thought it would be.

    Not much else going on here today. Hope everyone is doing well
  • nelie- I updated the Kettle Bell sticky with another site if you need more ideas. The initial one seems to be sales only at this point. I love working with kettle bells, but have a lump on my forearm that I think is permanent from a deep, deep bruise. Be careful!

    The new elliptical is wonderful!

    Gym at lunch- working chest mostly. Today will be plyometric pushups and presses ( lightly load a smith bar and "toss it"-- set the safeties!!!! Then standing flies on the funtional trainers. One armed flies on a stability ball using a low cable with one foot on a medicine ball

  • This is me if attempting Mel's workout today followed by after coming-to. Mel, those devil's horns are RIGHT!
  • I am scared of Mel's workout too

    I am glad you are enjoying your elliptical Mel.

    Although it'll be a while, sometime next year, we are thinking about getting a weight system. I definitely want something that has some type of smith machine functionality. We saw an interesting system at Dick's the other day that had a section for doing squats but it was limited in that you can only do leg presses. DH liked it but I told him it'd be nice to be able to do squats and lunges.

    My legs are still sore today. I can barely move. I do like my kettlebells a lot and thanks Mel for the links. I think I do need to get a wrist guard or something though.
  • I'd love to work out with Mel! Her routines would kick my a** ... but in a good way.

    My workouts are boring by comparison. This morning was chest/ab day, which merely consisted of flat bench alternated with Roman Chair situps, weighted dips, incline bench alternated with incline situps, and French press alternated with air squats. No PRs to report, but I did crank out one more rep on all three sets of flat bench.

    I need to hit the gym hard for the next couple of weeks, both to get back on track from the last couple of weeks of work-related dinners and to prepare for the 10 day gym closure between Dec 21 and Jan 2. Arggh, 10 days!

    Be strong,
  • Quote: I am scared of Mel's workout too

    I do like my kettlebells a lot and thanks Mel for the links. I think I do need to get a wrist guard or something though.
    I'm assuming this is from when you are doing snatches or just cleans. I killed my wrists at first too. That's one of the problems when you are learning on your own and don't have a trainer/coach to teach you. I really wished I had someone around but none of the gyms in my area even have kettlebells, I had to get my own.

    This video really helped me:

    Once I learned how to "punch" and reduced the impact, my wrists thanked me.
  • Has anyone seen RobertW around? He used to post occasionally & he was doing so fabulously, but I haven't seen him around in awhile.
  • Great video, depalma! I learned most of my kettle bell exercises from youtube also, but I haven't looked in quite a while. I'm going to add that to the sticky.

    I hurt my forearms doing a weird exercise that isn't even a dynamic lift. You hold one bell by the handle and let the bell rest on the back of your forearm. Stand with feet apart. Raise the kettle bell arms straight up and LOOK at it through the entire exercise. Slide your other arm straight down and touch the floor. (This is really hard to explain without a video.) Come back up slowly. Repeat a few times on each side. Just the weight of the bell resting on my arms bruised it badly.

    Kim- get in you car before you get snowed in and drive about 300 miles southeast! I'd love a strong workout partner!

  • Mel,

    Isn't that called a windmill?


    Thanks for the link. I figured in the first few minutes that I needed to control the fall of the kettlebell so I was kind of doing what the video explains but it still has the kettlebell hit my wrist even though it is controlled.

    I was actually reading an article about kettlebells in that it said it hardens the body by having the kettlebell hitting you to toughen you up. Yeah great Although all videos I've seen with girls doing kettlebells have them with a wrist guard.