lost it again

  • OK I have lost it again. Two days in a row! I want to cry, but i just can't. It kills me to do this and i know that i probably need to get back on my medicine. I don't know if this bingeing is due to me not smoking or if it just because it is there. The whole i'm doing it I tell myself to stop, but i don't. I should not be left alone in a house with food. This only happens at my house. It used to be that i had trigger foods, but now its anything. Especially high carb/sugary things. Please, please please help me!
  • It's going to be okay.
    There are no rules to carry out the perfect diet or the perfect life. Every day brings new challenges and new results. Maybe it would help to start each day by making a list of what difficulties you're going to face that day (a rude co-worker, free donuts at a meeting, fast food with family, etc...) and some plans of attack! Wishing you the best of luck.