Christian Encouragers #129

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  • We're a bunch of people who are here for each other to encourage each other and pray for each other. Please join us!!
  • It looks like we lost our thread during the maintenance so I thought I would start a new one.

    How's everyone doing? I'm getting control over my WOE and water but still struggling with the exercise.

    This morning I took a tumble down a couple of stairs and I know I strained something in my right leg. It hurts from my toes to my knee. Hopefully this won't last long!!

    Talk to you again soon!!
  • memory check......
    Hello all!

    Probably don't even remember me!!! Well, just to update you... I"ve gained a bunch of weight since I was here last.... but... I am due to give birth in about 26 days..... so....

    I plan on coming back in here regularly very soon.......!!!!!!

  • I didn't forget you Patricia! I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Really glad to see you back. Best wishes with the baby.

    Keep us posted.
  • New here
    I am so glad to see some christian support. I have PCOS and have been large all my life but took a sudden weight gain in 2000 and found out I had PCOS. This is wonderful. It is great to have a place to come to!!! God bless! I am 33- cant have children and married for 3 yrs (in Feb). Hubbie has been wonderful in supporting me through this last year. I got very lucky in the hubbie dept!
    I will definately be back!
  • Good afternoon!!!!
    Duhhhhhhh, I just left a post on the old thread. (not too bright eh?) But some of the posts were lost from yesterday, I remember leaving a medium length response to Joanne, who has not been here for a few days.
    All is well here, my eating was off to a shaky start this am, but I hope to finish up strong.

    Hey Patricia!!! Of course I remember you!!!!! Glad to see you here again. I "came back" here in December (I think). We are happy to hear from you anytime.

    Welcome Dodielynn!!!!!!! I hope that you will find these ladies as encouraging and friendly as I have. I have been blessed by them so.

    Wilma! - Are you ok????? Hope that there are only minor problems from your fall. Keep the leg elevated and I guess iced for a day. I will keep you in prayer. Any news on Ds's friend?

    Gotta go. Maybe I will get back on later.
    Have a great evening.
  • T.G.I.F
    I live for the weekends!

    Hi girls!

    Hello Patricia, nice to see you back.
    Baby due soon, how exciting, we shall pray all goes well.
    I love kids, main reason why I babysit the little darlings every day 7:15 a.m - 5:15 p.m. Our Lord gave me 2 beautiful kids,
    Dd through adoption ( she 2mos. when we got her) and then Ds (God's surprise after 14yrs. with Dd). Dd married, making me grandmother to 2, and Ds now 15 yrs. old, making me mom of a teen!!!! Babysitting, keeps me surrounded by toddlers.

    Welcome newcomers! The Christian woman are here for everyone!
    Interesting, so is God! To those who come looking!
    May we encourage you to come to HIM.

    I'm eating!
    I need a good swift kick!
    Tomorrow is a new day right?

    Wilma, everything ok out West?

    Janie come on back!

    Talk soon girls, off to watch Canadian Figure Skating Championships. Looking forward to the Olympics.
    Watch out U.S, our Canadian's are coming!

    God Bless,
    Sister Joanne ( Proud Christian/Canadian)

  • Hello again
    Hey loosing4good- where did you get that beautiful art you have beside your name??? and Thanks for the welcome all!!!!!!!! Hugs to ya!!
  • Good Morning! Here I am coffee in hand and about to start a new day. I pray that I behave with my WOE today. I had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. We'll see how long it lasts.

    My feet are both quite sore but I can move around for short periods of time. I'm so glad nothing is broken. For a minute I thought I had broken a toe - it hurt so bad.

    I plan to do things in spurts today. Cleaning jobs, baking, etc.
    DH is doing laundry for me today. Isn't he great??

    Haven't heard anything from DS friend yet. We're still praying that it's not serious. I guess he finds out on Monday.

    Dodielynn: Welcome!! This is such a great place for support. Hope you find the same encouragement here that I have.

    Well. I better get some work done. I'll come back later when I need a rest.

    Love to you all!
  • Hi!
    Wilma, Praise the Lord that nothing is broken! I was concerned - that fall did not sound good. I hope that you stayed op today and got all your cleaning done (now, want to come to New York and help me with mine??)

    Joanne- pray, pray, pray!!!!! Start the day out, give it over to the Lord. I mean the first thing you do, is give that day over to him!
    And do the same, the last thing that you do. Make sure that nothing passes thru your lips (other than a glass of water) before your am prayer and after your pm prayer. See if that helps, and I will pray for you too!

    Dodielynn- how are you doing? I think that those pictures are found by going into your profile page.......but I forget from there. You can choose from the ones offered by the site, or, I think download one yourself. But I am sure that Patricia will know the answer to that. (I love Wilma's picture)

    As for me, today was pretty good, as far as staying "OP". I ate well, and got a walk in. I hope that the scale budges downward this week.

    Gotta go do some research for Dh. Have a blessed Lord's day!

    178 (once 183 )/159/135 or so........
  • Just a quick note to ask you again to pray for DS's friend. He has been diagnosed with lymphoma. We don't know any more details than this so far. The family is in shock and very upset naturally. Please pray!!
  • Hello, me again.....
    Hello fellow Christians ~ I don't know if you remember me...(you have to, I keep coming and going and coming and going...ha!) but I'm here again, back needing y'all for support, understanding and friendship. I don't know why I tend to disappear sometimes (and for months!!) but I if you'll have me back, I wanna be here!!!

    Since I've been gone, nothing much has happened other than I am once again, 'starting over' with my weight loss. I'm doing WW points but not going to meetings, just on my own. I am half way through my second week and lost 7.5 lbs after 1 week. I weigh on Wednesday mornings so I will know in a few days what this 2nd week has done.

    I also had/have been so busy with work. As some of you who remember me, I am ALWAYS busy with work. But I want to try to slow down some.....take time for my 3FC friends each evening, no matter what.....I've miss ya's....I feel good just to have taken this step to post. I pray you are all doing well and I apologize for not addressing anyone personally but I am only now going to go back and read things I've missed.

    In Christ's Love,
    Zoe <>< ~ Soaking up the "SON" in Texas
  • Good Evening Everyone
    The week started well, but fell off at the end. I was doing good with my lean cuisine, and water, but had a family celebration Saturday and all went bad. Does anyone have any ideas on how to say no to food when attending a big dinner? But I am going to get up tomorrow and try to do better.
    I would like to ask all of you to pray for a very special little girl in our church named Shannon. Shannon is 11 years old and had open heart surgery last Tuesday.Shannon has developed several problems, and has been placed on the critical list. I am asking everyone that I see, or know to please pray for her. Shannon is very dear to our heart. My prayers have been with D's friend, and I have asked my church to remember him in our prayers. I believe God has the healing power.

    Thank you all
  • Hi,
    Just a quick check in this evening. Wilma, can we have the first name of Ds's friend? It is so sad to hear that he is so sick, and having his name will help the prayers.
    Zoe (aka Patti, right) Of course I remember you!!!!!! Welcome back (hey, they let me back in too! ). I always enjoyed reading your upbeat posts.
    Meetoo- I will remember Shannon in prayer also. Later on I will check in and offer the limited advice I have on getting around family get togethers. Start again fresh tomorrow! The steadfast love of the Lord is new every morning!!!!
    Gotta go-
    Love and prayers
  • Hi all ! Just a quick drop in this time.

    Zoe: Glad to have you back!! I wondered where you had gone off to. We need you here as much as you need us.

    DS's friend's name is Shawn. He's a really neat guy and that makes his having cancer even harder to take. My DS had quite a hard time of it in church this am. It hit him that his friend is very sick. Thanks for the prayers going up for him and his family. They are very upset but know that they must move forward.

    I'm sending up prayers for Shannon!!

    Talk to you soon!