South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 03-19-2005, 04:27 AM   #1  
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Default Weekend at the Beach

I am still up and waiting to be able to verify my testing. My patch got cancelled at the last minute but I still have testing to do. Luckily someone thought to call me and let me know. We should have been done by now but this has dragged on. I'll be getting up for the garage sale at 6 (if I get to bed at all at this rate). My car is loaded up with stuff and ready to go.

There is no rain predicted for the daytime so hopefully it will be nice.
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Old 03-19-2005, 05:09 AM   #2  
Come on Spring!
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Oh my! Barb and I could have worked together last night. I hope your patch worked and tested clean. I woke at three and could not get back to sleep! So silly! I have a lot going on in my head these days and sometimes forget to take the brain out at bedtime.

The decorations are finally off the Village gazebos! Now I need to get them stashed away in the barn until early November. Taking them down was a bit chilly as there is still a lot of snow around them and I forgot to wear my high boots. The woodstove and a ginger tea were really welcome when I got home.

I made a big crockpot of ham and pea soup and took to over to the Baptist manse. (I'm Anglican but in small towns we all look after each other.) Of course, they have too much food already but their summer kitchen is just like a big walk in fridge. Kay Dean had already taken over her butter tarts! She is 90 and a really zippy lady! There are about nine grandchildren who are at loose ends so Liz and I are going to open the Library this afternoon and do stories and crafts with them. They all are sad about their grandmother but do need to have some fun and release of all that energy. A trip to a sugar bush is planned for Monday morning for them which will wear off some steam before the afternoon funeral.

This morning I am going to dash down to Brockville to get some backing for a baby quilt. I may end up just buying a baby gift for the shower on the 28th as life's just a tad busy these days. Don't even think about asking me if I'm on program!

Peck in and let us know what's happening chez-toi.
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Old 03-19-2005, 06:33 AM   #3  
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Thanks, Ruth, patching was successful but unfortunately we just finished and I have to be up in a half hour. I'm not going to even try to rest. I think I'll go take a shower and fix some breakfast. But I will HAVE to get to bed early tonight. I'm getting too old to miss a whole night's sleep.
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Old 03-19-2005, 08:23 AM   #4  
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Oh, Barb... you must be exhausted, hon! I hope the day goes well for you, and that you get a good sleep tonight.

Ruth... I hope the funeral goes "well". I know they can be good outlets for some people. We're not "funeral types" in our family, and when I started going with DH to some of his family's funerals (he has a huge family), I was fascinated to see that, despite the sadness, there was a lot of laughter. It seems very healthy.
Please don't get me any maple syrup.
Your town reminds me of Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegone. It sounds lovely. (I'll be out next month... promise...)

I've got a peace rally to go to on the Hill today.
Other than that, I'll just be diddling around in the pantry and kitchen. The kitchen is really shaping up. And I'm getting the pantry back together, too. I've got two garbage bags full of stuff for the Sally Ann, and the pantry table is clear once more... the kids will be able to have their breakfast in there again, and have space for doing their homework.

Coffee is ready...
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Old 03-19-2005, 08:43 AM   #5  
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Good morning Barb, Ruth, and Ellis!

Barb I don't know the last time I missed a full night's sleep. I seem to think I am totally deprived if I don't get in 6-7. Better start gearing up for sleep deprivation again soon!

Ruth That is sweet of you to help take care of all of those kiddos and give them something fun and creative today.

Ellis You must be so excited to be nearing the end of you kitchen project. Our house is in slight disarray b/c DH is finishing up the painting of our office/playroom. It looks really pretty- a golden wheat color.

Me- Today is all about DD- soccer pictures, game, and then a birthday party. My friend is the queen of parties- her daughter is having a Safari Party, complete with animals and ME- toting kids for safari rides in my DH's jeep. It should be great fun, but I am also thinking "What did I get myself into??"

Have a super day all!
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Old 03-19-2005, 08:48 AM   #6  
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Good morning ladies... here's to an enjoyable weekend Good luck to all on your weekend adventures!
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Old 03-19-2005, 10:47 AM   #7  
A Lily from my yard!
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Good morning lil chickadees! I am goin to see about gettin rid of my van. I am in it way to much to keep puttin up with the discomfort it causes my knee when I drive it. DH is not happy about it and thinks we should keep the van but....I don't! It is good for travel but only if I can use cruise control. I know the kids will miss the DVD player but oh well! I probably won't even get rid of it but I am gonna look. I think I want to buy a used car so I can hopefully have no payment. I have never owned a used car before.

Barb...Hope the yard sale goes well and you get some good sleep tonight!

Ruth...Enjoy the lil ones!

Ellis...DH was finishing up the painting of trim and such in the kitchen this morning. I'll try to figure out how to post a pic soon.

Kiko...Sounds fun! You go lil jeep drivin Momma! I remember when DD played at that age...soooo cute!

grraccoon... Hope you have a great weekend!

Well I better get goin. I need to shower and clean my van out! Even if I don't buy I love looking! I will recruit DS to vacuum it out for me.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 03-19-2005, 12:12 PM   #8  
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Hi chicks!

Slept in this morning and it felt good. DS is with his dad this weekend so I can catch up on some sleep. I was naughty last night. I had nachos for dinner and a piece of key lime pie for dessert and some wino. Oh well back on the beach today.

Bami - YEAH! Go Team! Congrats on the win! That should boost some spirits. Hope you find a car that works. Check into the 11,000 mile, 1 year old lease turn ins. You can get a really good deal on those.

Ruth - Sounds like a busy weekend. Take it easy.

Ellis - Good luck at your rally today.

Barb - Not sure how you can do that. I would be a monster by now. Good luck with the sale. I have to have one this year too! But I have to wait for the snow to leave.

grracoon & kiko - HI
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Old 03-19-2005, 12:22 PM   #9  
gotta lose it!
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Good Morning/afternoon! I'm just getting up, on the first cup of coffee. My visit with my mother was cancelled. My father wanted to spend some time with my mother. They are celebrating Valentine's Day today. Mom was knocked out for over a month. So my sister was filling out paper work & asked what the date was. The nurse said the 14 & of course my mother thought it was Feb. 14 & not March 14. And she was really upset with dad for not bringing her anything or wishing her a Happy Valentine's Day. They were suppose to celebrate yesterday, but relatives from PA came to visit, so dad asked me to cancell my trip. I was a little upset, hence me getting up late...I was in bed pouting .I know, my parents need their time too..besides I can go next weekend for Easter....maybe I'll make her something special for Easter?

Ruth - You are a busy woman, almost super-woman like. Your town/neighborhood sounds delightful & so inviting. They are lucky to have you as a neighbor!!!

Ellis - How's the knee? Some people should not be parents!!

Bamie - congrats on the win!!!

Laurie - I do hope you feel better soon!!

Barb - Oh my goodness - no sleep, you're super-woman like too!! Go get some zzzz's!

Everyone else have a great weekend....I'll be around.
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Old 03-19-2005, 01:17 PM   #10  
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I'm in the ER today so this will be short and splenda...................

Been a bit discouraged with the weight loss on the scale. It just isn't moving. I swear if I ever get down to my pre-binge weight I'm gonna shout hooray! It's been a long couple of months of dinking around in the 150's. I'm doing well with the eating and exercising I just hope one of these days the scales will notice!

Ruth, I agree you live at Lake Wobegone! You are far too busy!

soon2b, plan on a great Easter trip! Enjoy the sleepi-in!

Anchor, oohh, a nice quiet week-end, sounds fun! Nachos and keylime, yummy, just as long as you don't become a closet eater.

Bamie, I agree about the car. It would be nice to never have a car payment.

Kiko, where do you live that you can have soccer.....not in the snow. We're "enjoying" flurries today! Yuk.

Ellis, a peace rally? Really! I always thought you were a bit of a radical!

Barb, good luck with the yard sale! I love summer stuff like that.

Well, ladies, have a great weekend and behave.....or at least have fun~
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Old 03-19-2005, 02:27 PM   #11  
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Hi Chicks!

It's been a few days for me since I last checked in because I've been REALLY busy! I have been trying to read and catch up on what everyone's been doing.

I got a happy surprise this morning. My normal WI is on Monday but I thought I'd weigh in today because I just don't know what's going to happen food-wise this weekend. I'm happy to report that the scale has BUDGED!!! I hit 149 today!!!! I've been on the frassing 152 plateau for a good almost 6 weeks! I also lost another 1/4" off my waist. I went back to P1 and now I'm finally seeing some scale movement! It may be all that exercise I've been doing and I plan on adding in even more within the next 2 weeks. I'm really on a mission to get somewhat bathingsuit ready before my Laughlin trip. I think I'll continue my Tae Bo in the AM's and weighs and maybe more cardio in the PM's.

I just got done getting my hair done. I haven't been in since the beginning of December so I really needed some color. I'm back to a lot more blonde! I've got my sister's baby shower today. I heard there was just going to be trays of veggies, fruit, and meat there so I just may be able to stay OP. Not sure about the cake though....I don't think that's OP.

Tomorrow I'm going out to Shambala to visit the big cats. I'll be packing a picnic lunch so I will have control over what I eat. I should be able to stay OP for the most part this weekend!

I've got to get going to my sister's shower. I hope you all have a wonderful OP weekend!!!
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Old 03-19-2005, 03:54 PM   #12  
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KISSJOY - That's wonderful!!!! I'm glad the scale has moved for you!! I've been trying to keep up with you in the excercise, but you're kicking some tail this month! I'm glad it has paid off for you!!!
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Old 03-19-2005, 04:54 PM   #13  
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Originally Posted by RNMOM
Ellis, a peace rally? Really! I always thought you were a bit of a radical!
How kind. Baby you don't KNOW!
My dogs are KILLIN' me! My friend and I walked to the rally, and I just got back, so I've been walking for four hours. I'm pretty sure the two scones I just devoured have made no difference to my weight today. That's the most exercise I've done in a couple of months.
RNMom, spring is coming, and the weight will start coming off again, hon. It's spring, and your body is going to start burning more just because it FEELS good!

Kiko, the colour of your office/playroom sounds lovely! I'll bet you're pleased with it!
Give me a couple more weeks, and I'll have pictures for you.

Bamie, if that van hurts your knee, then get rid of it! It's not worth it... life is too short.
I think about you and your heartburn every day... I hope you're doing alright, hon.

Anchor, DH keeps telling me we'll have a garage sale, but I'm so sick of stuff lying around that I quickly ship it off to the Sally Ann. We are such packrats.

grraccoon, happy weekend to you, too!

Soon2bfab, I'm sorry about your visit to your Mom. That must have been so disappointing for you. But what a sweet Dad you have to cater to your Mom like that.

Kissy, congratulation on hitting the 140's!!

The peace rally was very good, but I won't talk about it, because that would be political, and we don't do political here. But it was good.
I wonder how many calories I burned... I wonder if I could have another scone...
If you're ever in Ottawa, I HIGHLY recommend a little place called Scone Witch. Their ginger/current and their cranberry/orange scones are to die for. And so is their jam. hmmmmm... another politically incorrect topic... carbs. Sorry about that, girls.
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Old 03-19-2005, 05:43 PM   #14  
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Hi Chicks

Sorry I'm posting so late as I was up to my head in yeast. Was trying to make a WW pizza crust that didn't roll out after letting it rest. The crust was crumblely. Don't get along with YEAST its HATES me. In the future I going to buy a ready made pizza crust.

Tomorrow is church with the choir and than to brunch . Going to get my long waited photos of my grandchildren in there albums. Along with marking the events.

Have a nice weekend Hugs BB
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Old 03-19-2005, 06:24 PM   #15  
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anchor- I'm glad I am not the only one that had an off night... I am guilty of eating ice cream and a couple of cookies , but I promised myself not to feel guilty and get back on track today. Sounds like everybody has a pretty packed weekend,,, I'm taking this weekend to relax before I start my master's program next week Happy beaching!
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